New Item Ideas

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This is where you can add new ideas for items for adventurers to gather.

All items should be one of the following:

  • gems
  • animal parts
  • rare materials
  • misc. items

We are not talking magic items here. Yes, you have no idea what this is for right now. Sorry 'bout that, if it bothers you that you'll likely waste lots of ideas simply because they don't fit in, then - just don't waste that time.

And before you get too excited - most of the stuff currently on this list doesn't fit at all and isn't what these items are about. But I don't want to tell too much.

Stuff that I've removed was removed either because it didn't fit or because it was added to the game. No, I won't say which one in each case. Sorry. --Tom 09:47, 16 December 2006 (CET)


(all added or rejected - thank you, I think we have enough for the moment)

Animal Parts

(all added or rejected - thank you so far, a couple fresh ideas would be nice)

  • Earthworms, Mashed and flat and dry, on the side of the road. There was a big rain and many earthworms came out of the soil to avoid the underground flood, only to be crushed down by passing people, then dried by the sun hanging up the once again clear sky.

Eye of dragon.

Gall of a beast.

Blood of a beast.


(all added or rejected - thank you so far, some more ideas woudl be welcome)

Miscellaneous Items

(all added or rejected - thank you so far, a couple fresh ideas would be nice)

Objects of Art

  • Carving
  • Snuff Box


  • Glove - Leather, woolen
  • Scarf - Woolen
  • Belt
  • Hat - Cap, stocking
  • Robe - Common, Embroidered
  • Shoes - Riding boots, soft boots, sandals


  • Monacle
  • Cane


  • Magnifying glass <-----This should increase your chances of finding rarer items, or improve the value of your items
  • Telescope <------allows more accurate scout reports-Better estimations of CS. Increases chances of finding undead/monster lairs or decreases time to find them.
  • Lamp - Candle holder, Beacon lantern, bullseye lantern, hooded lantern
  • Packs <-----Increase the amount of items you can have
  • Belt pouch - Small, large
  • Basket - Small, large
  • Sack - Small, large
  • Crampons - used to climb walls or trees
  • Map or scroll case <---decreases travel time due to indicated shortcut--maybe specific to certain regions?
  • Mirror
  • Tent - Pup, small, large, pavilion <----allows more fatigue to be reduced/hour (may or may not be cumulative with other fatigue-reducing items...probably not cumulative, blankets would probably be assumed included with tents, though greater bonus then simple blankets allowed)
  • Blanket - light, winter, quilt <----allows more fatigue to be reduced/hour
  • Writing Material - Paper, papyrus, parchment, ink, quill, chalk <----used to note down scout reports?
  • Lock Pick(for chests and what not) <---maybe increase chances of finding monsters/undead when questing? (can get through locked doors) or have locked chests around =>Do monsters/undead hide behind locked doors? Rather increase the chance to find valuable things, as you can unlock chests that hide such things (steal).
  • Rope - easier to get into deeper dungeons

=> Increased chance to find equipment in a region with a smith?

* Religious symbols
* Symbols of secret orders which grant access to people with the symbols.
* Polished stones.
* Gunpowder
* Compass
* Star charts