Taselak (SEI)/Tribune

From BattleMaster Wiki
http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/TaselakIcon_large.gif News from Glorious Taselak!
Price: Free for Taselakians, 5 coppers for everyone else Editors: Dennis, Jet, Valens and anyone else from Taselak! Just add your name here! Issue Number: 2
Troops pile up along our borders, but we stand firm in the face of such might

Previous Issues of the Taselak Tribune:

Taselak Tribune 1st Edition

Toren and Ikalak treaty breaking down?
A TO was recently started in Eraus by Ikalak, a region promised to Toren in the treaty between those two nations. A breach of the treaty by Ikalak has long been expected by the Taselakians, and this move perhaps will emlighten Toren to the fact that we've known for so long.

Ikalak are using them.

The good news is that the powers that be in Toren by just be coming around to our point of view. In the high circles of Taselak, rumours are rife of a possible ceasefire between Toren and Taselak. If this should happen, it would bring about what we have hoped for for so long. An alliance between the underdogs against the big bad baddy, Ikalak.

Written by: Dennis on the 4th of December

Toren complete two TOs!
Amazingly Toren have been able to complete two simultaneous TOs. How did they manage this feat do you ask? Why Ikalak let them of course! How else would Toren be able to do it? They had Ikalak run interference to Taselak while they completed the TOs. As soon as the TOs were finished though, you couldn't see Ikalak for the dust as they ran home.

Written by: Mischa on 25th November

Toren and Ikalak treaty a lemon?
I'm not too sure what the treaty between Toren and Ikalak was meant to do, but it seems like it's like this:

Toren, help us take regions from Taselak. We'll give you nothing.

Once Ikalak have all they want, and decide to finally come out from behind their second city, the regions most hard fought for by Taselak and Toren will have such low morale and production, they will be a wasteland. This will give Ikalak an easy victory over Toren.

Written by: Mischa

Editor back, and with a vengeance!
After taking a short breather, Dennis Mithrandir, editor of the island's most popular newspaper, is back, and ready to soothe the populace's need for readable news!

Just as soon as he catches up with everything that's happened.

Written by: Dennis on 24th November


Editor on Vacation
Dennis, the main editor of the paper will be on leave from Thursday to Friday next week. Let's hope others can pitch in and keep the newspaper running!