Perdan (Realm)/The Great Hunt

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An event hosted by Ambassadors Kenneth MacArbin and Aila Storme to celebrate friendship and alliance with the realm of Caligus, as dictated in the treaty between the Lion and the Wolf. Several nobles from both Caligus and Perdan were present.

This story began on 2/25/2021


In Meuse the guests of the crown will have been given luxurious rooms in a historic hunting lodge near the Lord’s own Estate. The building is surrounded by an attractive clearing that is slowly filling with the implements and trappings of nobility, and extending out into the woods on all sides are hunting trails like fingers, well groomed by the keepers of the land.

The building itself is a two-story old lodge made of huge timber logs, well maintained and very clean on the inside; the main room greets guests warmly. A huge hearth with a massive mounted trophy is the focus of the room, two male moose heads with antlers interlocked. Stuffed and mounted, forever telling the story of their conflict with each other.

Surrounding them is costly furniture with hand carved depictions of the animals native to the woods there, draped in supple furs and all displayed around a suspiciously large bear rug. The halls are covered in trophies from animals captured by hunters at that lodge before them. Deer racks to bear teeth, stuffed foxes and even a few particularly freakishly sized rabbits.

The second floor contains a few well stocked bedrooms, similarly luxurious but with far fewer dead animals to stare at them; by the Duchess’ emphatic request. She prefers to hunt early in the morning, so they had best be able to get their best rest...

On the morning of the hunt the serene clearing surrounding the lodge would buzz with activity the moment the sun met the horizon. Hunting dogs barking wildly as they are let out by their kennel masters, horses whinnying in annoyance at the racket, men shouting among themselves as they worked. A fire had already been lit, rashers of bacon with dough fried in the fat waiting for anyone who needed some fuel for the hunt.

Teams of guides wait at hand dressed according to their stations. Those guides dressed in green would be in charge of assisting any noble who wished to spend their morning setting traps in the woods, or practicing falconry, a relaxing option with little risk- the youngest guides are in charge of this hunt. (OOC: No gore, no violent imagery, no graphic description of animal death)

The hunters not in green are a different group, older and well versed in fox hunting, as well as other more challenging game like boars or bears. A rigorous horse ride and some excitement along the way can always be expected with this group but beware the risks are very real. (OOC: Possible gore, possible violent imagery, possible animal cruelty and death.)

Soon, the hunters would gather, choose their paths and set off into the woods in search of prey.


Famously impatient Aila looks entirely content to wait for her guests to join them outside. She is sitting on the back of an empty cart near the lodge, allowing her to look down at the list of reminders she had given Duke Kenneth from over his shoulder as he stands beside her, pleasing her more and more every time he says “done” and moves to the next item.

Both hosts are well known in Perdan, both young, both with Ducal titles, both of the same faith and just recently, both Ambassadors of Perdan. With the Duchess’ well known love of hunting there is no mistaking that it is her idea that they be here today, and with the Duke’s well known talent for pleasing people there is no mistaking that he has appeased her greatly.

Dressed in her costly hunting gear tailored from black dyed leather and accented with nothing less than gold fastenings she looks the part of a golden lion for the benefit of the guests. The long blonde braid to go with it is just an added bonus but incidentally her crowning glory. Compared to the tired faces of the staff around her she looks vivacious and ready to get on with the day.

In one hand is the last of a fried roll her retainer has tempted her into eating by drizzling in some new summer honey. With her list seemingly complete Aila declares “We have done everything we can aside from hunt the beasts for them..” before finishing her last bite.

Kenneth nodded, waving the last of the waiting retainers off to her task.

“Indeed, I think we should be ready. Victuals at hand; birds, hounds, and beaters ready to accompany the hunters; the trails scouted out for the large and medium game, and the last woodsfolk are coming back so-” a small party in green came into view, heading toward the kennels “-now, I see for the small game trails. I know summer hunts are not your preference, but as they go, I think this will be as good as can be.”

His own garb is new for the occasion as he is not a hunter by inclination, selected to accompany the Duchess' own style without infringing upon it. It is black in the main with strong accents of purple and gold, it had won him her approval earlier, but is now being tugged straight at the collar as Aila hears others approach. While rather bossily preening him she agrees, letting a slightest tone of worry escape her as she does "It will be." then lets him go again.

“Now I believe our guests are arriving, shall we begin?”


Oliver came to the hunt today with a forest green jerkin fitting to his form, its shoulders were embroidered with thing rolling designs of flowers; and its back held a sigil of a stallion's head for his House. A white sleeved shirt was worn beneath, and he had brown breeches to camouflage to the soil. His boots were just as practical, thick and long they rose up his past his ankles to his knees. His outfit wouldn't have been anything but handsome and fitting for the scene. It was also enough to hide his bandaged up arm; Oliver still had to be careful with the tender cut he earned only a few days ago.

