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The Code of the Herd, Code of Law of Gotland (draft version)

1. Goats are holy and harming them is the most serious offense. The Whipmaster will find a fitting punishment for the offender depending on the situation. Never may the harming of goats go unpunished.

2. The three oldest members are considered special members of this realm.

   2.1 The three elders who are the longest members of the realm have a special veto power on foreign affairs. This veto can both be used to stop or demand any particular change in diplomacy. They can demand war, peace, alliances or even federations.
  2.2 They have one veto vote together, at least two of the three need to agree to be able to use the veto.
  2.3 If a change of leadership is deemed required, a majority of the three elders can initiate a referendum to hold new elections, if the referendum passes, the ruler will be forced to step down and allow for new elections. The deposed ruler can however run again to reaffirm his position. This can only be done once per ruler. If the people reafirm their ruler, the elders will have to accept it.

The elders are strongly advised to establish a broad support within the realm before forcing a ruler to step down.

3. Every member of the realm has the right to loot the enemy at all time, but the enemy only. Only the Manstomper or his marshals can order otherwise. 4. Dueling, or the butting of heads is legal at all times.

  4.1 Killing a member of the herd is not, the killer will have to pay the victim's lord and family a fitting compensation for the loss set by the whipmaster and may receive further punishment from the whip master under article 5.
  4.2 Any conflicts between herd members should be resolved by a duel to surrender, not death.

5. Harming any members of the herd and her allies is illegal and will result in fining or even a temporary or permanent ban.

  5.1 Herd members include those roaming, adventuring types.   5.2 Only in a duel thill surrender are members of the herd allowed to harm each other, however murdering a fewllo herd member even in a duel is illegal.

6. All nobles of Gotland may demand war if the realm is not at war with anyone.

  6.1 Anyone can start the referendum, if a majority votes yes, the ruler will have to declare war at someone in the next week.
  6.2 This can only be done once a month during peace time (no active war declarations present).

7. Dukes have the authority to appoint whichever Lord they see most fit to govern their regions.

  7.1 Duchies are formed, named and shaped by the ruler.
  7.2 Every lord is free to join whichever duchy it wants within the realm.

8. Founding of new religions or building temples of existing religions requires permission from the subjects duke.

9. The ruler is chosen once and rules thill death or abdication (with the only exception of the conditions under article 2.3).

  9.1 Directly after being elected he has to either officially reaffirm his cabinet or appoint others.
  9.2 If the ruler desires to appoint new members to certain positions, those holding the positions will have to step down.
  9.3 As a strict top down hierarchy, the ruler can always change his cabinet at any time (demand any 'cabinet' member to step down).
  9.4 A cabinet includes all government positions and dukes.
  9.5 Every ruler must choose his or her unique title, traditionally chosen by the people of Gotland who have elected the ruler.

10. The Leech has full authority over the markets and all Lords have to grant the Leech acces.

  10.1 The Leech is fully responsible for all trade and food distribution and is expected to cooperate closely with the other government members and the Lords of the realm.
  10.2 The leech will make sure all lords are compensated for all food shipped from them. Paying a set price of atleast 20 gold per 100 bushels.

11. The Whip master is responsible for keep both our noble society as well as our region's stable.

  11.1 The Whipmaster directly commands all possible courtiers or diplomats and is in charge of keeping all region under control by communicating with the lords and holding courts for them while they are away.
  11.2 The whip master also makes sure the law of the land is respected, makes sure individual conflicts are resolved and the hierarchy respected. The whip master has authority over Gotlands nobility as well as foreigners within Gotlands borders and may exercise his authority by punishment.
  11.3 The Whipmaster may use its powers as it sees fit to defend the laws of Gotland (for example, fine or even ban without any external permission)
  11.4 The Whip master must proactively protect the code of law of Gotland and make sure it is respected by its society. If any member of Gotland breaks the code of law, the Whipmaster will be forced to take action in the form of appropriate punishment.

12. The Manstomper is in full control of the armies and has full authority over all troopleaders in Gotland.

  12.1 The Manstomper is also in charge of appointing his marshal and vice marshal and the management of armies.
  12.2 He can ask for new armies to be funded or certain members added to certain armies.
  12.3 All government members should cooperate and communicate with the Manstomper in order to make his job more effective and the realm functioning as a team.

13. All Government members have to keep their people up to date on their proceedings and the information received as much as possible as long as it does not put Gotland or its society in danger. Keeping secrets for its own people should only be reserved to absolute cases of national security.

14. Changes to this document have to be approved by a majority of the realm through a referendum only.