Minas Ithil Messenger/July 06

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/MinasIthilFlag.png Minas Ithil Messenger
Cost: 1.3 gold per month

Editor: The Yellow Dartspace

{{{quote}}} Volume: 2
The only newspaper of Minas Ithil, and the best paper in the north!
  • THE newspaper for the truth about events concerning whatever I hear about and decide to write about!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ithilian government, merely a general accounting for the opinions of the editing staff.

New Management

July 11, 2006- I, The Yellow Dart, have completed a FTO of these printing presses and now will exert my full control over the news. Just try to figure out my true identity! In other news, an alliance has been declared with Carelia. Though we value our alliances in the east more, (they've been around longer), this continues to expand our ever growing circle of friends. In other news, groups of monsters have been seen in both Crandahan and Winwich. They have provided excellent training for our rebuilding army and were unable to cause much damage to our realm.


July 19, 2006- Minas Ithil has once again decided to flex its muscles and entered into a war with Abington and its allies to aid our ally Ash Sea Islands. Talerium is also fighting on our side, which feels quite strange since they were the enemy last time around. From my point of view, it seems this war started because the peace agreement between Abington and Ash Sea Islands from a previous war, which included land transfers, was violated by Abington traders who crossed the border (breaking the treaty) and stole much of ASI's food on the black market. When ASI demanded the Ash Sea Islands back as repirations, but Abington refused. ASI declared war to take those regions back by force. More news from the front will be coming once battles erupt. On a side note, the discussion page has become the source of heated debate on why this war was started. Feel free to check it out, IF YOU DARE!

Breaking News

July 19, 2006- This morning a battle broke out between Falasan forces and new Minas Ithil TL's as they passed through Falasan territory. Aparantly, this is the result of two Minas Ithilians, Genghis and Smelly, who were out for bloodshed and attacked our allies. Though they have yet publicly defend themselves, Falasans ruler as well as many other Minas Ithilians expressed their disapproval and some are even pushing for a public hanging. A trial has been opened, so you can be sure of updates within the next 24 hrs.

Trial Update

July 22, 2006- Our judge has come to a decision concerning Smelly's and Genghis' actions. There was no public statement made by the two, but they apparantly could not present an adequate defence because they were found guilty. However, Mordoc was very mercifull and merely fined the two 50 gold a piece.

News From the Front

July 22, 2006- Yesterday our king, Dead Angel3, led the combined Minas Ithil/Talerium assult on Abington's western boarder and stormed the city of Wayburg as the Ash Sea Island forces began reclaiming the islands in the east. Our king has also started a colony take-over of the city and 17 Minas Ithil Tl's have volunteered to become colonists. If you would also like to join, contact Connor with the master list. Also, if you have name ideas, let the colonists know. So far, votes are in for New/Greater Antioch and a combination of Minas Ithil and Talerium. Here's the list so far:

Minas Ithil: Albel, Anastasia, Caligio, Darez, Fredrich, Gregor, Karl, Kichiro, Lathoros, Len, Lujayne, Specter, Tenebrae, Thanatos, Witold, Xanio, Zelgadis

Talerium: Unknown as of now.

July 23, 2006- So far, ASI has taken control of the northern most island and has now moved further south. On the western front, the TO is running smoothly, though some peasants have been killed and a useless militia uprising was put down. Also, a large Abington force is gathering north of Wayburg and is undoubtedly preparing to reclaim their city. In other news, it seems that peasants in many of Abington's regions are going hungry. Everywhere one turns there are people begging for food. Even those out in the fields are feeling these effects. The land has been stripped of all edible life, yet there is still not enough to go around. Hopefully, it will soon be safe enough for traders to help these people.

July 24, 2006- The colony TO of Wayburg is complete. The first colonists have already begun joining.

It's Over...Again

I, The Yellow Dart, feel that I could better serve the intrests of my realm by joining the new colony. Therefore, I will no longer be able to report on Minas Ithil events and leave this newspaper to whomever would like it. But fear not! You shall see more of my work in the colony's newspaper. Goodbye for now.