GreatSword Family

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GreatSword Family


The GreatSword family from Scio has a fame of 8 and 1185 gold of family wealth.

Character (age) Continent Realm Class Hon / Pres Titles

Solus (28) East Continent Caligus Hero 59 / 18

Fayte (25) South-East Toren Soldier 23 / 8

Juno (28) Beluaterra Heen Cavalier 98 / 23 Arch Priestess

Solus- Solus or what some peole would like to call Pants God Because he tryed using a absurd battle tactic by making his men take off there pants and charge into battle.He needs to a lot of practice. He was recently appointed baron of Aestus.But a couple of weeks later he handed it back to his good friend Talles the tactical then bacame a mentor teaching the kids of the trade he has recently wrote a book on how to gain more wealth and the book was so good he got a point of fame. As all of you know Caligus is failing to Yassaria they are about to lose Solus does not know where to go now but he wants a new good home.

Juno -Juno is the silent one of the family she has recently took on the role of being a burocrat to help put with the realm she has recently been appointed as Baroness of Hcallow.Then later Mao was captured by monsters shortly afterwards she was voted in as Judge she is now in command of a small force of people dedicated to the people of Varyamo Nolvo who is currently destroying monsters and doing a pretty good job of it to only later be voted out of office she is currently a Cavalier and is of fighting in a war. She has recently been in a rebellion everything pointed to victory but her leader Scion was brutaly wounded by one of his fellow realm mates im not gonna say who cause i really dont know, but now because she did this the realm of Varyamo Nolvo is in utter pices. Heen and Latlan seceed because of there fear of the rebels getting it now thanks to them the realm is split into three what will happen now? Nobody knows but one thing is for certain that there will be some a lot of bloodshed. Juno has currently joined Heen one of the new realms that was seceed and she was elected judge she was there for zero days.

Mallet -He made some mistakes in his life so he was forced to become rouge and was later executed by his big sister juno shortly afterwords.

Fayte The newest and most unexperinced of the family he currently just joined Toren in the South-East his first day there he was attacked and wounded so time will only tell how his fayte will turn out but he said that he wants to become an infiltratior or maybe a trader so he can make a little money for his family but found out life as a soldier is way more fun he is currently applying for count of a region wish him luck please.