Itorunt Informer/July '06

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The empre strikes back...
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Alex Exiled, Thray Walsh, and Ichigo Kurosaki.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! July Edition


The empire of Itorunt?

As some of you bright sparks in the southern federation and northerern alliance may have picked up on, Itorunt has been referred to as "The empire of Itorunt". What causes this change in terminology? Heres the words from the king himself;

The power of Ubent, our oldest enemy, has been forever broken and our demands have ensured that they will not rise again. The agreements that they have made will be implemented before a fortnight is out. Never again will the south fear a resurgent Ubent, the realm which once had Itorunt and her allies cowering under its heel, defecting or fighting to the last in our desperate attempts to survive.

Why was Itorunt referred to as an Empire in our treaty?

Itorunt has, since before the longest serving nobles of our realm joined us, sought to become the preeminent Empire of the south. This ideal was denied us through conflict and our geographical position. However, this is a new time. The lands have shifted; and our realm has never been larger or stronger; equalling the great realms of ours and former ages. At last we have overcome, that we may become to the world the great Southern Empire that we always knew we were.

These are great days for Itorunt.

Sir Lucian King of Itorunt

Armistice with Ubent finally signed and sealed

Today, the lands of Ubent have finally surrendered to the forces of the southern federation. Although some people feel that this is not the right decision, it has been passed. Therse are the fully polished terms:

Instrument of Armistice between the Republic of Ubent and the Southern Federation

Being necessary to ensure the survival of the Republic of Ubent, the aforementioned agrees to the following terms:

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Winkamus to Federation member the Kingdom of Yssaria, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist.

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Mines of Isadril to Federation member the Theocracy of Ibladesh, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist.

The Republic of Ubent will surrender and renounce all claims on the region of Moyale to Federation member the Empire of Itorunt, until such time as the region is lost to another realm or either signatory ceases to exist. As the Itorunt Empire currently shares no border with the Ubent Republic, the region will be surrendered to Ibladesh in trust until a further arrangement between Itorunt and Ibladesh is made.

The Republic of Ubent will limit its military forces to that force necessary only to defend against monsters, undead and other minor aggressors. This is considered as 6,000 Combat Strength. This value may be varied on situation and appeal to the Federation.

The Republic of Ubent will renounce its alliances with the Kingdoms of Perdan and Caligus. In return, the Federation will accept overtures of peace from Ubent, and guarantee no incursions on Ubent's borders unless any item of this instrument is broken by Ubent.

The Republic of Ubent agrees to deny safe harbour or passage to any former member of the Kingdoms of Perdan, Caligus or Kalmar sufficiently experienced to know the ways of their former realms.

These terms will be supported by the Republic of Ubent and the members of the Southern Federation. Should any party lapse in their duty, the remaining parties will agree on suitable chastisement.


Zog Returns Prime Minister of the Republic of Ubent

Eleran King of the Kingdom of Yssaria

Quake Pontifex of the Theocracy of Ibladesh

Lucian King of the Empire of Itorunt

Takeover in Clermont judged Slow by Itorunt Standards

Well, Itorunt has some very sad news to report. Very sad indeed. After setting a new record for number of TO's completed in a 7 day period (i.e. one week), with three TOs as mentioned in the last issue, the Itorunt army was delayed in taking control of Clermont, taking a full 5 days to complete due to the lack of looting policy that was kept by the army of Itorunt. This show of honour will hopefully cause Perdan to see an example of the honour that they espouse, in action. --Alex

New layout for July!

Well folks, the II has come out tops this time, with the long rumoured new layout finally being released in the July issue! With colours based around the crest of Itorunt,and news based on the unashamed bias of the editors, we expect to have fresh news, first! Watch this space! --Alex

Comments for this month

Alex's comments

"Itorunt's expansion into Perdan with great speed is a sign of things to come."

"The day of ultimate defeat is approcaching Perdan with ever increasing speed, and the Empire will be there to claim it's due."

Ichigo's comments

"Great things are coming to our great realm."

Thray's comments

"Itorunt and her allies have fought the good fight and soon we will be rewarded for our faithfulness."