It was far from his first hunt; and Oliver felt at ease being there in Meuse's thick forests, shouting men, cooing falcons, and tireless bloodhounds. And finally, he found the two of Perdan's ambassadors together. Oliver's chin raised, grinning confidently, he approaches them both. His smirk grows more wolfish when he notes Aila's clothes. There was something familiar about the scene.

"Good morning, my liege. You have excellent taste in your wardrobe I can tell. " He comments warmly on Kenneth's purple and gold; and bows low in respect, one leg perfectly extending back. "You've organized quite an event here—its timing is exceptional now that the war is over and just what the realm needed. It for sure beats having so many nobles gather for stuffy, dreary war councils all the time." "If we weren't to host things like this," He jokes smiling, "I feel like I would have soon turned into one those brutes myself."

Oliver takes a few steps over to the duchess next to where she sits on her cart. Fondly he smiles, his cheeks dimple with genuine warmth. He dips his head towards Aila, and Oliver places a warm kiss on her hand.

His eye-contact never breaks with hers as he holds her hand. "You're a bloom as always, Your Grace," Oliver compliments Aila first, eyeing the duchess's form in a darting glance, "I should warn you," He adds playfully. "Your reputation for the Hunt may be finally overshadowed today once I bring in the best trophy. I hope you can do your best; I will expect nothing less."

The young, bold knight tilts his head just so and his grin made it look like Oliver believed that he couldn't do anything less otherwise. He will score a perfect hunt.


The Duke's grin grew in turn with his knight's, though for different reasons. He nodded acceptance of the compliment on his wardrobe as was proper, but looked on the interplay between the knight and Duchess with growing surmise. The kiss on the hand, the boasts, the looks…Much suddenly became clear, to him as Aila returned his compliment with an affectionate pat on his cheek.

His response would have to wait, however, as he saw an approaching Caligan contingent, and called out to the few he could see at the fore. Beside Kenneth the Duchess takes her attention off the bragging young knight and turns to smile at them.

“Ambassador Ambrose, General Matthew, welcome! And my apologies to any others accompanying your party that I have not yet seen, of course. As you can see we have quite the festivities planned, but first, the real question: Do you care to join the greenclad guides in the falconry and more relaxed pursuits, or do you seek the thrill of greater game? I myself am more inclined to begin learning something of falconry, but we have plenty ready for the more vigorous hunt, including my Steward, Sir Oliver here. Duchess Aila, as always, goes where she wills, and I am sure you will have plenty of opportunity to hunt with her regardless.”

“I have never hunted with a Caligan, so I will be curious to see your skill whichever path you choose.” Aila adds, a challenge apparent in her tone but her bravado is gone as she is startled by a large white gyrfalcon landing abruptly on the shoulder of Sir Oliver's fine hunting clothes. A look of annoyance appears at once as the large bird begins preening at his carefully styled hair, and she accuses the younger man “You haven't got another lambchop in your pocket have you?”


When Duke Kenneth turns to face the other arriving guests, Oliver puts his palms on the edge of the cart and boosts himself up into a seat next to Aila; then leans back with a smug look for getting to share in the commanding perch with her. Where Oliver happily swings his feet around without seemingly a care in the world.

"Welcome to the great woods of Meuse, my lords. May you have good fortune in the hunts to come—" Sir Oliver grins mischievously, "But none more than me of course."

His attention is suddenly taken up by the gyrfalcon landing on him; it was far from the first time Oliver had met the large white bird of prey, so he wasn't so surprised when Luna appeared. Luna's noise must have been as keen as her eyes, for Oliver had in fact brought something with him; despite the duchess's possible innuendo. He smiled back fondly at the nuzzling falcon and fished out his strip of salted jerky for her to gobble down.

"Of course I couldn't forget to feed Luna here, the poor thing always acts so starved." He teases, smiling between the gyr and duchess. "And obviously. I haven't forgotten her master either."

There's a flourish with his hand, and Oliver's palm reveals a handful of honey and cinnamon nut candies right in front of Aila's nose.


Ambrose arrived at the hunting grounds alone, accompanied only by a young peregrine falcon perched on his shoulder. This small but regal bird of prey was unusually content to sit on its master's shoulder, despite lacking a leash or a cowl. It's claws firmly grasped a boiled leather patch on the knight's doublet's shoulder. Now and then it would flutter its wings and screech but then it would ruffle up and be still again.

