Perdan Mines/Pelasgia

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A map of Pelasgia, on the coast of East Perdan Mines
Aliases Port Pelas
Type Trade Port
Region Perdan Mines
Size Small Town
capital {{{capital}}}
Demonym Pelan
Population 2000 people
Languages Southern Common
Religion 60% Trinitism, 35% Paganism, 5% Humanism
Alignment Neutral Good
Imports Manufactured Goods, Wheat, Cloth
Exports Fruit, Honey, Wine, Mead, Goats, Pearls, Fish
Currency Silver thaler, Copper ballast
Ruler Type Governor
Ruler Ser Rogos V'Orlan
Mayor Simon Cassius
Allegiances Perdan, Perdan Duchy
Established 950
Razed 1014
Reestablished 1015

/Storage Pelasgia is a small port town that serves as the administrative headquarters for the coastal area of Perdan Mines. Much of the coastal trade in both fish and wine comes through this port en route to Perdan City or other southern regions via Westria. Currently overseen by Mayor Simon Cassius, elected by the people to work for Ser Rogos V'Orlan of the Golden Lions.


Pelasgia's ancient history has been lost to the sands of time, and the fires of Northern barbarians. The modern town sits on the ruins of a site that had been occupied since antiquity, making use of the deep waters and calm winds of the Kalmar Bay. In its reconstruction since Perdan Mine's devestation in c1014, it has been a hub for trade and commerce, serving the mining town of Aurocastrum as an outlet for the vast quantities of silver minted there.


Headquarters to Ser Rogos V'Orlan, Pelasgia is the heart of rule in the coastal territory that wraps around the Perdanian Spine, home to a minor tax office and a small company of guards that keep the peace from here to Westria.


Mostly pagan, a handful of Church of Humanity converts from Aurocastrum.

Trade and Commerce

Exports wine, honey, mead, fish, pearls.

Imports manufactured goods, wheat


Thieves' Guild Outpost

Notable Locations

Port Pelas - Deep water and good fishing, the port is the lifeblood of Pelasgia, bringing in trade and food to supply the rest of the Perdanese Mountains. Transport around the peninsula is never far from hand, it is no issue to find a vessel traveling the bredth of the Perdanese Coast.

V'Orlan Manor - One of the largest manors in the town, it overlooks the Blackcliffe River, home to Ser Rogos V'Orlan.

Pelasgia Markup Prices
Common Items x1
Unusual Items x2
Rare Items x5
Basic Arms and Armor x2
Soldier's Arms and Armor x3

Markets - At the Pelasgia Market you can find most basic goods at a reasonable rate, sold by commoners or lower class merchants and even some unusual imported wares like books or tools as ships come through port to offload wares. The mainstay of town trade is wine, mead, and livestock. Simple adventuring and fighting equipment is easily found, but martial weapons can only be seen in the smithy, and at a premium.

The Thief and Scroll - Frequented by merchants and travellers, the Thief and Scroll is a hub of activity, host to all rank and trade. Room and board ranges from two silver upwards.



Notable NPCs

  • Mayor Simon Cassius
  • Captain of the Guard
  • Harbourmaster
  • Rictiua - Innkeeper of the Thief and Scroll

Full Map

A map of Pelasgia, on the coast of East Perdan Mines