Vulparan Family/Daario/The Monsters in the Mines

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Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (29 Recipients) 05/11/1020
The Monsters in the Mines

Hooves crunched the stones that litter the dirt track, shrouded by boulders covered with veins of ore that run, tangle, and twist across the rock faces like festering scars. Tree roots pull and tear at the path, attempting to reclaim it for the land with wrinkled tendrils of age-old dark oak and silvered birch.

Lukewarm spring rain pattered and puddled, Daario and his men with gritted teeth trudged onwards as the sun began to set and the soothing light of the day faded.

"Not too far yet, sir," one of the young knight's keener scribes remarked, his spritely palfrey ambling at a steady pace besides that of Sir Daario's sturdier courser, "another few hillcrests... should the reports be accurate."

The knight nodded calmly in reply, squinting his eyes as he wiped his dripping brow. Yet more abominations, he considered, steeling himself for the battle, we claimed victory before and we shall do so again.

He repeated the words several times in his head; yet it did nothing to shake the lingering sense of dread and worry that consumed him the last time he met combat...

Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (29 Recipients) 05/11/1020
The Monsters in the Mines

"That's the last of them," the young knight sighs from atop his courser as he spied the final remaining abomination being cut down by the Alexandrian soldier.

"Just a few more hill hillcrests indeed," he added in frustration, glaring at the scribe who had mentioned their proximity to the monsters mere hours ago. Daario narrowed his eyes, from their fortuitous position upon the final hill before reaching combat he could faintly make out a striking sigil - a purpure avian charge upon a field of or.

Unable to discern in his memory any knowledge of such a sigil, the young knight wheeled around and barked angrily at his Foxes as they began the journey back down the stoney path.

"Not swift enough! Onto Brive! By Leandra we will find something!"

Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (29 Recipients) 06/11/1020
The Monsters in the Mines

"Have at it!" The young knight bellowed, digging his sword into the remaining monster's shin as the Foxes swarmed it - hacking and slashing with fresh steel, dodging and bracing with heavy shields under the strength of the creature's smashing blows.

Sharply aimed Belmontian arrows whistled overhead, thunking into the fetid flesh of the beast; the hulking corpse of one monster began to grow cold as the final standing beast was felled - coming to a thudding crash to the stone-strewn dirt.

Daario looked upon the monster, his gaze lingering at the lifeless heap of meat, bone, and pestilence. "It is done. They are no more," he grunted, wiping his dripping blade on a scrap of cloth provided by his panting squire.

Roleplay from Salem Belmet, Viscount of Dimwood
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (29 Recipients) 06/11/1020
The Monsters in the Mines

"Have at it!" The young knight bellowed, digging his sword into the remaining monster's shin as the Foxes swarmed it - hacking and slashing with fresh steel, dodging and bracing with heavy shields under the strength of the creature's smashing blows.

Sharply aimed Belmontian arrows whistled overhead, thunking into the fetid flesh of the beast; the hulking corpse of one monster began to grow cold as the final standing beast was felled - coming to a thudding crash to the stone-strewn dirt.

Daario looked upon the monster, his gaze lingering at the lifeless heap of meat, bone, and pestilence. "It is done. They are no more," he grunted, wiping his dripping blade on a scrap of cloth provided by his panting squire.
Salem Belmet, Viscount of Dimwood

Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (29 Recipients) 06/11/1020
The Monsters in the Mines

"It is done. They are no more."

– Ser Daario

"Yes, yes...Brava, Ser Daario. Lord Joreb will be pleased to know of this. I'll write him of your valiance this day. Fare thee well, good sir. Expect a bottle of reserve to appear at the door to your estate within the coming days as a thanks for your assistance."

With that, Salem and his men continued onward to Dimwood.

Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan (29 Recipients) 06/11/1020
The Monsters in the Mines

"Yes, yes...Brava, Ser Daario. Lord Joreb will be pleased to know of this. I'll write him of your valiance this day. Fare thee well, good sir. Expect a bottle of reserve to appear at the door to your estate within the coming days as a thanks for your assistance."

– Viscount Belmont

"You have my sincere thanks, most noble Viscount." The young knight replied, bowing his head and inclining his torso with dramatic humility as Salem and his archers began on their journey southwards.