The Spiritual Guide to Estahs

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The Spiritual Guide to Estahs is a book, written by ancient Families. The believe, and the Word, has long been covered with dust. But now Estahsism has returned, and Priests are spreading the Word!

Index of the Book

• A list of The Supreme Gods should make the religion easy for normal followers. Only priests will consult the list of The Minor Gods more frequently.

• Other Stories ,Wisdoms and Myth Units can be found in The Collection of Stories

The List of Laws should offer you a clear view on the laws and rules of the religion.

A Detailed History

Estahs, House of the Gods

The River Of Life and Death, Ziksor, with the Mountains of Estahs.


Where exactly Estahs is, no-one knows. The only thing we know about Estahs is that it is a city, full of golden palaces, surrounded by very high mountains, which can not be climbed. In Estahs, there are three Rivers:

  • Veioror, river of birth, where life begins.
  • Zeakar, river of death, where life ends.

These two rivers come together in the center of Estahs, which is assumed to be the center of the universe. That river is called Ziksor, river of Life and Death. It is in the center of Estahs where you will arrive when you die. Then your soul will be moved to the Blazimir Forests, where you can find the souls of your beloved, if they are already death.


Estahs was created after the War of the Gods, aproximatly 90 000 years ago. Therefor, this is a new city. In these 90 000 years, only one person has reached the city, or that is what people think. The fact is that that person never returnd, so people think that he was killed by the Gods in Estahs.

Current Noble followers

Prins Simon, the founder of the religion, and thus a priest dedicated to converting fellow nobles.

Luquam, the first noble to join the religion, who devotes his life to preaching to peasants, thus he is one of The Influence Expanders.

Knight Of, the second noble to join the religion, is the count of Yipinalke, a rich townsland region near Vozzessdor.

Lorgan is the actual (co-)founder, together with Prins Simon. He is the duke of Ossmat, the Capital of Old Grehk.

Hurin is the count of Vatrona and therefor the lord of the capital of Estahsism.

Vagabond is the ruler of Old Grehk.

Johan has dedicated his life to the Gods, and became a priest!

Ethlarion is a noble of the dark, an infiltrator.