Everwind Family/Amelara/Roleplays

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===The Battle of Isadril - November 2020===

===The Rivalry of Dame Amelara and Count Patriacc===

===Disheartened by Perdan===

===Writings of a Wolf===

===Wounded in Leibo===

((In process of transferring the below onto google docs))

===Writings of a Wolf===
Letter from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
Count Patriacc,

I hope you are well.

I do not really know why I write to you - logic and my own morals make it a foolish notion, yet I find myself drawn to this parchment. One of your old allies has joined Perdan recently - certainly seems far more humane than most of your people, but only increases my curiosity on some of your ways.

I have instructed my messenger to destroy this letter after reading it to you, so I hope your memory is good. It would not do well to be discovered contacting our enemy for no valid reason.

Again, I do not even know what the purpose of my writing is... see, Perdan is.. not exactly the land of heroes and knights in shining armour that I grew up believing. I find my saddle bags stuffed full with various letters of foolish bickering and quarrels over nothing. Your old ally finds it just as preposterous, saying that the subject of the quarreling would have been instantly resolved in Yssrgard.

Do not get me wrong, I have no illusions that Yssrgard is anything more than a vicious pit from hell - no offense - but I find myself intrigued by some of your views, and wishing to learn more. Wishing that my own people were a bit more.. decisive and sure in their actions, rather than having to jump through hoop after hoop only to find ourselves back at square one.

I became a knight to escape the life of aristrocrats, to wield a bow and blade, to defend my people and my home. I did not do it to take part in political nonsense about the correct and wrong times to have a friendly duel with an ally or discuss the wrong doings of a knight who should have been banished months ago for weeks on end.

I have no idea why I am coming to you in the hope of restoring my own sanity, I plea that you do not betray our.. rivalry, acquaintanceship, whatever this is. Perhaps I am a fool, and perhaps you would remove my head with no more than a second thought.

Perhaps I am a fool to believe you to be more than a murderous mad man my allies would have me believe?

Am I a fool?

(As the messenger reads the signature, he immediately tears the letter to pieces, throwing them into the wind. As he does this, he watches you fearfully, clearly worried you will tear him to pieces before he can destroy this. Assuming he lives, he backs away - still facing you - before mounting his horse and galloping away as if the devil himself pursued him.)
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Dame Amelara,

It may come as a shock to you to know that I am an educated man. Most in Yssrgard do not take the skald or scholar's path, but a few of us do. Now this does not mean we do not train with the sword or the axe, for we are still children of the Aethir Gods in Valhalla...but I spent a great deal of my youth sequestered with scrolls and tomes, learning poetry and mathematics, architecture and diplomacy. But these things alone do not make a man or woman any greater than the most ignorant fool, as the greatest swordsman or swordswoman alive is no greater than the youngest babe if they do not practice their craft and test themselves.

I do not believe you a fool. In fact I believe you have already discovered for yourself the chief danger of all educated and otherwise brave people: Decadence. Perhaps I can tell you a story from a distant land to illustrate my point...

There once was a small kingdom in a faraway land led by a man named Cyrus. This Cyrus led his people into battle with the greatest nations and kingdoms of their day, and toppled them all, creating an empire than spanned what seemed like the entire world. Cyrus led his people in battle, never shirking from the wicked work of armies, he even insisted he and his retainers wear wooden shoes so that they might remember their humble origins in hardship and struggle. For Cyrus knew that was what led his people to dominance.

Cyrus would go on to have sons, and his sons would begate yet more sons. The great-grandson of Cyrus was a man named Artaxerxes. This Artaxerxes had spent his life in luxury. He had never known what it was to go hungry, or to struggle in the heat of mortal combat. He spent every night with a new woman, never bedding the same one twice, and allowed his advisors to control his empire so that he might enjoy his parties and fineries.

Artaxerxes never wore anything but slippers of the finest silk. He ruled for a decade until another came, much like his Great-Grandfather, a warrior-king who destroyed the bloated armies of Artaxerxes empire and eventually killed the so-called 'King of Kings' while he hid in a field of reeds...

You see the decadence of Perdan for what it is: a poison that shall rot it out from within. We of Yssrgard embrace battle for the sake of self-improvement. I do not think ill of you or any of your kin. In fact, I pity otherwise brave warriors such as yourself that wither in the poison of such a decadent kingdom.

As for Yssrgard, where some see us and our ways as barbaric, we see the truth that it is struggle that brings out the best in men and women, and peace that weakens them. It is in struggle that we find ourselves, or find ourselves lacking. If it is the will of Heaven that we should meet in battle again, I will not pay you the discourtesy or dishonor of mercy. I would do everything I could to strike you down, as their is nothing but glory in such a death! Far from damning you, I would raise your glory into the night, and see that your body stood upon the largest pyre to be burned among the honored dead. And I would hope you would do me the same courtesy.

If providence should dictate that we meet not as enemies, then perhaps we can have a contest of body or mind, a singing of songs or duel of honor, so that we might truly know each other. I shall be glad if such things were to happen.

So in short, no. I do not think you a fool. In fact, I salute for being one of the few of the Lions to possess sense. My previous offer stands. Should you ever wish to turn away from the decadent land of bickering and intrigue, a warrior such as yourself would always have a place in Yssrgard. There is no shame in that, to turn away from an oath to a poisoned Kingdom, as it is only right to pick an unspoiled fruit quickly from a poisoned vine.
Patriacc Hwitt

Letter from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
Count Patriacc,

I am relieved to see my messenger return in one piece, I have had to use a different man this time so please look after him too. The stories of Yssrgardians is basically a ghost story for many of us growing up. I thank you for your response, which I have also destroyed, and I am glad to see that it only contains one death threat, which almost feels like a compliment.

