D'Hara/Dragon Coronation

From BattleMaster Wiki

Saved and Recorded by M. Vega (D'Espana)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (6 recipients)
It had been so long since Bowie was in Port Raviel. Exploring the streets it looked familiar but different to him. He strolled down its laneways and boulevards and sometimes smiled, sometimes frowned, at the memories each spot invoked. Finally he found his destination. It was the Dizzy Duck, a tavern for the D'Haran nobility. The building looked much older and worn than when he last saw it. The memory of the last time he was here flashed in his mind. Last here, he and that scoundrel Rathan Himoura were plotting to overthrow Cenarious Stormrage. That was the beginning of Bowie's departure from D'Hara... Bowie entered and found a comfortable seat inside. He awaited anyone who wished to come and join him for a drink and a chat. He hoped his friend Lord Machiavel would know to find him here, and he hoped the D'Harans still patronized the Dizzy Duck and thus he could meet them and chat with them too. There was still time before the coronation and wedding began, Bowie intended to enjoy his vacation away from Swordfell. Enjoy it to the fullest!
Bowie Ironsides

Request from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (6 recipients)
Dragon King, Dame Riannon, please join me in the Dizzy Duck, if you have the time. And bring others with you! I'm in a social mood!
Bowie Ironsides (Lord Imperator of Swordfell, Royal of Swordfell)

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients)
I could very well join you, though I have much to do for the events that are now less than a week away.
Machiavel Chénier

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (4 days, 19 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) Riannon and Dietmond, the captain of her unit, had found their way to the "Dizzy Duck". The streets were mostly clear, with only a few people just having woke up. Riannon was used to it, the Yates family frequently preferred to work in the nights.

"Seems respectable, I hope we can find him in there", Riannon told to her second-in-command. Dietmond responded with a drawl of "I just hope that his demon stays quit." "He said it was easier for him to keep under control, I wouldn't worry." "Just don't do anything that could get you hurt" "I wont, thanks."

The two entered the tavern and began searching for Bowie Ironhide.

Roleplay from Daemon Maloudi (4 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) The young knight, formerly of Terran, landed for the first time upon the docks of Port Raviel. His men make a commotion while gathering their equipment and personal effects, but he pays the noise of logistics no mind. Captain Arnulf, the commander of his personal guard, approaches Daemon silently, appreciating the gravity of the change the knight had just made. Daemon waves a hand to the man, beckoning him to his side.

"Arnulf, the men have earned their shore leave," he says to the captain, his eyes fixed upon the southern horizon to their former home. "I want them on their best behavior; D'Hara will not see any ... breaches in conduct from our men," he finishes.

The captain yes-sirs him and turns his attention to the men disembarking, the coarse barking of orders lost over the waves. Daemon pays the ship's captain the remainder of the balance owed for travel, his purse considerably lighter than his custom. He inquires about the noble nightlife of the port, the answer a "Dizzy Duck." He raises an eyebrow at the name, but turns and strides towards the direction he had been given, eager to make some new friends in his new home.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (4 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients)

Bowie savoured his glass of rye. He was a long way from home, or at least his new home. Times past D'Hara was his home. He lived in Port Raviel once. Afterward, he lived in Qubel where he lorded the region. He savoured these memories the way he savoured his liquor.

Then a woman caught his eye, a young woman with intent in her eye. Maybe she was lost and seeking a guide? Or maybe, just maybe, she was looking for him?

And who else might he find in a social club such as this? Patrons from all over D'Hara surely must still take time off their busy administrative or martial lives?

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (4 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) "I think that might be him", Riannon told Dietmund, gesturing toward a man who had seen them. The two of them approached; and she asked "Hello sir. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but are you the Imperator of Swordfell?" Riannon Yates Dame of Qubel Lighthouse

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (4 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) Heavy activity could be heard outside, an obvious and unusual military presence taking place. Some tried to look out from the windows, but soldiers had stationed themselves in front of them, before some of them starting pouring inside, inspecting the area to secure it. It could quickly be seen that these were not common rank-and-file troops for the armies, but rather elite members of the palace guard, coming up to the table where Bowie and Machiavel were. The captain came up to Bowie, and made his announcement: "Her Royal Highness, Dragon Princess Selena Ironsides!"

She came out from behind, seemingly from nowhere so much the guards were obstructing the view, in an elegant white robe and cloak covered in silver linings depicting dragons and other religious symbols. She smiled to Machiavel, but was obviously in tears as she saw Bowie, for the first time since she could remember.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (4 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients)

Bowie looked up at the question from the young Lady Riannon.

"Yes, I am the Lord Imperator, and what lightening has struck me to be in the presence of such a beauty? Please have a seat so we may learn more than just each others names..."

But a clamber interrupted the introduction as soldiers poured into the Dizzy Duck. At first, Bowie was nervous that this was some kind of retribution against him for deeds past. Then he heard the announcement, "Her Royal Highness, Dragon Princess Selena Ironsides!"

Selena! Bowie rose to meet her. He had no picture of her in his mind, no visual to compare save for the little baby she was when he left her. Before him now stood a woman! More than this, she was primed to be the Dragon Queen. With slow and careful movements he took her hand and pressed it to his lips. "My sweet child, I am sorry." She wept more as they embraced, not tears of anger as he expected, tears of reunion. They held one another for a time and he pulled off to get a look at her. She had his green eyes and his mothers black hair.

