Vindus Family/Ril

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Age: 17

Class: Soldier

Current Continent: Atamara

Current Realm: Cagilan Empire

Curent Position: Knight of Lakota

Current Status: ok


Ril Vindus was born to Hestor Vindus. His mothers identity is as of yet unknown, but he has been accepted and cared for by his step mother Niela Vindus. Ril was born a bastard and was reminded of it as often as possible by his father. He was provided for by his father and stepmother, but never accepted. Ril did have, and continues to have, a close relationship with his Uncle Ergos Vindus and his Aunt Trillia Vindus. A few years ago, his half brother, Vance Vindus, who was Hestor's pride, joy and heir, disappeared. Shortly after Hestor Vindus' health began to rapidly deteriorate. This prompted Hestor to name Ril his heir, bestow upon him the status of a noble and send him off as a troop leader so that he could “learn the ropes”. However, Hestor has never stopped hoping that his favored son, Vance, would return so that he would have a proper heir.

Ergos Pedes

The Ergos Pedes is a well trained infantry unit led by Ril Vindus. It is named after Ril´s mentor and uncle, Ergos Vindus, and the word "Infantry" in the old tounge (Pedes).


The Ergos Pedes was formed on the 15th of September 2006. It originally consisted of four men from the milita of Ril´s father (Hestor Vindus), 13 men from the personal guard of Ril´s uncle (Ergos Vindus) and Ril´s cousin (Ergos Vindus´ son). On the same day of the troop´s creation, Ril added a healer and a bannerman to the roster. On September 16th of 2006 Ril added a three man scouting unit to the troop. On the 18th of September 2006, while refitting in Cagil, Rill added a cart and driver as well as seven men from Shaun's Shields (originally from Lakota) to the troop.


The Ergos Pedes is lead by the Troop Leader, Ril Vindus, and Assistant Troop Leader, Siglorn Vindus. The Assistant Troop Leader also serves as the personal bodyguard, assistant and squire of the Troop Leader. At the core of the Ergos Pedes are four squads. Each squad consists of a Squad Leader, an Assistant Squad Leader and about four other soldiers. The Ergos Pedes also has a Headquarters Squad that consists of the various non-combat units (paraphernalia).


As a means of rewarding and honoring exceptional performance and sacrifice, the Ergos Pedes will give the following rewards to deserving soldiers.

The Ergos Pedes Steel Cross

The Steel Cross (SC) is given to soldiers who show great honor, and take great risks for the good of the battle and his or her fellow soldiers. This award is usually bestowed to those who have made great sacrifices to the Troop and to the Empire in combat, and is most often given posthumously.

The Ergos Pedes Iron Cross

The Iron Cross (IC) is given to soldiers who show great honor, and take great risks for the good of the battle and his or her fellow soldiers. This award is usually bestowed to those who have made great sacrifices to the Troop and to the Empire in combat, and is most often given to soldiers who have suffered injury in battle.

The Ergos Pedes Bronze Cross

The Bronze Cross (BC) is given to soldiers who show great honor, and who set great examples outside of battle. This award is usually bestowed to those who work hard, and perform their duties to an exemplary standard.

Roster/Personnel Records

Troop Leadership

Troop Leader: Ril Vindus
Assistant Troop Leader: Siglorn Vindus (Lakota, Leadership 3, Battles 3, Awards None)

Wolf Squad

Squad Leader: Jerek (Lakota, Leadership 2, Battles 3, Awards None)
Assistant Squad Leader: Tansa (Lakota, Leadership 1, Battles 3, Awards 1 IC)
Soldier: Ned (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Leskar (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Wess (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Pelgart (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)

Eagle Squad

Squad Leader: Kilos (Lakota, Leadership 2, Battles 3, Awards None)
Assistant Squad Leader: Krador (Lakota, Leadership 1, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Nela (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards 1 BC)
Soldier: Mesar (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Melar (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Urkel (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 3, Awards None)

Turtle Squad

Squad Leader: Morden (Lakota, Leadership 2, Battles 3, Awards None)
Assistant Squad Leader: Kess (Lakota, Leadership 1, Battles 3, Awards None)
Soldier: Chaz (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 2, Awards None)
Soldier: Trist (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 2, Awards None)
Soldier: Kriss (Eaglin, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards None)
Soldier: Jess (Eaglin, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards None)
Soldier: Sanders (Eaglin, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards None)
Soldier: Mesus (Eaglin, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards None)

Headquarters Squad

Scout: Medol
Scout: Chistel
Healer: Brask
Bannerman: Maldor
Cart Driver: Kit

Former Members

Here are the names of all former members of the Ergos Pedes so they may be remembered in honor or dishonor as befits them:

Squad Leader: Urni (Lakota, Leadership 2, Battles 2, Awards 1 SC)
Urni of Lakota died on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Assistant Squad Leader: Vernaul (Lakota, Leadership 1, Battles 2, Awards 1 SC)
Vernaul of Lakota died on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Dirk (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards 1 SC 1 BC)
Dirk of Lakota died on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Astor (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 2, Awards 1 SC)
Astor of Lakota died on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Belas (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards 1 SC)
Belas of Lakota was serously injured, and later died, on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Olaf (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 2, Awards 1 IC)
Olaf of Lakota was serously injured, and later medicaly discharged, on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Iron Cross.

Scout: Medol
Medol was dishonorably discharged on 27-09-2006 for drinking while on duty.

Soldier: Essil (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards 1 SC)
Essil of Lakota died on 19-09-2006 while defending Cagil from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Ridz (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards 1 SC)
Ridz of Lakota died on 19-09-2006 while defending Cagil from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Marly (Lakota, Leadership 0, Battles 1, Awards 1 SC)
Marly of Lakota died on 19-09-2006 while defending Cagil from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Soldier: Salson (Eaglin, Leadership 0, Battles 0, Awards 1 SC)
Salson of Lakota died on 28-09-2006 while defending Garnagi from Monsters and has been awarded the Steel Cross.

Military Career

Battle in Garnagi II

On September the 28th in the year 2006 Ril Vindus and the Ergos Pedes went to battle defending Garnagi from Monsters. The battle was a success. While Ergos Pedes saw little action, The experience served to bring the troop together and increase its skill.

Battle in Garnagi

On September the 27th in the year 2006 Ril Vindus and the Ergos Pedes went to battle defending Garnagi from Monsters. The battle was a success. The Ergos Pedes was on the front lines and fought bravely and effectively. Unfortunatly, Bear Squad was seperated during battle and suffered heavy losses. As a resualt a total of seven men were lost leading to the disbanding of Bear Squad.

Battle in Cagil

On September the 19th in the year 2006 Ril Vindus and the Ergos Pedes went to battle defending Cagil from Monsters. The battle was a success. The Ergos Pedes was on the front lines and fought bravely and effectively.

Battle in Alimonne

On September the 17th in the year 2006 Ril Vindus participated in his first battle. He, along with six other troops clashed against a small unit of 2 monsters. The battle was a success. While Ril's troop did not have the opportunity to get in the middle of things, it was still a great learning experience.