Ambrose himself wore practical and robust hunting attire. His expensive cloak with a silver brooch was one of the few things that betrayed his status and riches. The other such thing was the warhorse he was riding. Definitely not something a poorer man could afford. His packhorse was not as formidable and carried, among other things, some extra clothing, a well-crafted crossbow, and several boar spears.

On arrival Ambassador made sure to greet each and every Perdanese dignitary personally. Specifically lingering to shake Duke Kenneth's hand and beam a few smiles at him.

He was not sure how the hunt was supposed to go from here, but he was pretty much ready to go.


Kenneth returned Ambrose's smiles, seemingly ignoring the interplay between Oliver and Aila for the moment.

"Your Excellency, welcome to the hunt! I see you are well-kitted out for serious hunting, I take it you will be going after the more dangerous game? Your spears will be of good use there, if that is your wish. But your falcon, of course, would do well in the lighter hunting. What is your pleasure?"


Aila’s falcon remains happily by Sir Oliver’s side even after her master casts him an unhappy glare in response to his offering the treat and hops off the carriage. The Ambassador for Caligus is excitingly eager to get going and she is more than happy to join him especially after seeing the young falcon on his shoulder. A proper bird, she decided, handsome and well trained compared to her half wild falcon half house cat from Evora, currently preening a knight in hopes for more morsels of meat.

“So far all of us are interested in the larger game” She informs Ambrose while jogging up to his side, leaving the others behind in hopes of hurrying them along. “There are three established routes” she explains to him, looking behind to see if the others had caught up “East, West and South. Pick one. I’ll follow whichever you choose.”

She is talking to Ambrose, yet only sees the falcon- even though she is clearly interested she does not comment on it at all.


Having made my way to the right region, still finding the humor in my miss-step on the way here, Happy to see the activities are underway. Looking forward to seeing the skills of the gathered Lords and Lady.


A smile rose on Isana's relaxed features as she looked over the heavy timbers and furred decor composing the rustic lodge. Feels like Wailing Wood somehow... The clamoring bustle of the event was exciting, yet comfortingly mundane after the short and fervid wartime. She and Queen Alyssa stood to one side of the busy clearing next to one of the lodge's windows, a snaring pack over one shoulder and her darling's hand claimed in her own. Alyssa's impressive black dog sat demurely beside the pair, un-leashed, looking over the throng of people with the resignedly disinterested expression hounds get when people are making mouth sounds when there are fun things they could be doing.

Isana's seasoned hunter's eye looked over the assembled staff. "Those younger guides there will be for snares and the like, small game." She gestured to them for Alyssa's benefit and then caught her eye. "The rest are likely going to try and stalk something larger or more dangerous."

Alyssa winced slightly at the mention of latter option. Have we not had enough danger? She wondered to herself. As she looked the crew of big game hunters over, noting their spears and crossbows being sharpened, polished, and readied, she felt a slight pang of guilt. If danger did find them, she wondered, would not another experienced warrior be beneficial? She had never seen bears, boars, and wolves in these woods, having only traveled through them with an army at her back, but she knew they were there. And where an army was safe from the wilds of Meuse, a small band of hunters might not. And while she had not hunted animal before, and she was best trained in swords, she had swung, thrust, and braced with a spear countless times. She would be prepared for anything.

Her partner, whose hand she held gently seemed to be sizing up the guides and hunters as well.

"Do they seem... capable and ready for such a task?"

Isana felt a slight movement in her love's hand and gave a reassuring squeeze.

"At this time of year, with lots of food in the wild, the only thing I fear for those hunters is any attempt to take on a sow with young... they ought not to do that, for stock management as well as their own safety. Beyond that, if the pursuit gets too dangerous they need only forfeit the chase and the prey should let them leave. Earlier spring, or late in the year when there is rutting... is much more dangerous."

She finished her casual inspection, gave a nod, then slowly leaned against Alyssa until her partner looked up at her questioningly.

"I am going to venture a guess that you're still up for the more relaxing option?" Isana asked with a hint of a tease, and dropped a light kiss on the closest cheekbone.

Alyssa's typical stoicism dropped briefly as she sighed contentedly upon the gentle display of affection. "You have said I should attempt relaxation at some point, and I have promised you I would try to find some time for leisure." As she straightened herself again, she nodded confidently, her lips rising in the smallest hint of a smile. "With that in mind, a light traipse through the woods and watching you impress me with your bow I believe would suffice in that regard, would it? If you say they are safe and ready, then I trust you, both with my heart and in your expertise."