"There is so much to say, so much to learn about each other. Perhaps you've only known my name via stories and legends? Perhaps you only know my reputation, rather than me? I...I am sorry that I was not your father, not the father I should have been, but despite my failings, the circumstances I saved you from suffering by giving you to Dragon Queen Kisharianda far exceed the life of roguery and villainy I swathed. Maybe you grew up wondering, yearning to know who I was or why I had to give you up, but this day, this moment proves that I was right all along. You are royalty, Selena. You have a future, a comfortable life, you have a King to serve and to wait on, and a realm to command should you need it. I could never give you these things...I could only give you sorrow."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (3 days, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (6 recipients) Selena could not hold back her tears, the changes were just too great and too quick. Cenarious' death, the engagement, and now finally meeting her father. She doubted that she had lived as much drastic changes in her entire life as in the last months, hers being a shielded life of peace and ceremony. "F... f... father... I've thought about you so much. They would not talk much about you, I would gaze out of the windows thinking about you, wondering on what kind of adventures you were, how these mountains of yours were like, who the people you commanded were like." Machiavel bowed, and courteously offered her a tissue which she promptly wiped her tears with. She quickly thanked him before returning her attention to Bowie. Machiavel, who knew of her intent to arrive, took no offense and silently sat back to take his tea. "By the dragons, tell me, father, tell me about yourself, about these eastern lands you live in. Why did you not come before?"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (3 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients)

Bowie sat down in the booth with the Dragon King, and invited his daughter, Dame Riannon and whomever was around to join them.

"I always intended to visit, but when Cenarious was alive it would not have ended well. He and I did not get along. Part of the reason I was exiled from D'Hara, well actually, the reason I was exiled was for plotting to overthrow Cenarious. He was a poor ruler who did not earn his throne, I believed. Who knows, if my plan had gone through you and I could have spent our whole lives together? I could have been a Dragon King, and you would have been a princess once again."

He paused to collect his thoughts and regrets.

"Oh, Swordfell? It is a land of opportunity and raw potential! It harkens back to the days when Dwilight was a frontier where any noble who had ambition or quality could make something of himself. I could spend hours describing the beauty of the land, from the mountains to the peninsula, but how about you come see it for yourselves? For your honeymoon? You can stay in Casino Ironsides, my former estate by the sea in Flowrestown. There is a garden there, and a temple for our worship....You do still honour our lost religion, do you not? I've learned that your husband has given in to the pressures of theocratism, but not you? Please tell me not you?"

The question caused unease at the booth. Most would not be so direct in their questioning, but Bowie was never shy from asking the hard questions.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (2 days, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) Selena listened to every word, too overwhelmed by emotions to know what to think of any of it. She loved Cenarious so much, but when Bowie said it was his fault they could not meet before, she knew it to be true. Cenarious had never wanted to talk about it, and became quite irritated whenever she would bring it up. Vivid pictures of beautiful landscapes went through her mind as Bowie told her of his lands. She had always been told that the lands beyond the coasts were uncivilized, harsh, brutal. But she always believed that it could not be all bad, that jewels of beauty must exist in these foreign lands. Her sole expedition out of D'Hara, to Dragon Roost, proved as much, for despite the harshness of the trek she will always remember the awe-inspiring might of the mountains. She took a moment to answer, overwhelmed by Bowie's own questions, before Machiavel replied for her. "Imperator, she is The Way of the Dragon's High Priestess. She has not converted to the stars."

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (2 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients)

Bowie smiled and laughed a bit, "I am pleased to hear that! Pleased and proud. It is very important that your wife retains the traditions and rituals of these islands. Worship of the Dragons is the indigenous faith of the Tomb Islands, of her adopted mother, Lady Kisharianda, and myself. If Selena were to renounce her heritage she would make the entire Dragon royal family null and void. Remember that, Lord Machiavel, that is the hinge to which your whole dynasty depends on, derives from."

He sat back in thought. "It is strange. It is unusual that Selena and I are the last two Draconists left on the continent." His eyes gazed passed those present before him. "If only the Great Dragons would pronounce themselves once again in the world we could be rid of this star tyranny...we could surface and restore the glory and strength of our faith!" His eyes fell to Machiavel.

"Dragon King, my friend, I know you are an Astromancer. I also know that you will receive criticism and slander against you on account of marrying my daughter, not just because of her pedigree but largely because I stand as one of the few opponents of theocratic Astromancy. I ask you, as a man, as a noble, and as the imminent husband of my daughter, will you protect her from the zealots and fanatics within your faith? I have fought with them with words and swords for most of my life. I am used to it, it is second nature for me, but she is innocent. If the Prophet commands you to take her head in the name of the Bloodstars promise me you will defy him. Promise me that you retain some integrity and dignity despite your conversion. I am willing to overlook the fact that you bought into that religion so long as you state it clearly that it shall never in anyway endanger my daughter or your future children together! I am making this part of the agreement between you and I over your marriage into my family. Ensure that there is a safe environment for my bloodline amidst your Astromancer ways. We are Draconists, free of submission to the effects of those stars!"