I can tell from your letters in comparison to your King that you are at least somewhat educated. Rest assured that despite my longing to be free of much of my noble upbringing, I would not be writing to you were you not - tis an annoyance of mine. I agree with your view on education however, for as much as I love them, my family falls into the category that you and I both detest. They are happy to live their entire lives relying on their gold and servants, dying lazy and fat with nothing more than an expensive tomb-stone to be remembered by. I will be more. I already am more. I have near enough just described my own blood as this 'Artaxerxes', no? I hope that I am retelling your story in the reverse order. I will be the Cyrus of the Everwinds - it has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I thank you for telling me this story; for all the books I have read, none relate to my own feelings as much as this.

I do not believe Perdan to be doomed as you so suggest. I believe it can be changed - united as the tales and songs suggest it once was. To become fierce Lions once more as opposed to bickering monkeys.

I truly hope the latter circumstance of matter happens before the first - whichever outcome that may be, preferably your body, of course. But yes, I would do that for you, should you fight with honour and treat Perdan's women with more respect than when we first met. I only ask that should I face you and fail, that you give me a quick death - I would not wish my last moments to be feeling weak and helpless, bleeding to death.

I... am not as repulsed by your offer as I was the first I read those words months ago. But it is not the path for me, for I strive for peace - a notion you no doubt will scoff at, but I do not want peace to grow old, comfortable and fat, I want peace so Perdan can become a strong, powerful and united nation that can withstand any threat. That can only happen if its Lords and Ladies stay strong, after all. But I am only one woman - only eighteen years old, and I have been brought down to reality recently, so that dream may not be possible. The more days that pass, the less Perdanian that I feel at heart. Who knows where my mind and heart will be in a year's time?

I feel conflicted and disheartened, but surprisingly your words have helped stabilise my mind. Thank you.
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Dame Amelara,

Hold fast to that conviction. Though I know your conviction that Perdan will stand is bound for inevitable failure.

You wish for peace to allow Perdan a time to strengthen itself, but I ask you this: what do you think is going to happen when your kingdom makes peace with mine? If they bicker and infight to this degree during a time a war with a united enemy do you really believe they will unite during a time of peace?

The pit of vipers will begin to consume itself even worse. Do not let the fire of your warrior’s conviction be squelched by this. You will no strength in peace and we of Yssrgard will continue to do all we can to keep us all strong!

As for the matter of women, I wish to say this: battlefield banter is what it is, and we of Yssrgard do so enjoy getting a rise out of our enemy. That is our way, you see. Combine this that we do not find women at all the lesser of men, that stand as equals to us in all things, including battle. I have known women to give such insults at a moot that would surely turn your hide!

Why it isn’t even uncommon for women to court men! I know this is uncommon in lands outside ours, but perhaps that will help to explain my banter in that first battle.
Patriacc Hwitt

===Wounded in Leibo===
Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
It had happened so quickly. Amelara found herself floating in and out of consciousness as her two healers - a man and woman - floated about caring for her and the seventeen men who lay around her in their makeshift camp. Her scouts and cart driver acted as guards, not that they were at all qualified or equipped for such a role, they were all she had left.

She had ordered her healers when she first hired them to prioritise each of her men's lives equally to her own should this situation ever occur, yet the selfish and desperate part of her now couldn't help but wish they could do more to ease her two wounds rather than focusing on the others. She had been pierced in her upper left arm and slashed across her stomach - nothing life-threatening, no, but certainly painful.

What went wrong? Maybe her men were tired, but the rest of the Perdan army were too far away when her scouts reported there was no way she could escape Leibo without being caught by the faster moving Yssrgardians. To stand and fight was her only option, Amelara hoped that at least saved some of her surviving men's lives. Surely more would have been lost if they hadn't been braced for combat? Surely.

Nobody seemed to have returned for her, thats for sure. She knew she hadn't been alone in the quick battle - Hendrik, Joreb and Scarlett had been there too, facing the same outcome her troops had. She had no idea where they were now, but she hoped they were okay - or at least better off than she was.

Why didn't anybody come for her? Were the rest of the army truly unaware of the separation? Did she not matter enough to risk anything for? Were the Golden Lions not meant to be proud heroes fighting against all evil?

A small voice within tried reasoning with these irrational thoughts - Amelara herself had not gone back for Lady Lorelei or Lord Daario when they each were captured by the Yssrgardians. It was too dangerous and a foolish risk. But then... Amelara herself had lost her entire unit when Lorelei was taken, and was wounded at Daario's fate. What was their excuse now?

The irrational side was winning, and she felt herself filling with anger and hurt - not just physical hurt. Her discontent with her adventuring life was deepening - the fairy tale dreams of grandeur and heroism were moving further and further away.

She closed her eyes, drifting into another uncomfortable state of unconsciousness
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
(The parchment you receive seems to have a blood-stain in the corner, and the writing is not as neat and professional as the previous letters.)

Count Patriacc,

Perdan left me and some other nobles behind today. Our leader's orders to fall back to the capital was received far too late in the day, and by the time my men were gathered there was no chance of us leaving Leibo before you caught up. We held our own against you, and I am proud that my unit - weary and beaten as they were - witheld the onslaught the longest.

The pain I feel in my arm and stomach where I am wounded is greater than I have ever felt, the pain in my mind as I watch and listen the 'heroes' of my upbringing bicker and abandon their own is greater still. I face the long journey back to Perdan now alone, trying to support the remainder of my men.

I almost tore this up to start anew as my arm bled onto the page, but I figured you would not be bothered. Perhaps you would even see it as some souvenir of the blood your people spilled. My blood.

And in response to your letter, I understand your reasoning but still it offends me. My mother is quite happy to live her life as an accessory of my father, I am not. I believe your real views on women, however, it is a great reason your realm intrigues me so.

I am almost falling from my horse - my mind is not clear. I am angry and feel betrayed. If you require a favour from me, name it. Perdan should pay something for its foolishness the past weeks, and I feel powerless here to do anything about it.

