Maggiori Family/Maddelena

From BattleMaster Wiki

Maddelena Maggiori is the youngest of the three daughters and the most impetuous. She is gregarious to the point of being loud and enjoys above all else partying. She is so completely unlike either of her elder sisters, owing to there being a significant age difference between them and the fact that her father spoiled her rotten in his older years.

Maddelena has worshiped the Dutchess Kestrelle for as long as she can remember. She read stories about her and wanted so much to be like her. Now that the Dutchess and she are developing a friendship, Maddelena is literally over the moon! She is on such a high and so excited about everything she does and sees. She just wants to have fun.

Non-playing characters

Lady-in-waiting: Maria (pregnant by Sirus and at home in Sasat) Captain of the Guards: Sasat Steward: Giradus Dog: Rippa Messenger: Thomas

Key Events

  • Madellena had ordered three barrels of Sir Lynx's brew which she and her men had consumed upon arrival in.... rendering them all unconscious for a few days. She does not remember what happened during that time.