Sussex Family/Grimwald Sussex

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Grimwald Sussex is more commonly known as Grimwald the Black. In his own words "I slaughtered a lot of people and desecrated a lot of graves to get this title and I deserve to be addressed as such".

He started his vile career in the realm of Outer Tilog in the Colonies by becoming a knight of Ravossol. At the time the realm was at war with Aren with the army busy raiding its lands. Grimwald set off to join the army but got lost and instead ended up in Maira Merani, owned by Halcyon where he stole tax gold, and then massacred an outlying village after the ruler of Halcyon, Kharyn Kye JeVondair complained to the Colonial Senate.

Grimwald then wrote a letter explaining what had happened, claiming to have only been collecting a "special tax" and then being on his way out of the region when he came across an isolated village of Tilogians who insisted he joined them for "Tilogian cultural activities" which resulted in the village being burnt to the ground.

Despite outrage in the senate about this, Grimwald was never reprimanded for his actions by the Tilogian authorities.

On his 15th day as a noble of Outer Tilog, Grimwald grew fed up with the silence of the army's marshal and sent our orders requesting that the army join him to slay monsters rampaging in Rollsovar. In response to this, the sponsor of the realm's sole army, Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, made Grimwald it's marshal and authorising him to take command.

Selected Correspondence

Marching to the frontlines

Roleplay from Grimwald Sussex
Message sent to all nobles of Outer Tilog
"Alright you dogs, if we make it to Reckrandi in good time then I'll line you up and torture every last one of you!"

Enthusiastic cheers broke out from the Black Fyrd and they quickened their pace at the barked words of Grimwald the Black.

Riding just behind him Captain Selenia smiled. She did love a chance to break out the thumb screws.
Grimwald Sussex (Knight of Ravossol)

Explaining the looting of Maira Merani

Letter from Grimwald Sussex
Message sent to everyone in "Colonial Senate" (38 recipients)
Colonial Senatefolk,

Perhaps I can offer some clarity in response to the nonsense being spouted by the slackjawed, lackbrained Kharyn Kye JeVondair.

Firstly, I have not confessed to anything so far. All I said was that, if he liked, I could actively try to provoke a war, but that Outer Tilog was not doing anything like that so far. That was an offer he declined to respond to so I did not take the matter any further.

Secondly, I will acknowledge that, as a new noble, I previously got lost and collected a special tax from Halcyon after mixing them up with Aren.

Thirdly, after that had happened, and after the nonsense spouted in the Senate, I was making my way home only to come across an isolated village where the peasants still considered themselves Tilogians.

So I made camp with my men and we joined the peasants for some traditional Tilogian recreational activities. Well, you know how it is, one thing led to another and soon enough the whole village was on fire - so you can be certain a good time was had by all. In fact, the surviving villagers even gave me two gold out of gratitude for helping them with their festivities.

Therefore anyone with a brain can see that this was nothing more than a simple misunderstanding followed by some good clean Tilogian cultural activities.

Frankly, Kharyn Kye JeVondair just needs to calm his tits and get back to molesting palm trees or whatever else it is Halcyonians do for fun.

Fourthly, I prefer to be addressed as Grimwald the Black. I slaughtered a lot of people and desecrated a lot of graves to get my soubriquet and I deserve to be addressed by it.


Grimwald the Black
Grimwald Sussex (Knight of Ravossol, Aspirant of Colonial Senate)

A letter to the Colonial Senate after his appointment as Marshal

Report from Grimwald Sussex
Message sent to everyone in "Colonial Senate" (39 recipients)
Sovereign Kharyn Kye and other Colonial Senatefolk,

I wish to reassure you that firm action has been taken following my geographical mishap in Halcyon which resulted in an incorrect special tax being applied, as well as Outer Tilogian cultural activities that some of the more simpleminded amongst you objected to.

I have now been promoted to Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations - an arduous job which requires me to wake up on time, waste energy ordering others around and which severely limits the free time I have to pursue my favourite hobby of desecrating graves.

So I'm sure you will all realise just how severe my punishment has been.

On another note, I would welcome correspondence with the marshals of other realms.

You know, the usual professional chit chat: line settings, exactly how much to torture your men to optimise morale while minimising invalids, vital weaknesses in your realm's defences...


Grimwald the Black
Grimwald Sussex (Knight of Ravossol, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations, Aspirant of Colonial Senate)