Name it.
Amelara Everwind

Letter from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelera Everwind
Dame Amelara,

There is no reason you should be forced to march back in defeat to a Kingdom that has abandoned you. Regardless of whatever crime you may think Yssrgard has committed upon the world, we do not abandon our battle-brothers and sisters in the field. Do you really believe that your general and your Queen in her far away castle are deserving of the blood shed by yourself and your men? Do you truly believe they care that your men have died?

Come and join us in Yssrgard! You would be welcomed as a warrior who has fought with honor and who did not shirk from their duty, even when they were abandoned. You would be welcomed to fight beside us in our shieldwall, and though we may be relatively few compared to your decadent kingdom, the strength of will and our cause should be plain to the world by now.

If you wish to return to Perdan City, I wish you safe travels and look forward to meeting you again on the field of battle. If you wish to do what in your heart is right and follow the warrior's path into Yssrgard, I would be proud to welcome a new battle-sister!

Not to mention the opportunity to truly be someone. Perdan is a bloated realm with too many nobles vying for their positions and little fiefdoms. Yssrgard is a small realm and the voice of a warrior would have weight and be heard,
Patriacc Hwitt

===Into the Wolf's Den===
Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Patriacc cried victory when the retreating rearguard of the Perdanese invaders was finally broken by the combined forces of Yssrgard. After the battle, there was much celebrating and the quaffing of ale by all the warriors of Yssrgard. Skalds composed stories of the great deeds in the battle and stories of those that had died. Pyres were erected to burn the honored dead, even those of their enemies, the few that bravely fought, rather than retreat like their cowardly kin. Patriacc had sung songs and drank ale with his warriors around a great fire, until finally he fell into a dreamless stupor.

When he awoke the next day he rose from the back of one of the carts he travelled with in order to carry supplies or wounded. The sun was already high in the sky and his soldiers were making steady pace up the mountain path. Through his hungover confusion, Patriacc wondered why they were making steady pace up the mountain path when they were supposed to be heading for Isadril. Patriacc called out loudly for his captain Eckhart, and soon his old friend was riding beside him the cart, with bags under eyes similar to those Patriacc was sure he also had.

"Eckhart, why the blazes are we near the Mines of Isadril when the city we were supposed to head for is in the opposite direction? Patriacc asked as Eckhart sighed and rubbed his temples, as if he been expecting the answer.

"Well my Lord, we were going to to Isadril this morning but you were yelling last night that you were disappointed you didn't get to join in yesterday's melee. You then ordered us to move out and to, I'm quoting here, 'throw your drunk arse in the cart if we need to' so that we can make it here before the last Perdanese unit. Something about a young Dame that shows a warrior's spirit and would be up for a good fight? We know we've pulled ahead of them and they are heading in this direction..."

Patriacc perked up at the mention of a good fight and thought back in the drunken haze of the previous evening, smiling harder as the recollections grew in his mind. "Ah yes! The Dame Amelara! The only one of those Perdanese dogs that shows any promise! Excellent! Stop the march and set up the battle line, we shall wait for them here and initiate battle at the first opportunity. Should be fun!"

Patriacc clasped Eckhart on the back and jumped from the back of the moving cart, lugging his Dane axe onto his shoulders and began issuing orders.

Eckhart just grumbled about Nobles always wanting to bed enemy knights and turned his horse around, ready to set up the line of battle.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
Meanwhile, approaching from Leibo, a young dame rode up the same mountain path, slumped over her horse and looking not at all 'up for a fight'. Amelara was accompanied by 11 soldiers all bearing bandages but upright and at least able to draw a bow and swing a sword if necessary.

Dawn was approaching when her scout returned, and Amelara could only groan at the expression upon the young woman's face.

"What is it, Erelayn?" She asked wearily as the girl came to a stop.

"My Lady, I am afraid.." Erelayn hesitated, "The enemy got here first."

Amelara called for the party to stop, straightening herself up with a wince, "How many?"

"Around eighty - one unit, but..."

"Eighty? Is that it?" Despite her question, she glanced back at her weakened men, "...It will be enough. Which wolf is it?"

"Thats what I've been trying to say.. Lady Amelara, it is Count Patriacc."

She stiffened, her horse whinnying as her muscles tensed into the beast. The first feeling to fill her was fear, but as she moved her mount forward to the crest of the hill to survey the assembling unit just visible in the distance, it changed to intrigue, "...Is it too much to ask if he is preparing for a friendly meeting?"

Erelayn shook her head, "No, my lady, he is clearly expecting someone. I think he knows we are close."

Amelara sighed deeply, "I think so too. They are preparing for battle, and we are too close and weary to make any quick escape. Thank you, Erelayn, dismissed.. I suggest you get yourself to safety."

Looking back to the specks in the distance, she muttered under her breath, "Well then, Count Patriacc... time to put your gift to good use. We shall see if one of us will burn at a pyre today."
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Patriacc read the urgent letter sent from the Marshal and grunted in frustration. How droll! He was prepared to pay weregold for any damages to the region as a result of the skirmish, what more could the Perleonese ask for!?

He could see the small unit in the distance as his scouts returned, they placed the number of enemies at less than 20 able combatants, they even reported that the young Dame slumped in the saddle, obviously injured.

Patriacc’s brow furrowed as he thought. It was hardly sporting to attack the young Dame like this. He didn’t really care for the Northerner’s notions of “honor” but he reckoned this wasn’t right after all.

“Eckhart, have the men stand down!” He cried, gathering up his shield and throwing his axe on his shoulder. "It seems that if there is to be a fight today, it will be of Perdanese doing. Bring me my horse!" Patriacc settled quickly into the saddle of his horse. He never fought in the saddle, preferring to stand with his soldiers in the shieldwall with his dane axe.

