Andryr Calder

From BattleMaster Wiki


Andryr was just a boy when his older brother, Edmund Calder, left their secluded family estate in the mountains of Evora and entered service as a knight in Shadowdale. Growing up knowing of Edmund's successes influenced Andryr greatly. Not to be outdone, he spent his youth being trained by his father's Weapon's Master, hunting on the rough mountainsides, and learning all that he could about the arts of states craft and war just as his brother had. When he came of age, he set sail for Dwilight to make a name for himself outside of Edmund's shadow.

He brought a unit of highly skilled rangers to Dwilight with him. Like Andryr, the archers honed their skill hunting dangerous game in the mountains. Andryr's father presented him with the pelt of a majestic white wolf he had killed himself as a parting gift. This pelt is worn by the standard barer who carries the winged stag of House Calder into battle. The honor of this position is second only to that of Captain.

Andryr is sturdily built with blonde hair. He shaves the sides of his head and wears the traditional war paint that is sacred among his people. In person he has a confidence that can be confused with cockiness and walks with carefree swagger. He has a friendly demeanor, and despite his station can often be found drinking in taverns with his men.


Andryr began his career as a knight of Askileon sworn to the service of Heliacal Wassgandr Felsenbach.


Sailing to Giask