Dixon Family

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Dixon Family
Fame 31
Wealth 20000
Home Region Askileon
Home World Dwilight

The Dixon Family originated from the city of Ashforth on East Continent. They have relocated several times, and are now residing in an enormous and luxurious estate in Itor Boss, by the sea.

The family motto is:

For Gold and Glory

For the sake of gold and glory, the Dixon family would do anything. They are brave, cunning and you would do well to watch your back with a Dixon.

Family Members

Sean Dixon

Name Sean Dixon
Age 21 Dix.jpg
Class Warrior-Hero
Honour 58
Prestige 43
Realm Yssrgard
Title Blackjack Boss and Warlord of Yssrgard
Items Battered Rod of Battle

Sean, the brightest yet most ambitious and crafty of the Dixon sons. Originally from Ashforth (Eponllyn), he joined Perdan after he was disappointed with the leadership. However, Perdan's leaders were even more rigid, and he was criticized for beating up and arresting an adventurer,Lilith, causing her to lose several precious items she was repairing for one of the Perdan Lords.

Tired of being chastised, Sean then moved south along with his friend Sir Koloyok Sethar. He fit in there like a wench in a noble's bed, and soon rose to become Warlord and Blackjack Boss of Yssrgard.

He also won a duel against Sir Finlay Keswick to secure for himself the Lordship of Itor Boss, and dealt Finlay a serious wound.

Greedy as he was, Sean hatched a plan to "buy" a ring from Aeslich, a commoner of Perleone. When she came to sell it, she was arrested by Sir Koloyok, who as Keeper of the Laws, tortured her to get the ring.

However, she refused to reveal where she had hidden the ring, and Sir Koloyok summarily executed her, tired of her whining. For his actions, Sir Kabalus Snodaert of Perleone attempted assassination (twice) on Sir Koloyok.

Sean traveled North to Lorient to give up his religion "Aspects of the Flame", and on his way, spotted Lilith. The one he had arrested so long ago. She was carrying several precious items with her.

Seizing the opportunity, Sean arrested Lilith, and Sir Koloyok supervised the torture and acquisition of her five unique items.

Some items were destroyed by Sir Koloyok and Sir Sean, for they were useless in their eyes. This ignited the anger of Sir Carlos d'Artois, whose armor was turned into horseshoes, as well as the ire of Perleone's nobles.

Perleone declared total war against Yssrgard, seeking compensation for each unique item lost or destroyed, and desiring the forced migration of Yssrgard away from the South.

Samson Dixon:

  • honor=71
  • prestige=26
  • age=19

Samson started off as a knight in Astrum. He then systematically looted and pillaged rogue lands, causing thousands of militia to rise up in anger. He even looted whilst the army was conducting a takeover, causing the peasants to attack his own realm mates.

He is haunted by dreams of women, and the gods calling him to kill in their name.

Ejected and banished from Astrum, he went to the land of Second chances - Tol Goldora. There, he rose to be Stratarch of Tol Goldora, leading the army of the Golden Host.

Shem Dixon

  • honor=36
  • prestige=12
  • age=26

Shem, the eldest son of the Dixon family. However he is not very bright, and has the intelligence of a child. He is friendly but don't cross him or he'll just as easy snap your neck. 

​​​​​​​He is six feet four, and weighs nearly 300 pounds. He loves to eat. 

So far, he has been in and out of two rogue prisons.

'You have been captured by a bunch of rogues, and from what you can guess through the dark hood they threw over your head, you are being brought deep into the forest. You have no idea what they might be up to.'

Yolanda Dixon

  • honor=22
  • prestige=6
  • age=17
  • Affiliation: Taselak

Dead Family Members

Simon Dixon
Was knighted in Thalmarkin and then killed by peasants in Rolbury. He had looted way too much.