He looked again at Eckhart and gave his further orders, "I shall ride forth and meet with the Dame I think. Stay here, and do not engage unless they attempt to attack me. They are in no condition to fight and the young lady is brave, but not stupid. Mayhaps no one dines in Valhalla tonight..." With that he began to ride toward the approaching Perdanese force before stopping suddenly and turned again to his captain, "Have the healers ready to attend to wounded. These people fought honorably and were abandoned, if we cannot give them gift of Valhalla then perhaps we can share our fires for one night..." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

It took around 15 minutes at gallop to come into distance of the Dame's approaching force. He made sure to stop well outside of arrow range and raised his banner to the force, an obvious sign of parley. He breathed deeply and shouted as loudly as he could.

"Dame Amelara Everwind of Clermont, I am Count Patriacc Hwitt of Aeng, I have come to offer parley. I mean you no disrespect through pity, rather I have been ordered to stand down! No more of your men need meet the Gods tonight! I offer food and the services of my healers to any of yours who have been wounded! Come forth and share our fire, if only for tonight! And in the morning you may go wherever you wish!"

He sat proudly on his horse, resplendent in his chain mail, with his two handed axe in one hand and his large banner in the other, and waited for the Dame's decision.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
As the Count approached, the report he had received of Amelara's state would at first seem inaccurate. The girl was now sat straight - almost proud - in her saddle, flanked by her least bandaged men, waiting patiently.

On closer inspection, it wouldn't take a master of perception to see that this was mostly a front. The bloodied bandages around her arm and waist didn't help either. But despite the pain, she refused to slouch or appear any weaker than what she couldn't control.

Rather than her usual trusty bow, she now wielded the same axe that Patriacc had gifted her after their first conflict. The weapon was just as clean as when received, in fact too clean to just be down to unused - it had clearly been intentionally cleaned, regularly in fact.

Her guards shifted, hands moving closer to their quivers as the Count approached, looking nervously to their Lady for instruction. None came, and they kept their hands away, unarmed.

Amelara noted the distance Patriacc kept, judging the length any arrow of her's would reach, before nodding to herself. He clearly was intelligent, he was probably only a matter of a foot or two out of range, clearly by logic from the Yssrgardian rather than luck. No banner was raised in return, for both her bannermen lay dead on the battlefield, the banners themselves torn beyond use. A few of her guards bore shields however, the Everwind crest printed on the metal facing towards the Count.

His words took her by surprise, interfering with her proud stance for a moment.

"Do not trust him, My Lady.." Captain Siegmund whispered in her ear from the right of her, "We watched these barbarians take Lady Lorelei captive after their horrible words before battle commenced... I will not let you walk into a trap!"

Amelara shook her head, "Although I have not met with Lady Lorelei since, no word was raised of poor treatment to her... not publicly, at least. I know enough of this man to know him different to his fellow Yssrgardians, if any of them even match the rumours we are told so frequently. Move forward ten feet with me and then hold, I trust your aim will be as true as it always is should it be needed. But do not break our parley unless he does first. If you do, trust me that the consequences will be severe." Her captain hesitated, before bowing his head in submission. Amelara patted him on the shoulder, before riding forward.

Stopping a matter of feet from him, she examined him for the first time. Although he appeared.. scruffy, he certainly didn't look like a brigand. In fact, she had seen many highway men in Perdan itself that looked more rugged and nasty than this man. He wasn't that much older than herself, either. Yet here she was, only a few feet away from an enemy of Perdan, alone and defenceless. She felt some of her courage melt away, but she cast the fear away.

"Count Patriacc.." She greeted, her voice likely matching the exact tone Patriacc would picture of a typical Perdan aristocrat - even if Amelara herself didn't, "It is.. a pleasure to finally meet you face to face. I admit when my scout reported you being here, I assumed I would finally have opportunity to use this axe. I am not disappointed at this outcome, however, if we are to fight one-on-one I would do so not bandaged up and at my best strength."

She pursed her lips, looking back to her weary men, "I.. am grateful. It would be good for my men to see yours as humans like them rather than monsters like the undead that plague our lands. Not long ago, that was my view too." Straightening up further, she declares, "Very well, Count Patriacc, I humbly accept your offer." As she turns her horse to return to her men, she hesitates, saying in a darker tone, "..But if this is any kind of trap and a single member of my party is harmed - even if only a punch, be assured that I will fight until either your head is mine, or death takes me. No matter how many wounds I take. But you would expect nothing less, no?"

Hoping that threat would be taken seriously and not laughed at, she turns away and gallops away back to her men. Patriacc, if he waited, would see the demeanour of her men worsen as they clearly don't seem too happy with the idea. Eventually, however, they proceed as one unit, clearly trusting in their leader's judgement.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Patriacc nodded when Amelara turned around and went back to her soldiers, and gave no reaction when she had made her threat of violence. They both knew should it come to that, there would be a slaughter, be he let her keep her honor in front of her soldiers, one warrior to another. He waited until the contingent began to move forward and then began to ride back to his soldiers at full gallop. He arrived well ahead of the slower moving Perdanese contingent and saw his soldiers at attention, ready for their orders.

Despite their reputation for barbarity in other kingdoms, these soldiers were some of the finest infantry on the continent, armed with the finest steel and clad in some of the finest chainmail that could be produced. Men and women stood together in almost equal numbers each warrior a shield-brother or sister. Patriacc was proud to say they were a well-trained force, and he knew they would follow his order now, though they may not want to. He sat on his horse in front of them and spoke.

"Men and women of Yssrgard! Brothers and Sisters all! Tonight no Valkyrie shall take anyone to Valhalla! I have decided to extend parley to our Perdanese adversaries this night. You may consider them to possess guest-rite and I will kill any of you that attack them myself, is this understood?" There were a few troubled glances or frustrated glares from some of the more enthusiastic warriors, but none spoke in defiance. Patriacc gave no sign of acknowledgment, he knew they would follow his order.

It was not long before the Perdanese approached from the road. The two contingents came to face each other, at rest, though tensely expecting a fight to break out at any moment. As offeror of the parley, Patriacc dismounted his horse and moved forward, in front of his men. "Soldiers of Yssrgard! You are hereby ordered to stand down. Begin to make camp for the evening! Healers come forward! You will see to our guest's wounded!"

