ThunderSpear Family/Gale/Log 1

From BattleMaster Wiki

Day 1 (Morning):

A few days ago, my father decided that I should take up a career as a knight and offer my services to the holy state. So here I am, swearing alleigiance to his holiness, Duke Lycastus of Fontan. Moreover, he had accepted me as his pupil and I hope to learn great things from him.

Day 1 (Afternoon):

I just bought a banner for my men and have just asked my aunt to sew my coat of arms on the thing. My men are getting a bit lazy of late (can't blame them, military life can only get so interesting) and so, I decided that I should give them a bit of a work out.

Day 1 (Evening):

Coming back from all that training, I was only too glad to see a bar right outside the training grounds. However, the bar seemed to have been filled with brutes, so I decided that, as my new job as a commander in the military, I should go restore the order in this tavern. However, as soon as I stepped my feet inside the bar, a cat flew straight into my face. When I had finally taken it off, I to be pursued by only two more of those little devils! Finally, I shut those cats in one of the upstairs rooms and came down to join the brawl...I mean, attempt to stop the brawl, when Sir Tom stopped it for me. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...

Day 2 (Morning):

Today, after training a bit with my men, I decided that I should travel to An Najaf to recruit a scout for my unit...

p.s. I should also mention that while at Fontan, I have joined the Holy Church and am now waiting for my first assignment from Lord Hannibal

Day 2 (Evening):

It seems that the road to An Najaf is a bit blocked by the merchants going to and fro from the city (that's Fontan), so it will take a bit longer to get there than usual. Therefore, while we waited for the road to clear, I had the men excercise a bit (they needed it). I just got the letter from Lord Hannibal and he wrote that I should first introduce myself to everyone. He also mentioned three tasks that every new members of the religion should accomplish, although I have no idea what they are yet. I guess I'll just have to check it out once I get back to Fontan.

Day 3 (Morning):

I've finally arrived in An Najaf, but the road didn't get any easier as we marched on last night. It seems that there was a storm a couple of nights ago and a massive tree was knocked down by lightning. It was blocking the road and so I had my men remove it (oh well, more excercise...). Then, everything went pretty smoothly. I got my scout without any trouble, and the way back was much clearer than usual...

Day 3 (Afternoon):

I've found out why the way back was so smooth. It seems that there had been a problem with a couple of monsters. It was unfortunate that my troops and I didn't even had to do anything, as soon as the monsters charged, they were taken down by the archers (tough luck). I've given a introduction of myself to the people at the Temple of Light and asked what my next "task" should be (an introduction didn't really seem like much of a task...). Anyways, since I haven't had the luck with the monsters, might as well practice my spear by challenging another noble to a duel. His name is Duncan, a recent addition to the ranks of nobility like me, so I think he'll be a good match for me (I do hope that he'll accept my challenge though).

Day 3 (Night):

A messenger has just arrived with a letter from Lord Hannibal. My next task is to study the Holy Inscriptions written inside "Hannibal's Reports" and "Akesh Temples Catacombs" catalogues of the great library at the Holy Temple, and write a report of my thoughts on the religion. As I am already familiar with the inscriptions in Hannibal's Reports, I think I will make a visit to the temple tonight and have a look at the Akesh Temples Catacombs catalogue. Writing isn't really one of my strong suits, so when the report is done, I think I'll have my aunt take a look at it (she was actually a member of the most prestigious guild of scribes at one time in her life, how I wish I can have such skills she had with the pen...)

Day 4 (Morning):

An entire night of studying the enscriptions tired me out...I've got to have some rest...oh, almost forgot, Duncan accepted my challenge. I am to meet him at dusk in the valley to the north of the city...agh, man, I seriously need that rest if I am to fight him...

Day 4 (Evening):

I almost forgot the thrill of dueling these days (haven't had much of a fight in that bar that night...stupid cats...). We both fought pretty agressively, so neither of us had quite an advantage over the other...until the end, when Duncan slipped on that patch of wet grass by the old willow. I knocked him down with the back of my sword and drew blood on his left arm. I hope he's not hurt too badly, 'cus I've just issued him a rematch...About the report, I guess I'll have to put it off until tomorrow, I've had a pretty busy day and what I wouldn't give for a good long sleep right now...oh right, I almost forgot again, I got a letter of welcome from Lord Jerix. People here are so nice, I hope I can repay their kindness someday...

Day 5 (Evening):

Nothing much happened today, but I've received news that monsters have be spotted in An Najaf. Therefore, I've made some preparations with my men today and will leave...right about now...