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (1 day, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) From a high bluff overlooking the Maritime District in Port Raviel, the Tandaros Corsairs stood at attention outside the Tandaros Hearth. In full red marching regalia with emblazoned dragons, the Corsairs were freshly shaved, perfumed, and feeling exceptionally professional after their tour in Saffloare, they held their halberds high, the banners flapping in the morning sea-breeze. Captain Fleugweiner was the one corsair who was not well-groomed on this occasion, largely because he hadn't had time to notice.

The high doors to the compound opened, and Lord Ismail emerged on horseback, stoic expression on his face; his hair and beard were cropped close for the occasion. His ego was also closely cropped by his nagging kinsmen, but no matter. Ismail glared ahead and knew a great moment was upon D'Hara, and all central Dwilight. Finally, the days of the Dragon King would return!

The captain roared out the orders as his lord trod on, and the Tandaros contingent turned in unison and marched off down the street towards the main marketplace in the Maritime District to muster for the parade. No doubt bards, actors, and jugglers had gathered there to make a silver from the gathering spectators!

As the corsairs wound their way through the streets, marching in beat to a pair of drums, the people of the city began to gather along the side of the streets and look on in wonder. A coronation was a divine affair, particularly to the simple-minded commoners!

Roleplay from Marco Penchant (1 day, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) The Fiduciary's Guardsmen, the finest longbowmen of D'hara, marched in box formation. Three rows of four men, the men in the front row on each end held a banner, one that of D'hara, the other of House Penchant. In front was Marco, leading his unit on horseback marching from Raviel, which they left early in the morning, towards the largest marketplace of the Maritime District.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Machiavel rose up and passed his hand on Selena's cheek to comfort her. "Do not worry, my love, he will be here for many days still, you will be able to meet him again. But you should go, now, and prepare."

He then turned to Bowie. "I converted following the sermons of the Holy Prophet at the Prime Minister's wedding. You could say I am a convert of the theology of the Open Hand. Ignoring the fact that I have faith he would never ask such a thing, such a command would be a violation of this theology and an attack upon faith. Should such a command be given, I would know it to be the result of unholy influence, and not divine instructions. Besides... the Dragons, the Elements, the Stars... I see a certain trinity, almost prophetic. I will work hard to spread the faith, but I will not do it by crushing all of those that I once called brothers or friends. In the North there may be little room left, but there is much I can do in the South without stepping on too many toes. But my friend, now I must go and prepare. If you wish, you can come along with me to the Palace."

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf (1 day, 8 hours ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Port Raviel (9 recipients) Entering the temple in Port Raviel, I am surprised to see Machiavel preaching from the pulpit. Starting to preach so soon after leaving the Elementist temples confuses the commoners at first, but his technique is impressive. Soon the whole crowd, even those who entered cautiously, start nodding in unison at his sermon on the Stars.

I take a seat in the back row and enjoy a temple from this point of view, for once. I'll get back to the pulpit once his voice runs out.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (1 day, 7 hours ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Port Raviel (9 recipients) The Tandaros Corsairs formed up in the Maritime marketplace, standing in a long line 3 deep in front of a statue of Margrave Ghaundan. The two drummers (new hires to the company) emerged from the column at each end and transitioned from a marching beat to a more festive beat. Ismail sat on horseback, flanked by steward and captain, and watched the unfolding display favorably, a smile finally cracking across his sober expression. He raised his hand as if to give a signal, and made a V... onlookers began to gather and watch the festivities.

At Ismail's signal, horns began blowing from the rooftops, and a massive drum was wheeled out from an adjacent granary which scrawny little Ravielan teens wailed on with all ferocity. The music thundered throughout the Maritime District, bringing life to a halt, and fully announcing the momentous occasion of the coronation.

The music stopped for a moment, and Ismail roared over the sudden quiet, as if planned; "Are you D'Harans ready to have a Dragon King?" The peasants cheered ecstatically, the Corsairs grinning with adoration for their commander's knack for spectacle. Ismail gestured grandly to the horns in the sky, and the music continued, as the Fiduciary's Guardsmen formed up alongside the Tandaros Corsair.

Ismail guided his horse alongside Marco's. "Hail, Lord Fiduciary," spoke Ismail dryly over the noise, "A pleasure to have you with us for the parade. At sunset we shall make our way to the Palace with the Dragon King." He looked around coolly, "So I sure hope he arrives soon!"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (1 day, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients)

Bowie smiled and nodded, "Yes, I can hear celebrations outside commencing. Sounds like a parade? You two should definitely return to your keep to prepare for the ceremonies. I will stay here a bit longer before joining the crowds outside."

He shook Machiavel's hand firmly, a handshake of union, and then kissed his daughter's cheeks. "I will see you shortly, Selena. Time to get ready!"

He sat back down to finish his drink. He turned to Dame Riannon,

"So, that was the Dragon King and Queen. What did you think? Glamourous?" He smiled.

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (1 day ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) "It was a pleasure meeting both of you, Dragon King and Queen," Riannon said to Machiavel and Selena as Bowie sent them off.

She turned her attention to Bowie to answer his question, "Seeing the reunion of three royals, that will be a story to tell."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Machiavel and Selena hurried off to the palace, discussing matters to come with each other once out of reach.

