Vulparan Family/Daario

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Daario Vulparan
Daario Vulparan.jpg
Status: Alive
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Perdan
Titles Held: Knight of Perdan
Vice-Marshal of Perdan's Golden Lions
Faithful Knight of Leandra
Class: Warrior
Honor: 22
Prestige: 6
Age: 20
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: Athletic
Eyes: Juniper
Hair: Medium Brown

Daario is a Noble and Knight of Perdan.

A man is worth only his word; through duty, valour, and wisdom the honour and value of his word may soar.

– Sir Daario's words

At a Glance

Well-groomed and taught in pose, Daario of House Vulparan visually embodies the dashing yet serious nature of an ambitious, well-intentioned knight of the realm. In complexion, feature, manners, and voice the knight is commonplace but his gaze is of an unusual intenseness that complements the severity of emotion that oft sits upon his young face.

Sir Daario's athletic figure is typically sheathed in a mesh of plates and a maze of thick, deep brown, gently-worn leather - the garments of a man prepared for combat - with a fur collar hugging his shoulders and neck tightly, especially in the cold winter months that typically permeate this part of the continent.

Personal History

Date Event Location
1020/10/01 Knighted by Alyssa Kingsley Perdan
1020/10/01 Granted the Crooked Pathway Estate Perdan
1020/10/12 A First Taste of Battle Beziers
1020/10/17 Attended the Tournament at Isadril Isadril
1020/10/21 Took the Knightly Oath of the Pride of Leandra Perdan
1020/10/28-11/06 Attended the Coronation of Queen Alyssa I of Perdan Perdan
1020/11/06 The Monsters in the Mines Perdan Mines
1020/11/10 Appointed Vice-Marshal of Perdan's Golden Lions Clermont
1020/11/14 Ordered to Take Up Villa Piscary Nascot

The Tournament at Isadril

The Knight set off from Aix, only mere hours after arriving there for the first time in his life - seeing the so-called Golden City has always been something he has wanted to do. After half a day of journeying, in the undulating woodlands of Al Aquabah, Daario and his squire spotted figures displaying the golden dragon charge of the Duke of the Golden City, Lucius Poe. The rest of the journey was spent in accompaniment with Duke Lucius Poe and his somewhat larger entourage.

After two days of travel on the cold, wet, wintery roads that trace the valleys, woods, and hills of the south of the East Continent, Sir Daario finally arrived at Isadril to compete in the tournament held by the Wolf King, Germanico Mercator, of Yssrgard.

Daario claimed victory in the first round of the swordsmanship portion of the tournament, besting Thorfinn Clodmeir Flores, a young Knight of Shadowdale. He met less fortune in the second round however, for he was paired with the widely-famed warrior and Prime Minister of Sirion, Monterys Velaryon and was defeated in short number.

The young Knight also met the famed Prime Minister Monterys at the jousting lists in the first round and met a swift loss.

The Knight's Code of the Pride of Leandra

In letters back and forth to Duke Gislin Luitolf of Isadril, Helm of the Pride of Leandra, Daario swore an oath to forever follow the Knight's Code of Leandra's Pride - forever binding his actions to be in accordance with the Code and his life in service to the cause of Leandra and her Pride.

1. To protect the weak and the defenceless, and seek out and vanquish evil wherever it is found;

2. To refrain from the wanton giving of offense, and eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit;

3. To live by honour and glory, and at all times to speak the truth;

4. To guard the honour of fellow members of the Faith.

Non-Player Characters



A First Taste of Battle

The Monsters in the Mines