Ruby-Studded Rod

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Type Weapon
Discovered By Danya
Discovery Date 2021-10-28
Discovery Location Dark Citadel, Colonies
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Calvin November

When my pal Danya found this thing, my first question was: "How many doughnuts do you suppose it could hold at once? 3 or more and you've got yourself a deal, friend."

I was not disappointed!

No finer looking implement for transporting and wielding doughnuts has, perhaps, ever been crafted. Why, I've crammed as many as 4 glazers on this fancy-schmancy stick thingie; the bumpy bits do a lovely job of keeping them from slipping off. You can get 5 on there, but you end up crushing them, which really doesn't turn out too well for anyone, ya know?