Celebrations had begun, there was a parade and much music throughout the city. The streets were full of people, many having come from all corners of the realm and even from abroad, to witness the events. A score of foreign merchants had taken the opportunity to sell their exotic products, and all kinds of unique or outright strange products and activities could be observed in these densely-packed sinuous alleys.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (5 hours, 41 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) The music boomed throughout the Maritime District, the peasants danced ecstatically, and several wagons heavily laden with northern ales were wheeled down from the Tandaros Hearth and tapped for the celebration. For the long wait, the captain let the corsairs' discipline slacken slightly; several were dancing with girls, and another two were on the ground, shirts off, wrestling in a ring of eager gamblers. The celebration whirled around Ismail, whose sour expression had returned to his face. He turned to Fiduciary Marco, "Well, Excellency, it's probably time to get this show on the road. Perhaps the King got caught up with official business at the Palace." Marco nodded and the two went off to marshal their forces.

Ismail held his hand high and the music stopped. He made a signal and the two corsair drummers began beating a marching rhythm; the Tandaros Corsairs got themselves together. They formed up in a long line, marching two by two alongside the Fiduciary Guardsmen, and trailed by Port Raviel guardsmen in full regalia. The march beat continued, and the parade issued forth from the marketplace. Children ran alongside the columns and women hung out the windows of the slums, commenting on the handsomely roguish soldiers passing below, all to the chorus of cheers. One woman even presented a baby for Fiduciary Marco to kiss and 'give the blessing of prosperity.'

The parade emerged from the slums of the Maritime District surprisingly without great incident, and reached the Inner Ward; the troops assembled in tight formations in the courtyard before the Royal Palace. With help, Lord Ismail dismounted and approached Seneshal Sorcha, decked out in silk robes with a box-like hat; "D'Hara loves to start fashionably late, naturally," rasped the seneshal. Ismail nodded and looked out at the arriving dignitaries, and exchanged formalities with the various notables of high and low noble station who made their way into the Palace for the new Dragon King's coronation.

The Rescue

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) The small sailing ship limped into harbour, its sail in shreds hanging limp from a spar from the broken mast. The surviving crew manned oars, their stroke never faltering as they kept the pace of the drummer.

On the fo'c'sle, Mathurin stood, calmly, eyes ever on Port Raviel.

Others noticed the badly damaged ship. Tenders and dinghies pulled along side, attached ropes and gave their own strength to help pull the ship to dock.

And word began to spread, that the Prophet was on board.

Selenia the Corsair

Roleplay from Selenia (1 hour, 47 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients)

Selenia was on the docks working as cheap labor for cheaper pay from the cheapest sort of Pier boss. Sweat glistened off her decidedly-southron features as she and her mates tended the docked vessels. She wiped the sweat from her brow, blocking the sun from her eyes. Visioned cleared, she caught site of the heavily damaged vessel limping into the dock.

The ship was still a ways out, bearing no flag but clearly in need of help. Selenia new that while the city was a great port, the approaches good be tricky, especially for foreign or first-time arriving captains. Abandoning her work, along with the day's penny for food she might have earned, she sprinted for the lower docks and bounded into a rowboat the dockhands used to tend under the pier. No one was looking, and her presences had hardly been missed. One more penny for her greedy boss.

Selenia put her back into it, rowing hard to reach the beleaguered ship before it could hit any of the rocks lurking beneath the waves. It seemed like forever, but was actually a short while before she was within hailing distance of the vessel. She kicked a little anchor over the side, where it swiftly sank and hit rocks that had been the downfall of many an unwary captain. She could make out an old man standing easily on the forecstle. Surely he would see her? Surely he could see the wave the waves rolled differently over the rocks just below her?

Perfectly comfortable with the rolling waves, she should up and began waving and whistling shrilly to get someone, anyone's, attention before the ship hit the rocks...and her...

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) Ghaundan was standing on his balcony, as he did every day since he was compelled to assume the mandate of the city. He was already dressed and prepared for the event: having just bathed and wrapped in his favourite black and silver robe, his appearance was at his best. That was not particularly impressive for a man that, like him, loved eating and drinking and rarely restrained himself from doing so, and even more considering that physical exercise was not exactly something that he did frequently. However, that was countered for his magnificent attire and expensive compliments, particularly the ceremonial sword that hung from his hip. Touching the sword's handgrip, made of ivory and with a beautiful gem right on its centre, he let the city's noises reach him, enjoying the fresh sea air.

- Ah, I see that the ceremony is already starting. Is that Margrave Ismail Tandaros? And those the banners of Fiduciary Marco Penchant? What do you think, Edward?

His personal and most appreciated servant appeared behind him, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

- They are indeed, m'Lord.

- If I am not misled, I think that Margrave Ismail Tandaros should be escorting Dragon King Machiavel Chénier to the Palace, but I cannot see him. Perhaps His Majesty will be coming on his own after all?

- I'm afraid I don't know, m'Lord. They seem to be approaching already. Should I prepare the reception comitee, m'Lord?

- Yes, do it. Remember: I do not want any of my servants to be unoccupied. They all have been told what they have to do and everything must run just perfectly. Remind them of the consequences of embarrassing myself in this joyous occassion, and give the last orders so that nothing comes later as a surprise.

- Yes, m'Lord.

