Hartwood Family

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House Hartwood is a small noble house in the county of Melias in the kingdom of Eston. The Hartwoods have been isolated and reclusive for many years; content to hunt and manage their manor and tenants without involving themselves in the larger concerns of the realm.

Lately, with the coming of age of Rhisiart, the family has decided to become more involved in the affairs of Eston.

Rhisiart also has a bastard half-brother Eoin, who being elder, was exiled from the family manor when he came of age. He took a small band of men and sailed east to seek his fortune.

The House Hartwood arms are a white tree on a red field.

The Cult of Bael

Most of the Hartwoods are members of the Cult of Bael, a mystery cult dedicated to Bael the Huntsman. Bael is a god of the hunt and the wilderness as a place of violence and danger. Bael can be depicted as a wolf, falcon, horse, hunter, or even a combination of human hunter and one of his animal aspects. Priests of Bael teach that violence is a tool for survival rather than something to be abhorred or glorified. Initiates of the cult call themselves Falcons and male members grow their hair into a distinctive style called "the hunter's tail". Not much else is known about the cult by outsiders.