Isana grinned, and wrinkled her nose a bit at the compliment. The subtle smile had not escaped her and her heart warmed at the prospect of the day spent unwinding together.

"Thank goodness! I thought for a moment you were ready to go haring off--ha!--looking for wild boar." The dark-haired knight paused for a beat to punctuate her own joke then continued. "We'll start with the tedious technical business of setting snares, so you'll have to wait a bit for the impressive part. Be warned though, it's going to be a bit of work for you too. Remember when I said I'd make a longbow markswoman out of you one day..? Might as well start now."

Alyssa nodded. Though she felt uncertain that a markswoman was in her destiny, she felt comfortable with Isana, who she knew she would never find judgement from, regardless of how many rabbits she would likely miss. And she was comfortable in knowing that with Isana they would not come back empty-handed.

Wrapping her arm around Isana's the pair made their way towards the lodge, spotting several nobles arriving at the grounds of the lodge as well. Two of the three dukes of Perdan had seemingly found themselves in attendance, Aila and Kenneth sat close to one another on a cart, with Sir Oliver standing beside. Another knight she did not recognize glanced around looking uncertain and determined. Though he seemed perhaps lost, he had made it to where he was needed.

The Caligan lords seemed ready to hunt, Lord Ambrose upon his well groomed horse and the others standing by awaiting the event's beginning. Everyone's eyes turned to Alyssa though, as a call came out from one of the royal knights who shadowed the royal pair as they arrived.

"Alyssa Kingsley the First, Queen of all of Perdan, the Grand Court of Aix, and the Riverlands. Her escort, Lady Isana Everlight of Perdan." He ended his heraldry with a bow as he returned to his place behind her, disappearing back into her escort.

Arm-in-arm with her darling, Isana stayed just the slightest bit back as Alyssa was announced to the crowd. A smile peeked from one corner of her mouth at being announced together, another recognition of their belonging; fleeting as weather were the words, but to her they felt momentous as a thunderstorm.

She surveyed the gathered crowd of mingled Caligan and Perdanese. A brief nod of greeting she gave to Sir Oliver, noting the young man was attended by a raptor that looked like the Duchess', and a smile to the organizing duo of Aila and Kenneth. This was promising to be a very good day.


He watches Aila leave, who had scorned his little gift to instead go socialize with the other nobles. Oliver let her go and gave the snow-white falcon perched on his shoulder a conspiratorial glance, raising his eyebrows. Maybe in those dark eyes, shimmering with intelligence, Oliver could see commiseration there.

"Perhaps you will be my company today instead, hmm?" Oliver whispers with a smile to the affectionate bird, stroking the feathers atop its head with a finger.

Now the others are going on ahead, and Oliver decides to mingle in around the back of the group; observing all with his hawkish expression. He soon spots the arrival of Queen Alyssa and Lady Isana in escort just behind her, Oliver's eyes meets Isana's holding a pleasant smile. He nods back, before resuming his walk. Giving some more attention to Luna perched on his shoulder along the way.

When they make it to the fork in the road, Oliver eyes the westward trail with heavy consideration. West feels like a good omen to him. "I shall go this way," He suddenly announces to the others, smirking with his boundless confidence. "Everyone knows going West brings good fortune in the great tales. "

He does wonder how long his little date with duchess's falcon will last too. Luna might be a boon to have.

De Montigny

Delphine arrived at Meuse's hunting lodge a little later than she had planned. The close proximity to her own estate and a little procrastination had both been factors in her delaying her initial departure.

The camps were already buzzing with activity as lords were getting settle in. This was one of the rare occasion where Delphine was waring leather instead of her usual plate. It was a fine ensemble that had been offered to her by her lover all those years ago, the one she never got to wear. Black leather thigh hight boots, a green tunic and dark tanned studded leather for light protection. Her hair was tied up in a a tight braid, the single crimson ribbon contrasting against her black standards.

She made her way to the main building, the large cat, midnight, by her side. As she approached, ignoring most attendees, she stopped for a familiar face, Duchess Aila.

"Duchess." She offered a curtsey, then giggled, breaking form to hug her friend and kiss her on both cheeks.

"Looks like a good turn out, as most of your events usually are. You had a good mentor. I hear there are boar that need catching. By the way, have you seen the new knight, Sir Dandro? I told him I would seek him out."


Seeing Aila handling matters with their Caligan guests, and Delphine as well joining the party, Kenneth took the opportunity to smoothly cut Oliver out of the herd.

"Steward Oliver, a moment, if you please."

His tone was pleasant, but his stride made it clear this was a polite command, rather than a request, and he led the younger man a few strides away, just enough for a low-voiced conversation not to be overheard.