Edward disappeared again inside the mansion, and Ghaundan saw the first lines of impecably dressed palace servants placing themselves outside to receive his guests. The guards and trumpets took their positions at the entrance of the Inner Wall, and both Ismail and Marco were greeted by the parade upon their arrival to the fortified complex. Touching once more the tip of his sword, Ghaundan was about to turn around when he saw a small ruined ship trying to approach the port, and a little figure waving at them from a rowboat. Quite used to the daily life in the city, he simply turned and started walking towards the entrance of the Palace, mumbling half mindlessly.

- I guess a storm caught those fishermen when they were working. Well, it's none of my business. I hope they do not sink while trying to reach my port, if there is something I do not want right now is some fool peasant bothering my guests with a wrecking.

Roleplay from Julius Galvez (5 days, 14 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients) It was the first day of summer and the weather was calm in Sapphire Deep and along the Dragon Isles, but from the look of it not everyone had a calm trip. The sailor moors the ship, which proudly flaunts the Barcan and Maroccian banners, and Julius' and his men start to disembark. The 'Guardia Duca di Maroccia' all dressed up in a ceremonial uniform leave the ship followed by the horses of Julius and Captain Lamprecht.

"What is going on there Captain", Julius says.

"Probably some fishers. The sailor said that there was a storm at sea in the north last night. Nothing of importance. We have a ceremony to attend to", he answers.

"Well, I want to take a look anyway. Get me on my horse."

Julius rides towards the closest point of the pier from where the shipwreck is and hears a wissle coming from that location. He shouts: "Hello! Can we help you! Hello!" Waving and shouting he hopes to get someone's attention from the ship. Hopefully Julius shout reach the ship.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (5 days, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients) Machiavel came out in the palace court alone, where various fruit trees were lined up and blossoming, notably mature bloodmoon palms towering over the rest and various high nobles and foreign dignitaries had gathered to attend the ceremony. He was finally wearing his ceremonial attire that tailors had finished adjusting for his size, his robes being mostly like those of his predecessor but with the incorporation of a few discreet family insignia. Tables had been placed in parallel, perpendicular to the crown's. As he grabbed his cup of bloodmoon wine, an attendant alerted the guests that the heir would like to speak.

"Friends and guests, I am honored and delighted by your presence. Today is a day of great importance, of great changes. A fresh wind of youth for D'Hara which will inevitably create waves on foreign shores, for I sense something prophetic in all of this, trinity being omnipresent. D'Hara now holds lands on three islands - Nebel, Raviel, Madinia - , stretches over three bodies - Marrocidens, Islands, Toprak - , the crown merges three religious traditions -Verdis Elementum, The Way of the Dragons, Sanguis Astroism-, a reformed executive body of three titles - Prime Minister, Confessor, Fiduciary-, wedding bonds between three republics - Farronite Republic, D'Hara, Swordfell-... Everywhere I look, I see trinity. And I am comforted by this."

He rose his glass. "And so I offer you some of our finest Draconic Wine, which only the finest orchards of D'Hara can make! Let us drink to D'Hara as we await my fiancé!"

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (5 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients) Attendants fanned out and offered goblets of the Draconic wine to all the high noble attendants. Marshal Ismail and Fiduciary Marco lingered in the back, and watched Julius, the face of Barca, abscond through the back. Ismail craned his neck to see what the distraction was - a listing fisherman - and scoffed. "Fishing folk sink to the bottom of the Ravielan Sea daily - how often does one see a Dragon King heralding a new age?" remarked Ismail privately to the Fiduciary. He smiled politely and raised his glass to Machiavel's toast. "And my, do princesses take their time," he whispered to Marco further, grinning widely.

Ismail stepped forward and roared out before the assembly, taking a knee before Machiavel, "Duke Machiavel, soon to be Dragon-King of D'Hara, we brave D'Harans salute you! We noble Ravielans, Nebelites, Sallowsians, Paislians salute you!" The marshal beat his chest, the Tandaros Corsairs beat their ceremonial halberds against the ground in support.

Ismail turned and addressed the noble assembly under the warm dusk sky, "Our previous Dragon King, Cenarious Stormrage, ruled for many years and saw much change in D'Hara. The arrival of republican reform in our realm saw the King retired to private palace life, and the Prime Ministers took on D'Haran leadership. In the past year, D'Hara debated and eventually approved the Dragon Restoration; the return of the king to D'Haran life. He shall be our face of valor in battle, a wise sponsor and counselor of war, and the royal inspiration to commanders and warriors alike."

"A wonder of political ingenuity - a republic with a monarch - a Prime Minister and Dragon King working together. Truly D'Hara forges new, intriguing paths forward. Long life to our new Dragon King, Machiavel Chenier, and may the Stars bless the legacy of King Cenarious!"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (5 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients)

Finishing a final drink of salute, Lord Imperator Bowie rose from his booth. Stretching out his hand he offered it to Dame Riannon, "Come, young lady, it is time we join the festivities. Today marks the first day of Summer. The purpose for my being here begins now."

She took his hand and he led her outside into the city, out into Port Raviel to join and participate in the gathering of royalty and nobility.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (5 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients) The keen whistle of Selenia rose over the constant rolling of the waves. Mathurin on the ship heard, searched for, and found her, rocking to and fro in the rowboat. It took him little time to realise her waving was warning rather than greeting, and he turned to shout to the officer who manned the ship's tiller. The man pushed his full weight against the beam, and slowly the stricken ship dragged itself around, nosing away from the worst of the rocks.

