Red Star Courier

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Revision as of 13:34, 17 July 2006 by Chilango2 (talk | contribs) (Slightly new layout. And updated news in brief.)

Sertraline.png The Red Star Courier
Price: One doughnut "All the muse has seen fit to print" July 2006
Printed in Hamadan

The Red Star Courier would like to thank the Old Rancaguan Press and the Rampant Lion for the layouts of their respective papers, from which we have borrowed rather heavily.

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this paper do not reflect the opinions or views of Yssaria, its leaders, its nobles, or its sheep.

Editor: Aeillien Mandraken


News in Brief

==== Why I Do Fight ==== --Contributor: Falcor Blade, Knight of Isadril July 15th, 2006 Feature

A battle has been raging on this continent for many years. Many have lain down their lives, giving the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the security of Yssaria and her people. By all accounts, given our recent excursion into Caligan territories, we are winning this conflict. Yet now, at the height of our advances into enemy lands, there are those who would question our strategy, those who would rather have peace than conflict. While it might seem as though ending hostilities with the Caligans might stop the fighting and sacrifice, in truth doing so would only weaken our strategic position on this continent, thus making our lands and citizens less safe rather than more so. I have, in fact, counted the number of soldiers that have died as a result of the fighting. These are noble men who gave their lives so that our lands may be protected from invasion by the enemy. These men upheld the very tradition of valiant combat that our realm was founded on, and critics of our diplomacy are so quick to ignore. Instead of asking how many have died, we should be asking what they died for, and how many lives they saved through their sacrifice. Furthermore, are not these men solders? They join our forces precisely to fight, and perhaps, die in defense of their homes.
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==== Advance and Retreat ==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 12th, 2006

The army of Yssaria returned to Domus, the capital of Caligus, attempting to bring a decisive close to the war that has engulfed the two realms. A combination of the high walls of the city and portions of the intended attacking force not arriving as planned foiled the attack. At the end of the day after two bloody, hard fought engagements, the Caligan defenders held the walls and forced the Yssarian army back.

Yssarian forces marching from Supra, fresh from refitting in the capital, and Aestus, abandonding the attempt to takeover Sordidus were supposed to meet up in Domus and achieve a victory there. While it is unknowable what would have occurred had all the Yssarian forces arrived in Domus at the scheduled time, it is certain that the split arrivals effectively allowed the bigger Yssarian force to be defeated in two engagements in detail.
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==== Déjà vu all over again ==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 7th, 2006

As negotiations between Yssaria and Caligus continue, the war marched onward in Supra and Sordidus. As they have innumerable times before, the banners of the two realms met in fury, once again filling the fields of Supra with the sounds of battle that have echoed there since first the red star banner rose over the cities of Isadril and Mashhad.

Continuing what has been a very bad period for Perdan and Caligus, Yssaria successfully beat back the Caligan forces. The Yssarian forces, again outnumbered in solders and troop leaders but with superior quality, caused lopsided casualties against Caligus and gained decisive control of the field. Yssaria kept its momentum from the victory and marched forces into Sordidus and has begun an attempt to establish control over the region. It is not yet known what effect, if any, these developments will have on the negotiations.

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==== Why I Don't Fight ==== --Contributor: Hylor Hobbs, Knight of Hamadan, Former Count of Mashhad and Royal Treasurer, July 7th, 2006

Have you counted how many Caligus and Ubent soldiers we have killed in this war?

Have you counted how many Yssarian soldiers - men and youth, husbands and children of the Yssaria - we have killed in this war?

How many more must die just so that a select few can say "we won"?

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==== Update on Ubent and Caligus ==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 5th, 2006

Since our previous report on the situation in Ubent and Caligus more information has come to light that we did not have at the time. But first we wish to make something clear. Despite the outright statements contained in some reports or the implications contained elsewhere, Caligus has not surrendered or signed an official ceasefire with Yssaria. Negotiations are in progress, what their results will be is still uncertain. Yssaria has officially declared a ceasefire with Ubent, and there is a signed peace agreement, which has by now been widely reported. Our diplomatic state with them is not yet officially peace, pending, as this reporter understands it, compliance with the terms of the peace treaty.