"Two matters, my knight. First, please do remember that this is an event to celebrate and renew our alliance. Youthful high-spirits are one thing, and I will certainly be pleased if you win honours in the hunt, but the primary purpose of this is diplomatic. And second..."

His face and tone became quite serious.

"I will no longer be needing your services as Steward of Bescanon."

He let that linger in the air for a bare moment before his grin appeared.

"After all, it would be quite improper for the Earl of Nascot to be acting as a Steward for another region."

He pulled out a heavy gold signet ring, and proffered it to Oliver.

"You have done well. You listened to my last criticisms, and have made up whatever quarrel you had with Duchess Aila, indeed rather spectacularly, and I congratulate you on it. You have paid attention, and a number of nobles that I trust the judgment of have recommended you for the lordship. Well done, you have earned this."

The Duke raises a single finger.

"But. Do not prove me wrong that you are ready for this. Many young knights, men in particular, are prone to letting their first real lordship turn their heads, and they become insufferable. You are still my vassal, and you know my expectations on decorum. Prove your supporters, myself included, correct that you will not fall prey to that particular fault."

The grin stayed, but Kenneth's eyes were serious.

"Do well in this, keep your head about you, and behave, and you will be on the Council or a Duke soon enough, I have little doubt. But I do not wish you to doubt either that arrogance here will be the end of your ambitions for many years, and that passion you have been praised for risks curdling into something poisonous. I have seen it happen to others, I do not wish to see that happen with you."


Arriving at the lodge after a fun trip I happy to be here and to start putting names to faces.

I politely looking at each of the Lords and Ladies trying to work out who is who and the heraldry of their houses.

I am happy when an anointment was made to direct my attention to Her majesty Queen Alyssa and the gathered Lords and Ladies of the realm around her and finally seeing a familiar face in My Lady Duchess Aila, I make a special note in my mind for the lady Aila was talking to, dressed in stunning Black leather boots, a green tunic and dark tanned studded leather, dressed for the hunt with style, 'I like it.' I think to myself. I will join this party for the hunt and make my introduction to this fine Lady.

Unsure of the correct customs of this new realm I wait and observe what others we doing as I enjoyed the open air and wilds around me.


A sigh of exasperation escaped Gislin as he came to many realizations. Perdan, it seemed, was not the unified kingdom that Alyssa had made it out to be so many years ago. No, factions vied for power, individuals made outlandishly inaccurate accusations, and no one would speak when asked for opinions on how they wanted to see things run. Several letters he had sent, most to no avail. Instead, it seemed they all waited until later so that more arguments and political plays could be had. Trying to modify the law here was akin to trying to herd cats. Now to top it off, he had to head out to Meuse to ensure his princely brother was not making a fool of himself.

Three rouncys were already waiting next to Adjudent Magdalena as Gislin appeared outside, and his squire, Faravid, was already loading extra equipment onto his own as the Adjutant and Judge's were already packed.

"Rouncys, Faravid?" Gislin called to his squire, "Why choose that type of horse?"

"Coursers are bred for war, and palfreys are great for riding quickly, but the rouncy is good all around. I understood from the Adjutant that you wished to participate in the hunt as well as to conduct business in Meuse. The well-roundedness of a rouncy seemed the most appropriate choice to do both with, my lord." The rustic-haired, typical teenage Yssrgardian boy responded.

The prince nodded in approval, it seemed the boy was learning well. Perhaps not leaving him behind in Yssrgard was the right choice after all. He turned to the woman standing next to the horses. She was dressed in her riding armor, with her typical brightly colored surcoat and head covering intact. Both were black in color, with gold highlights, to represent Perdan, and a shamshir hung from the left of her belt with a backup khanjar behind her.

"Why are there three horses, Adjudant? I need you to remain here and look after the men." His voice was firm but with a hint of openness to it.

"My Prince, I have only known you for a short while, but from what I have seen you are the type to try to fight everything with weapons up close. You even have lugged spears being loaded. Most hunts are with bow, but I know you better than that already. What I don't know is if anyone will join you, and I would not be a very good second if I let you fight alone. Besides, the duchess's militia commander can look after the men just fine."

The former duke pulled himself into the saddle of his own horse. Madalena and Faravid were already up and in theirs before he started. There was, however, truth to her statement and there was little point in trying to argue. Once he was set, the three pointed the horses in the direction of Meuse and rode off in hopes of both hunting in the event and quelling certain disputes.