As the bows of the vessel swept past Selenia's dinghy, Mathurin called down from the fo'c'sle: "My thanks to you, you have saved us from a wetting!"

Roleplay from Selenia (5 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients) "Well don't just stand there, stranger!" Selenia shouted back from beneath the ships prow. "Throw me a line! This wreck is gonna have to be tugged in or else your damn fool captain will be servin dinner bottom of the bayside, no way it'll get home safe otherwise. And with all the festivities going on-"

-"need help?!"

Selenia tracked the source of the shout to the shore some distance away where someone, clearly a lord judging from the mount and small entourage, waved for attention. As she turned, she missed the damaged sigil of the Church emblazoned on the side of the hull. "Aye milord!" She shouted, her voice mellifluous despite the strain, "Call for a proper tug to bring this one quayside! I'll keep'em away from the rocks, but I can't bring'e in by meself!" She was releaved to see one of the lords attendants turn swiftly back to the port.

A rope dropped from above as Selenia turned her attention back to the damaged ship. Wasting no time, she tied it to her little rowboat and swiftly raised its small anchor to be dragged by the larger vessel. She climbed hand over hand with a strength and grace that might have surprised the other dockhands, scrambling on board ready to berate the old man standing at the prow. But once she saw clearly that he wore the vestments of a simple priest, rather than a sailor, she reigned herself in, resigning herself to taking a deep breath and saying simply, "You and yours are luck I gave up pay and dinner to save you all. It would have taken days to dredge this hulk, and you're not out of the water yet!" she warned.

She wished that her Aurvandilian accent were not so thick, so she awkwardly stuck out her hand to shake in effort to cover it up. "Selenia," she introduced herself.

Roleplay from Julius Galvez (4 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Julius hears Selenia and rides back to his own vessel. "Sailor, can you tug that ship over there safely into the harbour?", Julius says as he point to the damaged ship. "Of course my Lord, but I will need your help", he answers. Julius and his guard quickly enter the ship again. They set sail towards the damaged ship, but as the come in range Julius orders the sailor to change direction. "Look out for the rocks you fool. I am not paying you to wreck my ship as well."

Then he directs the ship around the rocks and they approach the stricken ship from the back. They are throwing lines to the ship. The first two land in the water, but Selenia catches the third line and attaches it to the ship. After some efforts they are at a safe distance from the rocks. While on the open water, Julius' guard pulls the line in. When the ships lie next to each other Julius gets the chance to meet the saved souls.

"Greetings. I am Suffete Julius Galvez from the Republic of Barca, as you might have noticed from the banners on my ship. Come on board. We can not tug you back. The wind is not favourable and the undercurrent is too strong to direct both our ships safely back to the port. You have to abandon it."

Roleplay from Selenia (4 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Selenia's first thought was for the professional appreciation of how swiftly and suddenly the Barcan ship had arrived to the rescue. They would have given D'Harans a run for their money. Their savior was right, this tub was doomed.

Of course, her second thought regarded their savior himself: Noble-> Lord-> Royalty!

Before she new it, Selenia had her forhead to the gangplank in as deep a bow as she could manage. The rest of the damaged ship's lowborn crew followed her example, all save the elderly priest. She crained her neck to catch his eye, pleading with him to show proper respect, lest he come to harm throuhh offending the Suffete.

Julius seemed b like a good enough sort, having just saved so many. But Selenia new noble blood did stange things to the mind, and she wasn't about to take any chances like her noble-born husband would have. That's probably why Lion'el died bloody in some prison, leaving her to wander alone.

Her eyes teared, she wasnt over the sight od his mutalated body hanging from the walls of Madina. She did not want to see that happen to the bewildered old man. "Hssst!" She nudged his simple robes with her foot.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (4 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) The assembly murmured in their private circles after Ismail's declaration. He couldn't help but grin widely. A trueblooded Ravielan had no problem swearing public oaths and putting his heart out there for all to see. Sometimes it made foreigners a little uncomfortable, a spectacle Ismail enjoyed deeply. He returned to his company of corsairs in the back of the Inner Ward and told the captain to keep them on alert guard detail, in case any more suicidal pirates should try to interfere with the royal occasion.

Seneshal Sorcha appeared in his box-like hat, stressed out beyond belief; "We are far behind schedule, m'lord," he reported.

"I'm aware. And there is a wedding as well. Get into the palace and inform the attendants that we shall have the Princess Selena crown Lord Machiavel. A wedding and a coronation, all in one. Make it so." Sorcha bowed sweepingly and scurried off into the palace through a side-door.

Roleplay from Selenia (4 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Selenia's first thought was for the professional appreciation of how swiftly and suddenly the Barcan ship had arrived to the rescue. They would have given D'Harans a run for their money. Their savior was right, this tub was doomed.

Of course, her second thought regarded their savior himself: Noble-> Lord-> Royalty!

Before she new it, Selenia had her forhead to the gangplank in as deep a bow as she could manage. The rest of the damaged ship's lowborn crew followed her example, all save the elderly priest. She crained her neck to catch his eye, pleading with him to show proper respect, lest he come to harm throuhh offending the Suffete.

