Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Battle-Hardened Soldiers Seek Refuge

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Revision as of 05:00, 5 October 2023 by Tester (talk | contribs)

Monster Invasion(i): Battle-Hardened Soldiers Seek Refuge

A group of battered yet battle-hardened soldiers, survivors of the eastern onslaught, have arrived in your estate, determined to lend their aid in the face of impending peril. These valiant warriors stand ready to bolster your defenses during the monster invasion, offering their experience and resolve to help safeguard your lands.

As they gather within your estate, these brave defenders bring with them disconcerting news – some of the relentless monsters have been tailing them from the fallen eastern defense line. The encroaching threat draws ever nearer, and it won't be long before your estate must confront the looming menace head-on. Prepare for the impending clash!

Monster Invasion(ii): Scout Reports on Incoming Threats

Two crucial reports have reached your estate via vigilant scouts, shedding light on the encroaching menace.

The first report arrives from a resourceful scout perched atop the highest vantage point nearby. From this lofty position, they observe a grim spectacle: several massive monsters relentlessly pursue smaller prey, intent on sating their insatiable hunger. The smaller creatures, mindful of their formidable pursuers, maintain a cautious distance for now. However, it is only a matter of time before the large predators turn their attention toward any available food source, which could spell dire consequences for the people in their path.

The second report, dispatched by a scout concealed within a hunters' hideout, concerns a specific group of monsters known as 'Crags.' These creatures, despite their diminutive size, boast formidable, craggy shells and a set of eight sturdy legs that grant them swift mobility. Approximately two dozen of these Crags are advancing directly toward your estate. While individually manageable, these creatures pose a considerable threat when they swarm a victim. It is a race against time to decide whether to confront them outside your walls or face them within the safety of your fortifications. The choice is yours, and you may also consider innovative strategies to address this imminent danger.