Luna had flown away from him at last to go take a commanding view of the train of nobles from a tree; or to perhaps find what her master was up to. Oliver was then left alone with his liege-lord for the first time in a long while, and Oliver was thinking if he was going to be scolded once again, His Grace was going to have another thing coming.

So Oliver tried his best to keep his face neutral while listening to Kenneth; it was sounding very much like he had done some wrong already.

He was about to open his mouth to tell the older man what he truly thought until the signet ring appeared in front of Oliver's astonished eyes, and promptly landed in his palms.

He had to do his best not to shame himself and jump for joy, laughing, wagging the ring about at the others and whooping like some manner-less commoner. Oliver wasn't about to give Kenneth the satisfaction of seeing him grin either; but it was damn hard not to keep his lips from twitching as he studied over the engraved designs.

"Thank you. Duke Kenneth." His response is strained and formal with his stiff bow. His face hard. It was better than hugging Kenneth outright. "I can promise that I'll be Nascot's next champion, and the region will prosper under the House of Laststar. You've made the correct decision here, my liege." Finally. He doesn't add aloud.

Without any further ado, he slides the ring onto one of his fingers and stretches the hand out for admiring. Oliver cracks a small smirk through his mask. "You should not believe I would ever misbehave without due cause, and you need not worry here, Sir. Right now. I believe only in a healthy, good-sported competition to help keep this diplomatic event from growing too tedious. There are no friendships to be gained without banter to foster the comradery."


Kenneth returned the grin, with a little wickedness of his own.

"Then go foster comradery, Earl Oliver. And do enjoy the baths in Nascot, as I recall the Duchess was quite fond of them. Words for the wise, and all...But I believe that is the Judge-Magister I see, and one of our new nobles, so I will leave you to it."

His vassal raised an eyebrow. "Duchess Storme?"

Kenneth paused, tilting his head.

"Of course, yes. She stayed in Nascot for some time, a few years ago. I enjoy my own bathing, but she would often commandeer them. One time, I believe, with the King."

"Hm. I see..." Oliver looked amused at this new intel; his eyes inevitably roaming over to the devil they speak of. "Thank you for the tip, my lord. Whatever baths are there, I will have to double their size meet her needs. Though even that may not be enough."

With a laugh and a friendly nod, Kenneth departed to wave to Gislin and (hopefully) Dandro.

"Lord Gislin, welcome to the Hunt! And if my miniaturist does not deceive me, Sir Dandro? I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting you, but this is a splendid occasion, and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have."


I was enjoying the sceptical as I was noting houses and faces. When Lord Kenneth MacArbin approached me. I nod and smile in respects.

"Yes My Lord.

Sir Dandro at your service my Lord and from your coat of arms would I have the fortune to be talking to Duke Kenneth MacArbin?

It is an honour to meet you my Lord.

I have a few questions My Lord, first one would be who is the Lady in green and black talking to My Duchess Aila? second would be would you hunting today?"


The appearance of Lady Delphine brings great cheer to AIla, who returns her greeting with the same enthusiasm, turning away from Ambassador Ambrose for the time being while he decided his path to take in the woods. Aila seems unwilling to let go of Delphine at first, as if inspecting her for any sort of damage. When satisfied, she let her hands fall from the other woman and just nodded at her compliment. She did have a good mentor, though she kept to herself the fact that the same mentor far preferred to spend his time gawking in shipyards instead of hunting the woods with her.

Her thoughts of the past are interrupted by the demands of the present, and she just grins nervously at Delphine, letting slip the consistent appearance of total control she always had at events. At this event, not everything was in her control and there was no way to make it so“Everyone wants a boar. If we do not find one I fear I will be in trouble” she laughs, making light of what is actually becoming a huge concern.

“Now Sir Dandro hmm” She looks about, seeing no one familiar in the confusion of horses and dogs “He said he would be here, it is a matter of finding him I suppose.” Aila frowns at herself, snapping her fingers as if she just remembered something “Oh right, I can summon whoever I like. Gid!”

A well groomed, well dressed man of a middling age came jogging up to her side, bending respectfully at the waist to hover low near the smaller Duchess. To the Perdanese he is easily recognized now as AIla’s most trusted retainer, GIdeon. He meets her terse summon with impeccable manners as always “Your Grace?”

“Bring us Sir Dandro at once!”

“Your grace!” A swift bow, and he is off.


Watching My Lady Ailas aid, walking towards me.

"I think I will be finding out the answer to my first question from the ladies themselves as it looks like I have been summoned. forgive me My Lord, I would like to continue our conversation, come and find me or summon me any time and I would be happy to continue. My Lord."

I nod to Duke Kenneth MacArbin in respects.