He turned to face his adversaries as the Yssrgardians broke rank and began to go about the familiar business of preparing their encampment for the evening, beginning with Patriacc's own large command tent. The healers moved forward with the equipment of their craft, waiting a good distance behind Patriacc until told to do otherwise.

"Dame Amelara! Soldiers of Perdan! I hereby grant you guest-rite until the sun stands at its zenith tomorrow at noon. No harm shall come to you in that time and you will be allowed to go anywhere you please. My healers stand ready to receive your wounded should you wish it. Dame Amelara, you are welcome to join me in my command tent should you wish to join me for dinner."

With this he handed his shield and axe to Captain Eckhart and doffed his helmet. Thusly disarmed in front of his enemy he bowed slightly and began to walk into his growing encampment.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
"Oh Amelara, what are you doing?" A part of her mind questioned as her men and women of Perdan rode towards the Yssrgardians. For the total opposite reason to the days recently passed. "Is this.. wrong? Am I betraying my oath to Perdan, and my Queen?" The irritable, immature part of her soon replied, "What has Perdan done for me, though? Besides ruin my dreams and leave me for dead, of course. Not one letter asking of me... nothing." Her expression darkened as she led her men into the 'enemy' camp.

"I trust you, my lady.." Siegmund uttered to her, still at her side as he nodded towards the command tent,"But please be careful. I am reluctant to leave you alone with him. Perhaps I should accompany you."

Amelara felt some relief from the offer, knowing the nerves bubbling around her stomach would ease knowing her capable right-hand-man would be with her. But the stubbornness won over, and she shook her head, "Thank you, Captain, but I will be fine. If anything was to happen, I command you all to return to Perdan and report what happened. Do not risk your lives unnecessarily for me. Help their healers with our wounded, and ensure our people show theirs respect. I will have no quarreling or fighting under my command."

With that attended to, she proceeded to follow Patriacc, looking around at his men nervously. She was indeed impressed with their equipment and armour - she had seen Yssrgardians up close in battles of course, very close considering the scars forming on her body, but her mind had chosen to see them dressed in poorly crafted leather like the barbarians she had envisioned for so long. That was not the case. Her own men resembled that closer if anything.

"Thank you, Count Patriacc..." She finally spoke, returning her attention to the leader, "I had hopes of finding one of my allies here waiting for me, yet instead I find a supposed enemy instead saving my people and myself from an uncomfortable night fighting off infection and cold." She hesitates, "I.. humbly accept your offer, if you are indeed willing to host me." She frowns then, there had been a curious edge to her some time now, which sje finally releases by asking, "Do you mean to say that had those orders not been given to you, instead of dining together you and your party would instead be tearing myself and my people from limb-to-limb?"

She involuntarily shuddered at the thought, her skin paling even more than her weakened state already portrayed her as, "I shall consider myself fortunate, then, I do not think I would even be able to swing that axe in my current state. I admit that I do not think my people would extend this courtesy to you were the roles reversed." She hesitated, "I am not sure I would extend this courtesy. But then.. you are very different to most other men I have met in my lifetime."

She cleared her throat, "Apologies, I am rambling. I should be quiet before you rethink your offer, heh." She chuckled uneasily.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Patriacc walked with Amelara back to his tent. He was quiet as she spoke, giving her the chance to speak freely. By the time they arrived at his tent all had been prepared was ready. The tent's ceiling was big enough for someone to stand freely, and the furnishings were well made, if spartan in nature. There was a simple cot, large enough for a pair to sleep comfortably with furs and quilts to stave off the winter cold, a writing desk with ink and parchment, and a small table with two chairs. Finally a large chest lay in at the foot of the cot, locked with a heavy iron padlock and no discernable key hole.

Patriacc went first to the writing desk and quickly doffed his mail armor, now only wearing a simple, but finely made tunic. He was no fool, and watched Amelara carefully as he did so, but he hoped the gesture of now being unarmed and unarmored would put her mind at ease. He sat down on one of the chairs at the tables and gestured for the young lady to join him. She was younger than he by a few years, but he saw the look of a warrior in her eyes, the same as his. Despite her youth, she was no stranger to work of battle and killing. She was even pretty, which he supposed was a bonus. Once they had settled, he finally spoke.

"To answer your first question...to be honest I do not rightly know. I had ordered my men her to chase you down and give you the gift of a battle between warriors with no pretense or expectation but...Yes, I was ordered to stand down as my people do not wish to antagonize Perleone for the moment. Though I must admit...I was having my own doubts whether to engage you in battle."

He looked at Amelara's look of confusion at this he attempted a disarming smile, and threw up his hands in a shrug. "Your companions out there stand abandoned by your home and the people to whom you have given your oath. I do not say this to needle you, but simply as a statement of fact. In the face of such things, you were prepared to fight to last rather beg for mercy. This I respect. I believe from our correspondence and from the reports of our previous battles against one another that you are a brave woman of character and you deserve better than that."

I look at you and see a wolf among a pride of lions. The lions grow fat off easy kills and past glories while a wolf constantly struggles to survive. But a wolf cannot stand alone. Not even one as brave and fair as yourself, Dame." Patriacc caught himself at this, surprised by own statement. He coughed quietly as the moment hung in the air in much the same way bricks do not. Before long he continued, "Forgive me, I mean no impertinence. To be honest I rarely have the chance to spend time these days with nobility, much less those of refined nature of Perdan."

Patriacc got up from his chair and walked over to the chest at the foot of his cot and produced a small key from the confines of his tunic. He stealthily opened look while positioning in such a way to prevent Amelara from looking at the method of its opening. From the chest he produced a bottle of pale golden liquid and two glasses.