Let me first deal with Ubent, as it the simpler situation of the two. The negotiations for this peace agreement have been in the works for about a month, and the nobles of Ubent voted on the agreement, with a majority voting in favor, as is the custom in Republics. It should be noted that the Prime Minister of Ubent had recently been reconfirmed at the beginning of this month. Although this reporter has no sources that indicate this, it strikes me as logical that the election would have been, at the very least, a referendum on the peace agreement. In his announcement of the treaty, the Prime Minister of Ubent noted that he expects it would take one or two weeks to come into full compliance with its terms.
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==== Rebellion in Caligus! ==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 2nd, 2006 Breaking News

A few hours ago this very day, a troop leader by the name of Vlad Nosferatus led a succesful rebellion again the Caligan Queen Gwynyth Kazan. No details of the rebellion itself are known, or the aftermath that has followed it. This rebellion, coming while Yssaria continued its attempt to take over Aestus, cannot but be seen as a setback to the Caligan war effort. Vlad Nosferatus is an old hand in Caligus and has been part of the inner circle of power in that kingdom for quite some time, having been appointed Banker several times, as well as holding the titles of Marquis of Tokat and Duke of Akesh Temple. At the time of the rebellion he was publicly known to be part of the “outer council” a group of nobles who advised the Queen in addition to the Judge, Banker, and Marshal.

It is worth noting the history of rebellion of the Nosferatus family here, especially in connection to the province of Tokat, from which the family hails. Vlad’s father was a leader of the rebellion on Tokat when Fontan took over the region. His father was executed, but Vlad and his brother continued his work. Of the three, Vlad became the most well known for his commitment to Tokat, as well as his commitment to Caligus when it took over that region, becoming known as the “Hero of Tokat.” It can only be guessed how the damage inflicted on Tokat during the war with Yssaria affected him. This reporter was present during Yssaria’s takeover of that region last month, and he recalls the land being deeply damaged by war and nearly depopulated. Even less can it be imagined what his reaction might have been to the loss of his beloved Tokat to Yssaria, its declaring independence from both realms and going rogue, and its subsequent capture by Light of Fountain. Whether it is this, or some other motive that caused him to lead a rebellion against a government he was so much a part of, is not known.

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==== Ubent sues for peace!==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 2nd, 2006

Today, the southern federation of Yssaria, Itorunt, and Ibladesh reached a favorable peace agreement with Ubent, apparently removing that realm out of the current conflict for at least the near future.

The terms of the treaty give Winkamus to Yssaria, the Mines of Isadril to Ibladesh, and Moyale to Itorunt, as well as limiting the size of the army that Ubent may field, on top of having it withdraw from its alliances with Caligus and Perdan. As of this report it is not known by this reporter how long the negotiations for this agreement have been going on, but it is suggestive that the Ubent front of the war has been quiet for about two weeks. The full text of the agreement follows:
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==== Victory in Aestus ==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 2nd, 2006

Late last month Yssaria went back on the offensive against Caligus by marching into Aestus and initiating an attempt to take over the region. The response from Caligus was at the same time both expected and surpring.

It was expected that Caligus would respond to the offensive, that followed as certaintly as sailor’s shoreleaves and bar brawls. What was surprising was the almost suicidal nature of the attack. The Caligans came in outnumbered by better than three to one in sheer numbers, with Yssaria’s infantry alone outnumbering the entire Caligan army. The Rampant Lion reffered to it, aptly, as a “desperate move.” Unlike the great romantic ballads beloved by some ladies of noble birth, desperate moves in the real world are born, usually, out of a lack of any other resources or solutions, and ingloriously failed. This one was no exception. The attacking force was wiped out in two hours of lopsided fighting, with over half a dozen nobles of Caligus being wounded as they fed their units into the waiting defenders. Going into the details of the battle is unnecessary, it was, from the beggening, a lopsided contest, with a clear winner, the only question is what drove Caligus to make such an attack, and whether this latest move on their part may have, perhaps, been of consequence in the troubles they seem to have recently suffered.