Julius seemed b like a good enough sort, having just saved so many. But Selenia new noble blood did stange things to the mind, and she wasn't about to take any chances like her noble-born husband would have. That's probably why Lion'el died bloody in some prison, leaving her to wander alone.

Her eyes teared, she wasnt over the sight od his mutalated body hanging from the walls of Madina. She did not want to see that happen to the bewildered old man. "Hssst!" She nudged his simple robes with her foot.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (4 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Mathurin barely had time to grasp the hand of Selenia in thanks when the Barcan vessel arrived and Julius introduced himself. He noticed Selenia, and many of the damaged ship's crew make obeisance to the Suffete. As for Mathurin himself, he simply nodded, and smiled.

"You're offer of naval hospitality is both timely, and welcome, my lord," he called, though looked a little uncertain about how he would get over to the Barcan ship. "My dear," he whispered to Selenia, and pulling her to her feet, "how do we get from here to there?

Roleplay from Selenia (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Tremendously confused by the old priest's demeanor, Selenia answered without thinking. "We string up a line aloft and swing over. Fastest way to get ashore while we wait for proper tows.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (3 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) "Right-ho!" Mathurin said with a chuckle. "I've been dragged about on a line by half of the kingmakers of Dwilight in my time, it'll be change for it to be literal."

He seemed quite oblivious to the dangerous creaking of the stricken vessel beneath him, but Selenia could tell from the noise that the ship's keep must be close to breaking. "Can we do this reasonably quickly," Mathurin went on, "I think I'm late for a wedding."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (3 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) As the celebrations continued and the focus shifted somewhat away from Machiavel, a few courtiers came to Machiavel to inform him of the visitors on the dock. "Help them get here", he instructed, "and let's try to wait for them. But do try to make the required changes in the ceremony as swiftly as possible. I understand the princess must prepare and may be a little overwhelmed, but the people have already been waiting for some time now."

A careful observer could notice the frantic pace at which officials and organizers were working, making subtle changes here and there to accomodate the merging of the two ceremonies. The entertainers did their best to keep everyone distracted and entertained, however, and many people were wearing giant multi-person dragon costumes to re-enact bits of draconic mythology as they traversed the busy streets of the city.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (3 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) By now a bottle of wine deep in celebration, Ismail lingered by a group of young ladies-in-waiting when a courtier approached and informed him of the Prophet's presence in the harbor. He was told of the massive throngs of faithful Astroists now crowding the docks, cheering, praising, and supplicating to the revered man on the listing ship; they watched with bated breath as the Suffete Julius and the southron Selenia attempted a rescue.

Ismail's eyes bugged out of his head in shock, and his face turned bright red - his inspiration was here in his home city, and he had thought it was a useless fisherman on the ship! The Ravielan kissed the hand of his most favored lady-in-waiting and tore off to the company of Corsairs lined by the massive wall of the Inner Ward.

"Oy Corsairs!" The Corsairs saluted in unison. "The Holy Prophet is in trouble out there! Make your salty arses useful and get him safely ashore now! Captain, see to it!" Captain Fleugweiner stepped forward, pounded his chest twice, and selected 20 men; the cadre charged off down the streets, knocking over anyone in the way, and plowing through the celebrating crowds.

In the madness of the dockside, Fleugweiner found the Tandaros skiffs beset by eager onlookers watching the sinking prophetic ship; his men casually threw the lot into the water, detached the vessel, and headed out to sea to lend Prophet Mathurin aid.

Meanwhile in the Inner Ward, Ismail paced nervously, biting his thumbnail.

Roleplay from Selenia (3 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) The priest was right, of course. Speed was now a factor. Whilste prone, Selenia had heard the wounded moans of the struggling ship. And the deck had begun to take an angle at constant odds with the perpetual rocking of a ship at see.

The seeming lull that had overcome the captain and crew disappered; sailors sprang into fevered motion. Before long, people and goods were swinging over on multiple lines. On shore, crowds had gathered to watch the spectacle and other vessels were rowing to their aid.

Before long, only Selenia and the old priest remained, the latter having waited serenely, insisting on the safety of all others before himself. His serendipty was downright unnerving to Selenia, who had known nothing like peace or security since Lion'el had taken her from Aurvandil and since died.

"That's everything and everyone" Selenia confirmed. She had prepared the last line herself, good to bear the weight of two. The priest had an ageless quality about him, but she did not want to test the strength of the elderly man's arms. Wrapping rope about herself, she held a hand out to him. Beneath their feet, the deck slanted alarmingly as the ship took on water. Shouted encouragement drifted across the water and the audience watching from portside held their breath.

"Time to go," she trilled. Excited despite herself. " I've got you!"

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (3 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Mathurin nodded, and allowed Selenia to wrap the rope around him. As the men on the Barcan ship began to haul them to safety, he laughed a little. "There's nothing quite like being treated as an incapable piece of meat to give one a sense of perspective," he called to her over the roar and splash of the water.

Soon enough willing hands guided them over the side onto the deck of the Barcan vessel. Mathurin took a while to steady himself, and watched as the dying vessel finally broke and began to sink below the waves. "I owe my former captain an apology, and quite a substantial purse of coin, I suspect," he said to Selenia. "It turns out that storms are not something I can predict!"