"Mead, from the finest honey of my land of Aeng. Would you like some? Dinner should be cooked well soon." Patriacc asked, as he sat back down and began to pour.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
Amelara seemed just as surprised by the interior of the tent as she had by the equipment of Patriacc's soldiers. Clearly she had been expecting a much.. messier tent. Her eyes lingered on the large chest for only a moment, perhaps not yet spotting the abnormality of the padlock.

Watching cautiously as he removed his armour, Amelara looked down at her own attire. All her upbringing urged her that for sake of formalities she should too remove her armour and even don in finer clothing. Her formal attire was always carried with her - yes, even to war, an emerald dress was lately packed away. As much as the life of nobility bored her, appearance was important to her. Even with her current state, the evidence of brushed hair was apparent, and what skin was on show didn't carry anywhere near enough dirt, mud and dried blood as would be expected considering recent events.

But... would that be really appropriate to remove her amour as well? He may have removed his, yes, but he was far stronger than her. Even with no weapon or armour, Amelara wasn't convinced she would be able to best him if necessary. Did she trust him? Well, that was the real abnormality, as instinctively her response was 'yes'.

After a good half a minute thinking about this, she slowly followed suit by removing her armour, leaving just her green travelling attire. There, the formalities were done. She took the seat he had gestured too with a nod of thanks - despite the decision to remove her armour, she still sat alert rather than relaxed, eyes fixed on the man she was alone with.

"The honesty is appreciated." Amelara nodded, a slightly incredulous tone to her voice, "It baffles me nonetheless that you switched from planning to engage in battle to..." she gestured to their situation, "This so quickly. If we are speaking honestly, I mean no disrespect but I believe you have kept your honour by not taking the initial route - there would have been little.. glory in the 'battle' against us."

She detected nothing in his smile or following words. Naively, she considered his words on her allies deeply, another dark expression crossing her face as she did so. She bowed her head at his compliment, attempting to hide the pride she felt from his words, "I would not see my people killed so needlessly, I was planning on at least proposing a duel between us rather than throw their lives away without hope." Even as Patriacc broke off from his words, Amelara seemed to take no offense and was thinking about what he had said. Perhaps the compliment thrown in at the end was missed. "Your words do not seem as bizarre or proposterous as they would have a year ago, Count. There are too many voices in Perdan, too many 'lions' trying to control the pride. But... a wolf?" She appeared uncertain, "I.. do not know. Whilst I may be.. brave, my views on war and conflict differ greatly to your own. I fight for a different purpose, one that I do not think most of your people would appreciate."

Clearly Amelara had taken Patriacc's words as 'sage advice' and genuine. Whether it was intended as honest and with her best interest at heart, is left to be seen!

"You have nothing to apologise for, Count," Again, she may have missed what the apology was for, "I know I likely speak and sound like the worst kind of noble lady there is, but be assured the mannerisms and rituals required to engage in simple conversation sometimes frustrates me too. A habit built into me, nonetheless - it takes a lot of effort for me to even shortern a word. Strange, is... n't it?"

She looked to the bottle as he returned, again not paying much attention to his method of opening the chest. At his words, she considered, "Mead? I believe I had one cup of something similar in Perdan. Despite learning all the correct mannerisms of eating food whilst growing up, my parents were very particular on me avoiding much alcohol." Pausing, she finally nodded, "Yes I will have some please, though I am not sure if I would like it or not. Thank you."

Upon receiving the drink, she would raise her glass to him, before sniffing the liquid curiously. Finally, she would take a polite sip, cringing at the strength. Nonetheless, her naivety won again and she continued drinking.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
"Ha!" came a hearty laugh from Patriacc as the Dame drank the mead carefully. "My parents took me to my first moot when I was a boy of ten. There I saw the warriors drink and tell tales in the great hall of Isadril. I remember when a warrior, may he dine forever in the halls of Valhalla, saw that I had risen no flagon and so brought me a cup full of mead. He demanded I drink it in front of the whole assembly or be branded a milksop! I remember how it burned my throat going down, I thought I would be sick! I stuck with it though, kept it down as the first raged in my belly and I can remember when the whole of the great hall cheered for me, as if I was a warrior returning bearing the head of an enemy king! Ha!"

It was around this time that Captain Eckhart quietly poked his head into the tent with a look, and Patriacc gestured for him to enter. Behind him came a few soldiers, unarmed and unarmored now, bringing in a piece of spitroasted boar leg, along with a modest, yet respectable, smattering of side dishes. Bread and root vegetables were presented, as well as a few pickled vegetables from the latest harvest. It was more than would usually be eaten at camp, even by a Cout, but this was a unique meeting.

Patriacc smiled again, "This is no Perdanese feast, but there is a beauty in the simple as well." He broke one of the pieces of bread as the Captain bowed and retreated from the tent, saluting his commander and nodding politely to the Dame as he close the tent flaps as he left. Familiar sounds of Yssrgardian eating could be heard as the sun began to hang in the sky. Loud voices could be heard laughing and singing, though Patriacc knew they were being on their best behavior. He hadn't had to break up a fight yet, after all. He knew Eckhart would have set up a number of sentries around camp that would make sure everything remained peaceful.

He refilled the glass in front of Amelara and spoke again as they ate, "You shouldn't believe all the stories they tell you about us in Yssrgard. We do not eat babies nor share capture women around the campfires. Make no mistake, we are raiders and warriors above and we will never apologize for that, but not all of us engage in those activities, you know. A warrior is given much freedom in our land and conviction is respected. A warrior need not agree on all things to stand by another, to..." he smiled again looking at Amerlara and took another sip of the warming mead, "-fight for someone."

"Make no mistake, we can sometimes be contentious. In fact, there is a certain Marshal I plan on giving a headbutt to when I return to Isadril, as she had the gall to call my men fat! Can you believe such a thing!?" He laughed as he spoke. "But we also know how to forget and forgive. We may row and fight, even coming to blows in certain times, but we always know that when the dust settles that we are brothers and sisters in battle and Yssrgard.