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==== New Month, New Issue ==== --by Aeillien Mandraken, July 1st, 2006

Readers, I wish to thank you for a smashingly successful first month of busniness. Around 280 copies of this paper were sold last month, despite the fact that we started selling the paper halfway through it. It is my ambition to make this paper reach ever more successful heights, with your loyality and invaluable support. Again, thank you.

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July 15th, 2006

Region Revolts

The people of Lorient have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

Region Revolts

The people of Ar Mosul have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!

Public Execution

The rogue Dantalis is publicly executed in Hamadan.

July 14th, 2006

Region Takeover

Perdan has takes control of Brive (formerly part of Fontan)

Region Takeover

Ibladesh has taken control of Woolton (formerly part of Perdan)

July 13th, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Winkamus:
Caligus is defeated by Yssaria.
Estimated combat strengths:
4000 CS vs. 4000 CS
Aeillien Mandraken, editor of this paper, was captured.

July 12th, 2006

Region Takeover

Fontan has taken control of Brive (formerly part of Perdan).

July 11th, 2006

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs Domus.
Yssaria is defeated by Caligus
Estimated combat strengths:
8000 CS vs. 9000 CS

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs in Bescanon:
Perdan defeats Fontan, Sirion
Estimated combat strengths:
4000 CS vs. 6000 CS

New ruler in Kalmar Islands

The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected Prometheus as its new Chancellor.

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs in Domus:
Yssaria vs. Caligus
Estimated combat strengths:
15000 CS vs. 15000 CS

July 10th, 2006

Region Revolts

The people of Clermont have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

July 9th, 2006

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs in Bescanon:
Fontan, Sirion 'defeat Perdan
Estimated combat strengths:
15000 CS vs. 5000 CS

July 8th, 2006

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs in Woolton:
Ibladesh, Itorunt defeat Perdan
Estimated combat strengths:
10000 CS vs. 6000 CS

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs in Bescanon:
Perdan 'defeats Fontan, Sirion
Estimated combat strengths:
8000 CS vs. 4000 CS

July 6th, 2006

Region Takeover

Itorunt has taken control of Lorient (formerly part of Perdan)

Huge Battle Fought
A battle occurs in Supra:
Yssaria defeats Caligus
Estimated combat strengths:
10000 CS vs. 7000 CS

New ruler in Kalmar Islands

The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected Lalakis as its new Chancellor.

July 5th, 2006

New ruler in Perdan

The realm of Perdan has elected Clarissa as its new Queen.

July 4th, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Kalmar:
Old Rancagua is defeated by Kalmar Islands
Estimated combat strengths: 6000 CS vs. 4000 CS
Two Rancaguan nobles, including the High Marshal, and one Kalmarian noble are captured.

July 3rd, 2006

Region Takeover

Yssaria has taken control of Aestus (formerly part of Caligus).

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Bescanon:
Perdan is defeated by Fontan, Sirion
Estimated combat strengths: 16000 CS vs. 22000 CS
Two Sirionite and ten Perdanese nobles, including the Count of Mulhouse, are captured during the battle.

New ruler in Kalmar Islands

The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected One as its new Chancellor.

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Stora:
Old Rancagua defeats Kalmar Islands
Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 7000 CS
One Rancaguan and five Kalmarian nobles, including the Chancellor, are captured.

Rebellion in Caligus

The government of Caligus has been overthrown in a rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Vlad, has been announced the new ruler.

July 1st, 2006

Region Takeover

Itorunt has taken control of Clermont (formerly part of Perdan).

Region Takeover

Light of Fountain has taken control of Tokat , a former rogue region.

Region Takeover

Fontan has taken control of Meuse (formerly part of Perdan).

June 29th, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A huge battle occurs in Aestus:
Caligus is defeated by Yssaria
Estimated combat strengths:
5000 CS vs. 14000 CS

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