Dimitrijevic Family

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Revision as of 23:27, 27 August 2006 by Nadie (talk | contribs)

Dimitrijevic family is naturally from Ravening (Atamara), a townsland which is governed by Cagilan Empire.

Darko Dimitrijevic: character not created yet. Maybe in future...

He represents to be the progenitor of Vladimir and Goran and the putative father of Ludwig.

Fame: 9

1 point for individual prestige: 10 -> Vladimir while he was fighting for Sandalak,

1 point for family prestige: 20,

1 point for individual prestige: 20 -> Ludwig while he was fighting for Norland,

1 point for family prestige: 50,

1 point for being appointed as region lord -> Goran, Count of Tor, on 23/06/2006,

1 point for being elected as banker -> Goran, Minister of Finances of Ashborn, on 01/08/2006,

1 point for being elected as general -> Goran, Minister of Defense of Ashborn, on 08/08/2006.

2 unknown points.