Time passed as the pair ate, until finally the last rays of sunlight were dipping over the horizon and Patriacc lit sconces around the inside of the tent for light.

"Might I ask you question, Dame? A question you may not get asked in your homeland. What is it you want?" He sat back down as he spoke, his cheeks flushing from the warmth of the drink and food and the company against the cold breeze coming in from outside as the sounds of camp life continued around.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
Amelara listened to the tale with fascination, searching her own memory for any comparable story. She deflated slightly as she struggled, "That would never have happened in my Father's halls. I do remember my father celebrating some form of success when I was young. He got very drunk, and Mother did manage to slip me a small glass of wine. I then sneaked into the kitchens later that evening to take more, I think I got rather.. drunk. I later went out to pretend fight barbaria-- mmph.. fight monsters, fell from a tree and broke my arm. Spent the next season near enough locked in my room and lessons." She frowned slightly, "Not quite as warming as your story, my apologies."

Her eyes widened at the feast that appeared, "Goodness, that is a... ahem, that looks.. delicious." She seemed quite intimidated by the amount of food presented. She waited momentarily for somebody to serve the food, clearly something she was used to, before remembering the situation she was in and quickly moved to grab some bread too to avoid appearing impolite. She bowed her head back to his Captain as he left. She flinched from the noises outside, trying to identify any of her men taking part in the festivities. She was unsuccessful, but she hoped they were putting in the same effort she was.

The more they conversed and dined, the less dainty and polite her sips of the mead were. For the first time since meeting, colour appeared in her cheeks and her posture finally relaxed rather than looking ready to spring into action at any moment. "You are acting a true gentleman, Count Patriacc.. Not at all how I envisioned when I first stepped in to 'defend' Ser Oliver. I am sure I need not remind you of your first words to me then, either." She tutted, before nodding, "I never believed you ate babies.. cooked them, maybe, but not ate." She smirked, before raising a brow, "You do not share your women around the campfires? What do you do with a captured woman, then, dare I ask?" She nodded at his next words, "Exactly. Yet every day I hear about disagreements and arguments... not long ago, one of our 'nobles' set fire to Perdan City and attempted to kill a Lord and Lady... he received a slap on the wrist, got released back into Perdan again and a couple of days later took part in an illegal duel. Which, by the by, is an absolutely silly law to begin with to not be able to duel during war time... but he got excused again for that, and everyone started an uproar about this one murderous bastard - half claiming he deserves more for all his past heroics, others including the Lady who almost died to him insisting he be removed. Why make such a fuss over breaking some duelling war when you made no such fuss over arson and attempted murder of your own allies?!" She finished her glass, seeming to pause as if to wonder if she should really have told such a recent and still ongoing story. She shrugged, "I have little time for such... crap. I would rather be defending my homeland from you. Although now I am not really that fussed about doing that. Well, as long as you leave Clermont alone."

"Fight for someone?" She repeated, refilling her own glass, "Who do you fight for? ..If you had fought me today, who would you be fighting for then?" She laughed merrily at his comment on his fellow noble, "It is strange. I lectured you for your talk of women and how they are not objects, yet I was momentarily horrified by you saying you wished to headbutt a woman. You really do see us as equal, that is... good. The way you describe yourselves as allies, that is how I envisioned the life of a knight. Fighting for each other, our homes, our families. Not just fighting because somebody wears a crown and thinks we should... I agreed with this war at first because it was meant to be protecting the innocent from your... raiding. But that 'goal' has not been mentioned in months, there appears to be no progress and we cannot even move as one group." She slammed her glass down, a little harder than expected. She frowned, "This mead seems to be affecting me quicker than I anticipated. I.. apologise for my behaviour, Count Patriacc."

She froze at his final question, taking her time to process the question and formulate a response. "What I... want? For sixteen years of my life, I wanted to be a hero. Defend the weak, fight glorious battles, be written and sung about so my name was known around the whole world. I wanted to be everything my parents were *not*. Turns out heroing is not what it is all bigged up to be. At least not in Perdan." She gulped down more mead, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, "I think most of all I want freedom to be *me*. Not some noble delicate flower whose only purpose is to look pretty. Not just a number of some army whose only purpose is to follow orders... I want to make my own decisions without judgement, consequence or hoops to jump through." To him, then, "And what do *you* want, when you appear to already have all that?"
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Patriacc smiled at her explanation. It had been some time and the noise outside was beginning to die down. He was pleased there had been no reported fighting, regardless of his nature. What did he want? A bully full of mead, a well honed axe, someone to spend the cold night with. Patriacc blinked at that last thought. He had drunk more than he intended to he noticed as he felt his flush cheeks against the cold winter wind. He looked at the young dame again. Where once there had been a rigid and disciplined woman of proper breeding, there now sat a beautiful young dark haired woman, full of passion. She bored a warrior's build and a good many scars for a woman her age. Both were plusses in his book.

Patriacc blinked again. He breathed deeply. Hel take me. "Dame...Amelara, I want simple things. A full belly. To see my people strong and prosperous. To die in battle. To wile a night away with a beautiful dark haired warrior whose supposed masters are too thick skulled to know what they have..." He looked at her intensely and took off the ring that signified him as the Count of Aeng and put it into his pocket.

"Imagine...Amelara that just for tonight that you and I are not enemies. Imagine we are not nobles with oaths and responsibilities to others. What do you see? I see a warrior whose passion, strength, and beauty is being squandered by those too foolish or proud to appreciate it. I offer you my thoughts not as a Noble of Yssrgard or a Count, or your adversary, but simply from one warrior to another. I think you know what you want and what it will take for you to see your spirit and that beautiful passion fulfilled. It is only a matter of reaching out and taking it!"

This he said with a flourish, before finally sitting back down again and returning his ring to his finger.

