Dolohov Family

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The Dolohov family as it is today results from the actions of the Talerium Hero, Ivan Dolohov, and (to a lesser extent) his brother Vasily, an explorer and merchant. Originally a merchant house out of Mattlu, Ivan built a manor house in the desert stronghold of Chocxal, and gathered the extended family there. He kept a close eye on the cousins, and selected young Alexei for the family's representative in the South-East. Alexei made good on that assignment, and eventually became Dictator of Sandalak. Rasputin was chosen to go to Beluaterra, but (in a scandal the family has still not forgotten) he went instead to South-West Island, perhaps hoping to fight and kill Alexei. Only later, after Ivan's death, did he repent and take on this mission.

Ivan's death left the family in the hands of Kepler Dolohov, one of the youngest of the clan, but perhaps the wisest and most able. Although Alexei and Rasputin initially resented him, they have at last acknowledged him as Ivan's heir, and thus the patriarch of the family. Kepler has full control of the family treasury, of which he is a careful steward.


Alexei sailed to the South-East Island, and started his career as a quiet police officer in Sandalak. He became known as a lawman and a skilled bureaucrat and entered politics as Sandalak's banker. When the Bank of Sandalak was destroyed by divine decree, Alexei stayed near the reins of power, being elevated to the Dictatorship by popular assent. There he ruled carefully and wisely through his Council, until losing power after being captured by Ikalak. Brutalized and left frail by the assault on his person, he left governance to others, content to command the Knights of Triewa.

During the Interregnum, as the Dolohov family calls it, Sandalak went astray -- it made peace with Ikalak and attacked Taselak. Under the reign of Ilsgerd the Reformer, he was selected for a special mission -- Cross the central mountains and conquer the Toren Stronghold. This he did, and in gratitude, he was named Duke of the Toren Stronghold. When Toren Stronghold fell to Ikalaki treachery, he was made Duke of Sandalak.

Upon the capture of Argus the Great, Alexei seized the throne, and made war upon Ikalak once more. He pledged truce with Taselak in order to destroy Ikalak.

Unfortunately, Kietrem seems to disagree with Alexei -- every time he fights there, he's captured. This happened again most recently.


Rasputin's financial and planning abilities were prized by the family more than his abilities in battle, and so they planned to send him to Beluaterra. Infuriated by this perceived slight, Rasputin took the gold and went instead to the other South Island, looking to prove himself in battle. Rebelling against his more successful cousin, he joined Ikalak there, and spent his time plotting the downfall of the south. As a member of the elite Religious Order, Rasputin gained notoreity among the peasantry of Sandalak, who take to arms when they see his banner. His reputation as the Butcher of Dwamon made him stop and think. When his cousin Ivan died, Rasputin repented his earlier disobedience, and jumped at the opportunity to represent his family's interests in Beluaterra.

In Beluaterra, he quickly made a name for himself in Riombara, and rose to prominence as the Marquis of Rueffilo, a rich townsland region in the south. He came to love the slow pace of life, and when the undead rose, he devoted himself to defending what he had against them. He trained and commanded a unit of archers through many battle, honing them into a fighting force even finer than any he had commanded on the South West Island. When it was destroyed in Ajitmon, Rasputin went without bodyguards to organize repairs and personally command his region even while monsters roamed its streets. He helped finance the construction of the first Guild in Beluaterra, Sungard.

Rasputin's labors were recognized by his kinsmen, and he was elected Grand Justiciar -- the highest Judge in the land. In that capacity, he has worked tirelessly to keep the peace in his ravaged country. However, long days holding court and tending regions occupied by undead hordes, far away from the safety of the Riombaran Army, has made him a little weird.

As Warder of the Candles in Sungard, Rasputin is responsible for the Candlebearers, the Aspirants of this growing and respected guild.


Kepler was Vasily's son by a Gypsy mother. He came to Chocxal as a boy, and his fire and spirit so impressed the Dolohov family that they recognised him as one of them. He served as Ivan's squire until the hero's death in Abington.

After a period of mourning, he rounded up some of his Gypsy cousins and joined the Knights of Mapaxal as a unit of cavalry. He had learned well from Ivan the lessons of chivalry, and from his cousins Alexei and Rasputin the lessons of war and governance. He was admitted to the Talerium council at a young age, served as Lieutenant of the Talerium Army, and eventually was made Duke of Chocxal and Marshal of its mighty Army.

As Duke, he matured considerably. He still is keen for battle, but his desires are tempered by a newfound respect for patience and diplomacy. Even so, his anger for Darka, the traitors to the north, knows no bounds. During the war on Darka, a government shift opened up the position of General, which Kepler accepted, even though it meant losing his position as Duke. The Talerium command tent now flies the (mended) banner Ivan carried at Matakonis. The Dolohov family is not at all happy about this turn of events -- they had hoped to continue using Kepler's position for economic gain (as well as his influence over zoning laws to their own advantage in feuds with the neighbors)

As Minister of Defense of Talerium, Kepler's sole concern has been the defeat of Darka. It drives his plans and his actions. He is right at home in the deserts of Talerium, and the realm's famed war camels proved crucial to victory at the Battle of Quetli, where thousands of men died. In preparation for this battle, Talerium armed itself well, and for a single day was the strongest realm on Atamara.

Rumors surrounding Keplerstan and Keplermas are greatly exaggerated.


House Dolohov also remembers its fallen patriarch:

Ivan founded the modern Dolohov Family. It had previously been a petty noble family, chiefly merchants and soldiers, but Ivan saw great potential there, given only an opportunity and a role model. Ivan emerged as a hero early in his career, and earned great respect through devoted service to his desert realm, Talerium, his liege, Duke Kossoff of Mapaxal, and his ruler, Ciro Iskander. The family manor in Chocxal is where Alexei, Rasputin, and Kepler grew up at Ivan's knee, though only Kepler stayed on to serve as Ivan's squire. Ivan learned much about the art of warfare in the seiges of Foda, Skalk, and Sullenport. He saw the deaths of realms, the crumbling of alliances, and the rise of Talerium. He died a hero's death at the Battle of Matakonis, alongside Steel, another of Talerium's heroes. Ivan fought Abington for all his days, including at the mighty battle of Aja, and he died gloriously on the fields of Matakonis, far to the south, so that it took some days for the terrible news to reach the rest of his family in Chocxal.


Lastly, the Dolohov family has skeletons in its closet:


Vasily himself is world-famous in some circles, even more so than his younger brother Ivan. He never fought or aligned himself with a realm, and so appears nowhere in the history books. Instead, he went from public house to public house, island to island, trading mysterious valuables and sacred relics (some would say fakes) and (infamously) sowing his wild oats.


Tudor is the unrecognised illegitimate son of Vasily with a Norland woman. Where his half-brother Kepler was vibrant, strong, and forthright, Tudor was shy, intelligent, and crafty. He deeply resented his brother's status, and when Kepler helped plan an attack against Norland, Tudor stole 100 gold from a family cousin and hired a unit of Norland mixed infantry in the hopes of meeting Kepler in combat -- and killing him.

He never got the opportunity. He faced his brother's army in battle only once, but was wounded by a stray arrow. After the battle, when Talerium's army retreated, he found himself disreputed, in debt, and his injury had left him walking with a limp. He had no choice but to return underground, to seek out a new opportunity to exact his revenge.