Redspan Revealer/30th August 2006

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Banner-D.png RedSpan Revealer
Price: Free Editor: Tony, Knight of Ambermel & Shamus, Duke of Stargard & Dielo, Marshal of Stargard Issue No11 30th August 2006
Printed In Stargard

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, Only that of three old Men.

New High Marshall and New region Lords
Redspan has a new High Marshall. Congratulations Nagash. You have served Redspan well as Marshall of Stargard. Lets hope you do well as the New High Marshall. Bring on the battles and the glory.

Also Congratulations to all our new region lords. Lets hope you can look after our regions well. I see they are all in good shape. Keep up the good work.


Talerium Told Straight!
A couple of Days ago, our King Mayandur sent this letter to the rulers of the world.

Letter from Manaydur Message sent to the Rulers of this world (13 recipients) I know the flowerbeds in Lurgrod are great...really..and you all invited yurselves to see them, in fact..most of you guys are invited..not all..but most.

Now..ofcourse we are not enjoying the fact that you are pestering our buddy Abington...complicated stuff...Doc's and i play chess together every sunday but his brother has a cousin in Norland married to a one eyed Smith in icegate who has a neighbour with an uncle in Minas Ithil...anyway...complicated stuff..

So...our hands are tied and meanwhile we focus on this quarrel at our neighbour Carelia...Carelia is the good guy we problem...

where was i?..oh..some of you decided to take the flowerroute to Abington and were polite enough to ask permission to travel through our regions.

So..we all looked to our western borders while troops marched through our regions to attack our federation partner...painfull..but what can we do?

But there is always one who spoils the party...and its always the same one... Decency?never heard off!!...and i thought RedSpan was a realm of vagabonds and pricks!!

Anyway...Talerium troops arent welcome in RedSpan.

P.S. Am getting reports of missing buttercups and daisies, probably picked from the Lurgrod flowerbeds...please inform your generals..thank you so much.

Manaydur King of RedSpan

With that staement Redspan Lowered its stance with Talerium to Neutral. Lets hope that our lands will not have any more foreign graves.


Redspan Speak Out!
Again, the Redspan revealer would like to offer the opportunity for nobles of Redspan to speak their mind. Feel free to add anything here, but note: The Redspan Revealer reserves the right to eradicate inappropriate content. Also, the views in these commentaries do not necessarily represent the views of the Redspan Revealer or her staff.