The Blackest Bible/Chapter 3

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The Blackest Bible

Chapter Three: The Blackest Prophecies.

One: The Birth of the Blackest One.

The Blackest One shall rise to be the bringer of truth and hater of lies. It shall swing three swords at once but have only two hands. The most dangerous blade will hang from its mouth while the beast becomes formless as clay at will. The Blackest One will be a murderer before it is even born and hail death for its grandure. The Blackest One will be truly vile in the face of man's false empires of good, yet sway the ears of both sides of the moral coin with truth alone. This creature will employ all weapons of Evil along its way and be the one to bring evil home to Decadence. The Blackest One will be the true voice of "inteligent evil" and the gatherer of all evils. This fiend's words will be those of a leader, but his views will refuse any crown offered. The Blackest One will be hailed as a father, but scold no brother. The Blackest One will be all hate, but speak the greatest love. The Blackest One will die so he may live forever. The Blackest One will begin new history of a world born of chaos and darkness. The Blackest One shall bring the "Book of Four Moons" from the land of Two. The Blackest One shall cross worlds to bridge every universe. The Blackest one will gather man, beast and God, linking all inteligent evils to the destruction of all things.

Two: The Touching of the Four Moons.

They spoke his name, he was born on the night of the two moons, Jamoon, and with his birth came great joy and light. All the lords of the waring lands put down their steel to dance and sing with every lord. Love grew between old hate, and the devils were sent away. The day became Jamoon, and two were to be seen high. Hal (the moonbringer) became the bard of this age and with this he wrote.

"La, la, la, Daylah'nee, you see we won. We won, we won we are one with everyone. Be gone, be gone, let us sing a new song, let us mingle and tingle with each beast and fawn. The day is new, the new is day, now that the evil Daylah'nee and company went away"

The Bard was recorded as a Scion and lorrock who danced on the graves of the slain gods of darkness. The world become united by the forces of good, and all hailed Jamoon, the new King, the lord of all happyness and peace. The evil Sother gods became angered and watched from hells. Without a hearing ear in all of Sother, the devils had no church to command. The time for a great long peace had come. The gods of evil waited.

In the 26th turn of the wheel, Harkanius the Dhargool wrote.

"The land of Sother has fallen ill to health. The world has lost its grip on the dark velvit rope of evil, allowing it to slip forever away into the lost darkness. To regain this we must find the other lands. When a world defeats evil, it must find new worlds where evil is still alive and cultivate it.

I have seen three otherworlds in my dreams. It is no doubt Toth has sent me these visions to guid me. I see three skys not of Sother. Each sky in my dreams is black...The Blackest black...and I call on these skys to bring evil on the four worlds. Four black skys of unknown physics and content. I see now moons, but I place them there by will. I imagin four moons. One in a land filled with monsters great and made of horror. One in a sky of a land where masters battle. One in a land of magics and light. And the last moon I place in my own sky. The sky of Sother, removing the second moon, the Jamoon, and returning this world to evil.

The four black moons, when touched will unite all evil and bring the end. The return of all chaos and darkness. freedom to be man or pig. lawless law, and lawful lawlessness the same.

When these lands touch and mix their black skys the four moons will touch, bring the blackest word to the lands. Four lands to become one hell under no law. This will be the end of bliss and all evil shall rule over good once again"

When the lands know of four lands with four skys, the four moons will touch and bring unified evil across all lands.

Three: The twelve Scions of fate

Harkainus wrote in the 27th turn from his undead sleep.

"I whisper to you my living scribe, to hear me and record. The 12 will walk, and all will be evil. Each will hold a god of evil, and a desire to promote the end of the worlds. The 12 will be of mixed worlds, some native to mine, some from alien worlds unseen, and some from places not real. The 12 flesh, and devouted to The Blackest Cause of man; The birth of The Blackest Truths and the gathering of The Unified beast Of evil. No good thing, large or small, will escape the talons of evil. The Scions will march across the lands collecting the inteligent evils of the four worlds. By will alone they will bring about [[The Blackest Cult], who will lord over the realms of man and god alike until the destruction time. The Scions will be gathered by the forces of darkest evils, and they will learn they are prophets and preists of the new way.

Those who listen will have choice; To be family or be fool. To be gods or be men. the end times will bring suffering for all those who do not show love to evil. The family that grows will be vile and black but unified until god is destroyed. After good is removed from the universes, evil will be left alone. One turn of a the wheel will pass before evil brings the end of all things.

The twelve are to be the perfect lawless law of Blackness, and be true to the Book of Four Black Moons. Only when they gather will the end begin. The prophets of the Blackest Cause will die many times in venom and violence long before they see the fruit of the end. The Scions will only be needed for dimplomecy. once they have bridged all evils they will be no longer needed. Some will be killed by good. Some will be killed by evil. All will die in violence or pain."

Only when the twelve are gathered will the prophets of darkness be complete. Those who see them as symbols of worship are foolish, and should never worship past your own self. Those who see them as the needed diplomats of all devils, will be hailed as family. Those who agree to unite under a common evil will always be seen as family to the twelve no matter the respect returned.