D'Hara/History/Third Census

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The Third Census was conducted in the Winter of 69 YD by Meginhard Brennaborg.

This was an unofficial census paid for by the University of Gelene after publishing a new version for the Book of D'Hara. It was meant as an addendum and it was hoped the research would help legitimize the Gelene version in D'Haran eyes.

The Census used the same questions as the preivous ones. The results were obtained by investigating the then 30 nobles in the realm. Information was bought from clerks in Port Raviel, who were confused as to why the academics from Gelene wanted this data, but also realized these academics were willing to pay a handsome amount.

1. Age
25 or less: 6
26-59: 11
60+: 14
The D'Haran nobility consists of many seniors, indicating stability.

2. Home
Dalian: 1
Dongese: 7

exotic: 5
D'Haran: 17

Non-Dwili have become uncommon. Most D'Harans are now actually from D'Hara. The recolonizing of Paisly has been successful, as almost half of the native D'Harans are from the area.

3. Class
courtier: 3
priest: 4
trader: 1
warrior: 22
During the Second Census about 1/3 of D'Haran society consisted of non-warriors. Now it is only 1/4. Noticably there is only one trader and no more ambassadors. This might be explained by the harsh struggle D'Hara faces on the Occidens.

4. Titles
12 knights.
18 lords and ladies.
6 nobles are dukes or have held a ducal position within D'Hara.
10 nobles have served in the government.
4 nobles are of royal blood, 2 of which are D'Haran royals, the other two are Madinese rulers.
This appears relatively similar to the Second Census.

5. Religion
Sanguis Astroism: 11
pagan: 20
Every region in D'Hara follows Sanguis Astroism, although there are followers of Lux Nova in Port Nebel. However, many nobles still blend the organized religions with their pagan ways. Verdis Elementum and Aetheris Pyrism have disappeared after the Great Monster Invasion.

6. Unit
archers: 7
cavalry: 2
infantry: 1
mixed infantry: 4
special forces: 7
none: 9
Infantry has become near obsolete and seems to have been replaced by mixed infantry and cavalry. There are also quite a lot who prefer no unit, indicating their preference to save gold for desperate times.

7. Former Realms
native: 17
Astrum: 4
Sol: 1
Swordfell: 2
Tol Goldora: 1
Aurvendil: 1
Morek Empire: 2
Avernus: 1
Avenor: 1
Arnor: 1
Westgard: 1
Fissoa: 3
Madina: 3
Solaria: 1
Springdale: 1
Terran: 1
Phantaria: 1
Wicrose: 1
Most D'Harans are now native. D'Hara does not seem to be attractive to Lurians.

8. Time in D'Hara
less than a year: 5
1-10 years: 9
11+ years: 16
D'Harans are loyal and patient. Those who become part of it, tend to stay a long time.

9. Residence Type
city: 15
townsland: 7
rural: 7
none: 1
D'Hara has urbanized since its foundation.

10. Tax Income
0-100G: 6
101-200: 9
201-300: 10
301+: 5
average: 243G
The realm makes an excellent income, but 15 nobles need subsidies to field 50 elite forces (200G). Of these 15 there are even 6 in dire poverty, making less than 100G.