V'Orlan Family/Rogos

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Rogos V'Orlan
Status: Alive
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Perdan
Titles Held: Knight of Perdan Mines, Vice-Marshal of the Golden Lions
Class: Warrior
Honor: 23
Prestige: 6
Age: 20
Height: 6'4
Weight: Musclebound
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Ser Rogos V'Orlan is the Vice Marshal of the Golden Lions, Knight of Perdan, and commander of the Opal Griffons. The son of a sailor, he was brought up as a mercenary with the Opal Griffons and was raised to nobility after a battle in Brive by Duke Smiddich Fontaine.


6'3" and 300lbs, Rogos is a behemoth of a man with close cropped wiry black hair and a serious demeanor, though his friends would tell you he isn't half as angry as he appears despite the perpetual frown. He has an average sized nose that appears to have been broken and set one too many times, and close inspection will reveal a small starburst of scars on the right side of his neck.

In wartime, Rogos wears a large suit of well maintained but heavily worn half-plate done in the Beluaterran style (stamped from an armorsmith in Rines) with fine Perdanese chain beneath. On his right arm, he bears a corner peaked kiteshield of iron banded oak for his defence, while his left wields a Perdanese longsword, honed so much a noticeable half inch is missing from the width of the blade. His shield has a thin cloth cover painted with his heraldry, to match the tabard he bears on his armor.

At rest, he changes between a simple outfit of a monochrome tunic or doublet and linen breeches, always accompanied by a fine leather belt, and then taking notes from northern winter fashions with plenty of furs to compliment the usual wool overgarmants. His closet has clearly yet to expand too far beyond the tastes of former peasants, he did purchase an ornate velvet cloak while at his first tourney in Itorunt, dyed a deep blue and trimmed with cloth of silver.


Aggressive, short-tempered at heart, but ultimately kindhearted. A warhawk, Rogos' world view has been coloured by his time as a mercenary and he believes many problems can and should be solved with a sword and shield, and those that can't shouldn't be worried about.


Incredibly strong, Ser Rogos wields his strength with the finesse of a meat cleaver.


Rooster-bone hilt knife (Gift from Marshal Ulric)

Perdanese steel longsword (Gift from Duke Smiddich)

Beluterran Plate Armor with Perdanese Steel Chain




  • Nemean Renodin
  • Alyssa Kingsley


  • Captain Heinrich
  • Ernard - Squire
  • Tagart - Squire (Deceased)
  • Captain Meinolf - Opal Griffons veteran. (Deceased)


Early Life

He was born to a sailor and a prostitute in the capital of Perdan. His mother died in child-birth due to Rogos' unusual size as a child and to support a baby his father spent many months at sea on a merchant galleon. He was instead raised on the Alocore Farmstead just outside the city. As a farmhand, Rogos took pride in the strength that came with his large size, undertaking difficult tasks to prove his strength and utility to his adoptive family. As a youth of 12 summers, he was recruited by a mercenary company to act as a servant as they passed from Perdan City to undertake a contract in Vix Tiramora.

Career as a Mercenary

Initially employed as a servant, he marvelled at the skill and stealth of the scouts under the employ of the Opal Griffons, and aspired to be one of their number some day. This dream was broken when he was told by one of the scouts he wouldn't be good for anything but carrying packs. Already as strong as a mule, Rogos made it a goal of his to prove the scout wrong, though repeated trials would show that while lacked the coordination and sense of stealth that scouts did, he was a formidable fighter by his strength alone. Combined with some modicum of intelligence, he served as the runner and batman for their commander, Captain Kaliman.

He was taught to read and write by Sergeant Meinolf with some assistance from Kaliman. Rogos was inducted into the Griffon Cult after his third battle, a conflict with bandits on the outskirts of Aix while the bulk of the army was away. At this point, Captain Kaliman began to utilise him as a sergeant, putting him at the front of formations and including him in planning sessions. At the age of 17 he was promoted after the death of Lieutenant Avlier, and began leading a small detachment of troops on behalf of Kaliman.

Noble of Perdan

Raised to nobility after the Battle of Brive, he fought in some of the campaigns against the North, and began keeping records on the history of modern Perdan. After fighting in the Battle of Eldoret 1019, Rogos was granted the title of Vice-Marshal of the Golden Lions, serving under Marshal Ulric Hawk. He participated in a number of tournaments, notably that commemorating late King Niall of Perleone.

He participated in the Siege of Bescanon of 01-1020, taking command of the Golden Lions after Marshal Ulric Hawk was captured on the battlements on the second day, and commanding them in the defense as Northern forces attempted to dislodge them.

Rumors & Legends


See Also




