Hörgr of Makar

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The Hörgr of Makar


  • We live the life of a true viking and preach to the masses the life of a viking warrior and how it pleases the gods.
  • We instruct that true pleasures are with the gods in the after-life.
  • We strive to be heros and champions of battle.
  • We teach drinking the mead of the gods and punishing of the heretics!
  • We adhere to sacrificing the bodies of the heretic’s horses and to feast on their meat!
  • We are instructed to steal the gold of the heretics, to pillage their fields and to roost with their women.
  • We shall go forth and build temples to the gods and name them Hörgr of Makar, for this will please the gods and find us favor in their eyes.
  • Following the Hörgr of Makar will find you favor and building a temple will find you more favor.
  • Such is the will of the gods!


"We strive to expand our way of life at all costs."

  • The Hörgr of Makar strive, above all else, to force the viking way of life on all others, showing them the truth of the Hörgr of Makar.
  • To construct shrines and temples to the Hörgr of Makar across Atamara and the world.
  • To build our temples to sizes that show just how magnificent the gods are.


  • The Main Temple of Hörgr of Makar may be found in Wispen, Barony of Makar. The first temple, established by Salem, Almáttigr Hofgodi of Hörgr of Makar.
  • The Temple in Sale, Barony of Makar, was built by Sordnaz, Dictator of Barony of Makar, Duke of Sale.
  • The Temple in Freezefist was built by Epsilon, Banker of Barony of Makar, Baron of Freezefist.


(In descending order of authority)

  • Almáttigr Hofgodi - The Almighty Temple Priest
    • Founder of the Hörgr of Makar
      • Salem O'claude_Ve
  • Efstr Hofgodi - The High Temple Priests
    • High Priests of realms other than Barony of Makar (Excluding the High Priest of Barony of Makar)
      • Harod Antiphone
  • Hofgodi - The Temple Priests
    • All other priests of the Hörgr of Makar
  • Hofseggia - The Temple Warriors
    • All non-priest followers of the Hörgr of Makar
  • Hofthraul - The Temple Servants
    • For all who aspire to join the Hörgr of Makar
  • Hofdaudir - The Temple Dead
    • Those who are, or are to be, exiled from the Hörgr of Makar. The hunted of the Hörgr.
      • None to date.


This history of the Hörgr of Makar goes as far back in time as the vikings themselves, however records are not available for anything but the relatively recent past.

The origins of the Hörgr began around the time of the Eston - Barony of Makar war. In this war the Barony and their brotherland Norland, who was their enemy for many years, fought against the nobles of Eston. The battles, while glorious, brought sadness to some of the vikings, who felt they were killing their own brothers. At the resolution of this war, Ender O'Neil, Duke of Makar, established a guild called The Warriors of Valhalla. This guild consisted of nobles who have dedicated themselves to the viking way. Battle, loot, and mead, that was the way of the guild.

After some time the powers of this world provided landed nobles with something new, a way to spread their ways to even the peasants. Hang the Slayer, current Executor of Barony of Makar and Count of Tellwood, contacted the elders of the guild with a new idea. The idea to take the beliefs of the guild to others, expanding the lands that could claim to be vikings. There was much debating amongst the members of the guild about whether such a thing was possible, but in the end Salem stepped forward and volunteered to lead the new religion. And so the viking ways of mead, loot, pillaging, and battle are spread to this day.

See also: The Warriors of Valhalla

Holy Documents

Under Construction

Page Under Construction

Hörgr of Makar
Continent / Island Atamara
High Clergy
  • Almáttigr Hofgodi
  • Efstr Hofgodar
  • Salem
  • Harod
Temples 7 (1/1/1/2/4/1/3) temples
Priests 4 priests
Congregation 21 nobles