Nodding in understanding to My Ladies aid Gideon as he approaches and informs me the My Lady has summoned me to her.

"Thank you Gideon."

I wake my way to the two beautiful Ladies before me, bowing and then smiling a kind genuine smile to My Lady and then the same to this new Lady in green and black before I speak.

"My Lady you summoned me?"


It was amazing how different one's surroundings could be region to region in Perdan. From the bustling city of Perdan itself to the open fields and rolling hills of Brive, and now finally to the grand forests of Meuse. The many thickets were only broken by the roads, lumber mills, and the occasional open glade. It seemed the group for the hunt were smart, deciding to remain in one of the more visible areas, as Kenneth could easily be seen waving them down.

"Duke Kenneth," Gislin nodded in acknowledgment still seeing him as more of a peer than a superior, "Certainly nice to see you again."

The Last Prince slide from his horse, and Adjutant Magdalena was not far behind, as the squire started to download the horses and begin to take them over to the side for tying down. Knowing they would be hunting rather than fighting, he had decided to dress more in thick and quiet gambeson rather than his typical laminar armor he was more known for. Magdalena herself, knowing there might be a need for more than just getting in close to the animals, was already unpacking and stringing her composite recurve bow.

"Quite a gathering you have here. Some I recognize, some I do not. Tell me, what is here that I can kill for the glory of My Lady's event? I certainly hope something I can test my mettle against. It has been quite a bit of time. Perhaps a nice bear, or maybe a boar." He spoke and jerked his head over to the woman working on the bow, "My Adjutant there seems to think those are a bit dangerous for me to try and take on alone. Tell me, do all Perdanese worry so much?"

De Montigny

As her friend nervously laughed, Delphine offered what support she could. "It will be fine. We all want boar, but honestly, the event itself is what everyone is here for. Sharing our land and culture with our allies in Caligus, maybe make a few new friends and contacts along the way, but everyone will leave satisfied, the forests of Muse have an abundance of game." Delphine leans in and whispers. "But if you want, I can have some trappers guarantee a catch." She winks to Aila before joining in a laugh.

As Guideon returned with the summoned knight, Delphine is a bit surprised, she was expecting someone much taller, herself having a few inches on the noble new knight. But from their exchanges she was quite eager to learn more of this man who shared many similar valued to her own.

"Sir Dandro, we finally meet. I must say it is a pleasure to finally see you in person. I'm glad we were both able to make the hunt. Will you be joining the party hunting for small game or large?" Delphine was displaying her usual confidence, extending a firm hand to shake.

To help boos her friends confidence she adds. "Isn't Duchess Aila doing a fine job here. Her and Duke Kenneth have certainly organized a fantastic event to celebrate the continued alliance between Perdan and Caligus. I myself have unfortunately had little interaction with them besides for a few exchanges with their General, and am looking forward to meeting some of them during our hunts together."


Kenneth grinned at Gislin, giving a slight bow with his nod as was proper from a duke to a sitting Council member.

"A pleasure indeed! And quite a few things, along those paths-" he gestured toward the trails just beyond where a small court was gathering around Aila "-though what is more of an open question. Bear, boar, and cougar have all been sighted, and I'm sure quite a few other things might be found, or find you. As for worrying, I think perhaps you will find those who don't worry in ready supply today. I will be joining the more sedate hunt, myself, but that is mere temperament, not worry. And, let us be real, it seems unlikely it will be any more dangerous than the butchery we called 'battle' when I first joined the realm. A gaggle of half-trained spearfolk against the best armed and trained troops in the East..."

The Ambassador shrugged.

"I am not concerned. Nor are any of the others who were here during the great war. I look forward to seeing what game you bag."


I nod and greet both high Ladies in greeting,

I remove my helm to let my sky blue eyes catch the sunlight and shine with a tint of gold, Letting my well kept golden shoulder length hair hit the back of my freshly polished white plate armour that displays my house colours of white with a red cross and the golden lion of my house standing proud on both my shoulders, centre of my chest and on my shield, I know that I may have gone over board with dressing in my full knights armour but I wanted to make a good first impression to new friends and up hold My Lady Duchess Aila's trust and faith in me as her knight.

I put my helm under one arm before I speak.

"My Lady Duchess Aila."

I giving both My own Lady Duchess Aila and Lady Delphine a warm and genuine smile before I take Lady Delphine's hand gently and kiss the back of it.

"The pleasure and honour is mine Lady Delphine de Montigny, it is very good to put your enchanting face to your name.

I agree with you Lady Delphine de Montigny, I whole heartedly My Lady Duchess Aila is doing a fine job here. The weather is good, the game plentiful and the company exquisite, what more could be done to elevate the event even more so My Ladies?"

