Old Gods/Structure

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< Old Gods
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The official body of the Old Gods faith is divided into smaller branches, each working and moving with nearly total independence.

At the very height of the organization sits what is only termed the Old Gods Council. Though supposedly in charge of the faith their official duties mostly consist of reviewing potential candidates for priesthood or augury and overseeing the mundane business of temple maintenance. They are mostly unknown, despite their lofty position, rarely making any appearances save official functions or significant public events.
Next comes the aforementioned Guardians. The priestly body wanders the lands, assisting the people and providing lessons each working independently of the others. Often possessing an otherworldly, yet not unpleasant mien about them, they are well respected for their dedication to hard work, assisting people and education.
Separate from the normal Guardians are those few men and women who are considered touched by the Ice Queen since birth. Called Augurs the much sought after small number are said to predict the future with precision bordering on frightening and are taken with deadly seriousness by the devout Followers. Even the Senate has a seat for the what is dubbed the Auspex who blesses the Senate in its task of governing. Each Augur receives a silver chalice of office which they are expected to carry always and use in their divination by peering within.
The Celebrants take a more scholarly bend, often tending the lore houses of each temple and the shrines. Returning from their lessons these few do their best to instruct and learn, pushing the bounds of understanding as best they are able, especially in the field of mystical alchemy. They take great pains to study artifacts and lore collected from monsters as loot in the many skirmishes passing on the most interesting to the Council for detailed study.
Rangers of the Church
The Rangers make up the most militant arm of the faith. Made of survivors from the numerous monster attacks, the Rangers seek to ensure no one ever suffers as they have. That their numbers continue to increase despite their efforts is a testament to the monumental threat posed by the monsters, not their ineffectiveness. The skill of the Rangers is augmented by the potent elixirs outlined further below, but they are famous across the domain for the extensive training and dedication to a task normally accomplished only by the Foederati.
Guardians of the Flame
The Guardians of the Flame are a subsect of the Guardians that seek to protect the sacred Eternal Flame in Agyr. Always standing vigil these brave men and women tend the fire for some unknown purpose, bringing prosperity to the north.