"The way I see it you have three options: 1) You can leave this tent and wait for morning to return so you may leave this place and return to your life in Perdan. You will have done your duty to your Queen. You will not be rewarded for it. Nor will it fill the hole I know you have in your heart. 2) You can leave this tent and renounce your oath to your uncaring Queen and travel with me to Yssrgard, where a warrior of your fighting spirit and conviction can find success and fulfillment a plenty, you wouldnt even need to raid with us. Gislinn did not, and none judged him for it.

3) You can stay in this tent so we might defy the coming of the new day's sun. You are a fair and noble woman and I find your company agreeable and...the night is very cold. No one will say anything...and there is no shame in seeking comfort with a fellow warrior, if only for a night...and tomorrow...well that will be tomorrow."
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
His responses were as she had expected. She opened her mouth to reply. Wait, what was the third one? She blinked, the conversation taking (to her at least) a sudden turn. She seemed frozen in place as he offered his 'suggestion' and advice. She cleared her throat, "What do I see? ..A man not limited by political nonsense with the drive to take what he wants without fear of rules and limitations holding him back. A man brave enough to take action, a man who is just as courageous alone as he is with allies at his side... A man who is free." She averted her gaze at his compliments, cheeks turning redder, meekly replying, "And a man who is strong and handsome... in a totally different way to the men of Perdan, of course. They do not carry so many.. um.. scars. N-Not that it is a bad thing." She ceased her rambling.

She glanced to his ring, following the movement as he gave the three options. Gaze still averted, she considered, clouded mind still trying to catch up on how on earth Dame Amelara Everwind of Clermont ended up alone in a tent with a Yssrgardian warlord, considering practically treason against her homeland and possibly making the least 'acceptable' decision a finely raised noble lady could possibly make. Who would have thought?

She could walk away, she trusted he would not stop her, and life would return to normal. No consequence, no drama. Except that in future conflict the chance of her losing her head to this man was probably increased. There was a slightly strategic outcome if she did go for option 3, right? Surely he would be less inclined to murder her? Right. It would be a strategic decision. Necessary for survival. Yes. What a stupid argument... shut up, Amelara.

Why was she considering it? Is alcohol really that powerful? She didn't find her heart filling with much love as she returned her attention to Patriacc. Not much love at all. She had been raised to believe that such a moment like this should be with one man, her husband. After marriage. She had never agreed with that view, not really - she was an adult now, and what man, even in Perdan, extended their wife the same courtesy? It was still a daunting prospect to throw those values drilled into her away so.. easily. But those values are what drove her from home to begin with. What led her to her resentment of Perdan, and therefore now to this tent.

Those values are what led her to slowly - still uncertainly - reach up to unbutton and lower her tunic, brown eyes now fixed on his. "Very well, Count Patriacc," Both her voice and expression steeled, the uncertainty vanishing to be replaced by the stubborn confidence that had probably drawn his attention to begin with, "We will spend the night not as adversaries, but as equals, no strings or consequence attached." Her confident demeanour was of course marred by her shaky hands struggling to loosen the last drawstring, leading her to awkwardly shuffle around a bit, before finally removing the garment and looking to him.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind
Patriacc watched the young woman stand and listened to her speak, he watched as she undid her tunic and stood before him, a proud woman baring herself without shame.

If he was being honest within himself he hadn’t actually expected her to stay. Mead and his interest in Amelara had driven him to speak so. In fact he had expected a slap, more than...well, this.

He stood, his voice losing some of the familiar confidence it carried as he did so.”You...are beautiful to me. But let us not mar this with titles...”

He slowly unbuttoned his tunic, returning Amelara’s steely gaze with one of his own. When finally he stood shirtless, the myriad scars of many battles were laid bare. A single scar, from a sword stroke that had nearly bisected him, and left him unconscious for three days, covered his midsection.

He strode forward slowly and too one of Amelara’s hands in his. He placed it on his chest as he reached out and felt the smooth skin of young woman, mostly untouched by war. He saw the bandages on her midsection and shoulders, crimson with dried blood, and finally spoke softly.

“That which is not given freely by your choice, I will not take. Though take of me what you wish, it is what I told you to do, and I offer myself freely, all that I am.”

He lifted his hand from her waist, feeling her soft chest and briefly cupping her breast in his hand. He moved to stand close to her. He could feel breath on his neck, the cold had begun to talk hold in the tent and their breath joined together as neither seemed to move.

Slowly, almost tenderly, like when holds a newborn for the first time, he kissed her. Gently after first but he was pleased when it was she that kissed back more forcefully.

The pair stood close until Patriacc pulled her gently with him to sit in the cot laden with furs. He undid his belt finally was laid wholly bare before her.

He waited, to see if she would take the next action.
Patriacc Hwitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hwitt
The slight slip in his confidence was (surprisingly) noticed by the Dame, which only swelled her confidence further that maybe she managed to somewhat disarm the Count with her alcohol-fueled confidence. Her eyes lingered on the dangerous looking scar, her eyebrows raising in surprise that he even remained breathing, let alone still very capable in battle.

She resisted stepping back as the man approached, standing firm in her determination, allowing his eyed - and eventually hands - to explore freely. She seemed taken aback both by the tenderness of his actions, and smoothness of his words. Just like every other aspect she had initially believed of him and all Yssrgards, it appeared her assumptions were all totally inaccurate.

It was too late to turn back now, so she proceeded to clear her mind from doubts and do this her way. Attempting to follow through on her declarations to herself and him by maintaing control as an equal, she did indeed kiss him more forcefully first. His response improved her confidence.

"You continue to surprise me, dear Count." She murmured as she examined him appraisingly, "Gentle, respectful and handsome. Better hope nobody hears of this or your fearful barbarian reputation will be long gone, no?" She used the hand still pressed to his chest to firmly push him back so he is lying down with her above him, "I will not tell anyone though." She lowered herself to press her lips against his again, hand moving from his chest to please him lower down.
Amelara Everwind