I smile at both Ladies to help back up my words for I believe in actions to accompany words is the best way to show that I am a man of my word.

"To your question Lady Delphine de Montigny of who I will be joining on the hunt I wish to accompany you both if you would have me? I wish to see these bow skills My Lady Duchess Aila spoke about over our first meeting and learn more about both of your Ladies thoughts and ideas on faith and the wider realms ideals, like we have spoken about in our letters. It is good to find likeminded souls."

Looking around at the different attendees I am feeling a bit over dress.

De Montigny

As the young knight Dandro kisses her hand gently instead of shaking it, she immediately recognizes the chivalry felt in his letters to her. It was a nice feeling that made her smile. She was usually a bit colder to approach, often keeping things quite professional until she felt comfortable and got to know the person better. However, with Sir Dandro, she felt that wall of ice melt much faster, she was quite curious to get to know him better.

"To your question Lady Delphine de Montigny of who I will be joining on the hunt I wish to accompany you both if you would have me? I wish to see these bow skills My Lady Duchess Aila spoke about over our first meeting and learn more about both of your Ladies thoughts and ideas on faith and the wider realms ideals, like we have spoken about in our letters. It is good to find likeminded souls."

"Of course we will have you join us." A bit too eager in her response, not waiting for Aila's approval. "Duchess Aila is by far a much better shot than I. We have quite a few outstanding marksmen in the realm like the Queens betrothed Isana who is quite deadly behind a bow despite her appearance. I will most definitely keep to the spear, I'm more of a hands on kind of girl."

The knight stood out with his freshly polished armor. Delphine was the one used to being ready for battle, practically sleeping in her armor, and if it had not been for the gift provided by Prince Nemean, many years ago, would probably had looked as much out of place.

"You might want to see about getting something a bit less noisy to wear for the hunt however, that is unless you are more concerned about being injured by one of the beasts." She chuckles nervously, a little unsure of how he will take it. She quickly regains her composure and her usual confidence. "There are certainly armorers on hand for repairs that must have something laying around." She turns to her friend once again forgetting formalities. "Aila, where can this this fine young knight find something more suited for the forest?"


My eyes brighten at Lady Delphine de Montigny from her response and reactions to my display of chivalry and I cant help but smile at her with a warm and genuine smile.

"I would be honoured to witness all the skills the Ladies of the realm and what they have to show, your remark about you being a hands on kind of girl has not gone unacknowledged by me either Lady Delphine de Montigny. I would like to witness your hands on skills at some point too if this is at all possible? If not at this event maybe some later date would be welcome.

I think you are right about my armour as well good Lady Delphine de Montigny, I was thinking the same things, It being too loud and not ideal for the hunt, let us see if we can find something more suitable. I like that our mind do seem to think alike good Lady Delphine de Montigny and it brightens my heart to know that our realm has brilliant and illumines flames in the forms of the Ladies of the realm like Queen Alyssa Kingsley, My Lady Duchess Aila and yourself serving Perdan."

I look around to see if we can find me something more suitable to hunt in and looking over the beautiful black leather Lady Delphine de Montigny is wearing.

"Would you have another set of that beautiful black leather you are wearing good Lady Delphine de Montigny?" I dont mind stripping down to my under shirt if no other option is available if you promise to keep me safe My Ladies?"

I finish my words with a smile that turns into a innocent grin that made my cheeks go red as I just realised what I had just said and to whom I said it to.

"With respects My good Ladies."

I know that last statement was a bit risky in the best intended and bold kind of way. Considering I had only just met with Lady Delphine de Montigny face to face a moment ago and My Lady Duchess Aila not long before this, I gathered from the responses from both My Lady Duchess Aila and Lady Delphine de Montigny they both seemed to enjoy a bit of boldness in a genuine and chivalrous why from time to time and this was a good opportunity to lightly test the ground before proceeding with either.

"As always My Lady Duchess Aila, I am at your service I await you blessing before I processed with my actions. The same goes for you as well Lady Delphine de Montigny I am at both of your service."

I bow to both Ladies and try to hide my brightening red cheeks while I wait for a response.


It's when Duke Kenneth had finally walked away from Oliver, Earl Oliver now, that a wide grin suddenly splits across the young man's typically serious visage. He hops for joy quietly in place, punching at the air, and doing fist pumps at the Duke's retreating form.

Then Earl Oliver realized where he was again, and subtly glances around to see if anyone had noticed his outburst; then assumed a casual posture again. Slicking back his hair as if he hadn't been jumping for joy a second ago.