Roleplay from Julius Galvez (2 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) "Set sail to the port! Everyone is on shipboard!" Julius yells to his sailor after the old priest and the young woman set foot on his ship. "Welcome aboard of my ship", Julius says to the old priest when he is safely aboard of his vessel. "May I know the name of the man I saved?", he continued.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (2 days, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) After much anticipation and waiting from the guests (and the hosts), the palace guards finally marched out to announce the arrival of her royal majesty Dragon Princess Selena Ironsides to the ceremonies. Drums were rolling, trumpets were blaring. The crowd was unanimous in praising the beauty of the princess in her pearl-white gown as she stepped towards her husband-to-be. Behind her came various members of the clergy, starting a plainsong in honor of the dragons to bless the wedding and the rule of the new king. Machiavel did not think much of it, but he knew how important the faith was for a lot of people, so he had made sure that the royal cult would get all the room it desired in the ceremonies. He was just pleased with how well things were working out, despite the delays. Seemed like no undesirable guests had made it after all, or perhaps his corsairs had simply well done their job.

One of Machiavel's men came up to the Lord Imperator and whispered in his ear. "Would you honor Duke Machiavel by blessing this ceremony with an opening speech?"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients)

Lord Imperator Bowie arrived to the ceremony and presented himself. He stepped up as requested to make a speech. He seemed agitated and tired, and everyone saw the worn look on his face having learned the terrible news from his home Republic. He spoke firm and brisk, and unprepared.

"It is a shame that tyranny has interrupted this joyful ceremony. I must depart before the wedding and coronation and return to Swordfell. So, while I am here and still have a chance to be present in the celebration, I will say this. I have spent a lifetime waiting to see Selena. It is my greatest pleasure, my most cherished memory, to meet her as a Princess about to become the Dragon Queen. Marriage to Lord Machiavel is a blessing for her and for my family. They will be happy together, and D'Hara will be sanctified by their union." He paused, his mind was not on track, "I am going to make a toast. May the Dragons bless and protect the Dragon King and the Dragon Queen. May they guard D'Hara from its enemies, within and without, and may the marriage of Selena and Machiavel bring many happy children and a lifetime of companionship."

He raised a glass in toast, then finished, "I can't say how sorry I am that I will be unable to attend the full proceedings. Sevastian has robbed me twice now of my hard earned due. Swordfell will destroy him, and the continent will celebrate liberty from his mania."

"Dragon King Machiavel, I present you with three carts full of gifts as dowry for the wedding. The first cart is filled with rare alcohols and not so rare ones (you can drink those), as I know we both like to share a good glass or two. The second is filled with jewels and jewellery, and the third is all gold. I also would like to present a personal gift to you and my daughter. I had these fashioned in the Divide Mountains."

Four attendants came to the front beside Bowie, each carrying a purple pillow that held an item. The first pillow had two thick long gold bracelets with the wrist extending over the backhand a small ways, in the design of dragon wings, left and right. This was for the Dragon King. The second was a necklace with a heavy ruby in the middle, for Selena, called the Eye of the Dragon. The third was a tiara designed to look subtly like the bottom jaw of a dragon, with a diamond and ruby at each tooth tip. The last was a crown for the Dragon King, it was large, down to the neck of pure smooth gold. The top was fashioned like a crown except resembling the top part of a dragon head. Ears on each side, and it came to a gentle point at the front to look like the nose bridge. In the middle, visible and commanding, was the resemblance of dragon eyes. Two emeralds sat where the eyes would be, leering out to the audience before it.

"These are my wedding gifts to you, they are the royal regalia of a true and pure Dragon Kind and Queen."

Bowie bowed to Machiavel and Selena. He kissed his daughter on the cheek, kissed the hand of Machiavel in tribute, and turned to leave.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients)

As Bowie departed the Inner Ward, Selena chased after him. She grabbed his hand and turned him around.

"Father, do not abandon me again!" tears born in her eyes.

He held her hand and raised it to kiss it. "Selena, this is the second worst thing I have ever done to you. The first time was for your own sake, and it has proven the right move. This time, it is for my sake, and I owe you a great debt on it. You will be the Dragon Queen of D'Hara. You will learn what it means to be responsible for an entire population, to be the first noble amongst an entire nobility. I pray that today is the worst thing that happens in your reign, a mere social woe, and that you never suffer the acts of tyrants and cowards, or traitors or thieves or maniacs as I have. My whole life, Selena, " he choked up a bit, "I have suffered. I have suffered the ills of my peers, and I have suffered the ills of my demon - myself. You are my greatest achievement, my greatest contribution to the world. I must leave you now to assure the preservation of my Republic. I fail you to serve them. I give you my apology. I give you a promise that next time I will return and share time with you despite armageddon! The continent may sink to the sea but I shall not leave your side again, next time, my dear, but not now."

"This is the most important day of my life...this is the first time I have ever seen you before me, and you leave again, for what? For who? I am your family, they are not!...What next time, Father? When will I marry again? When will the world's eyes fix on me, on my day, and see that you are not here for me?" She could not believe it.

His throat seized and his lips could not utter any words. And then he said, "I owe you a father...a lifetime of love and attention, of gifts and memories, even bad ones when you were in your teens or just a babe unable to sleep because of a stomach ache. I missed all of that. I missed all of you. But.."

She interrupted, "But you have a duty to your Republic, yes, I know. Swordfell is your daughter more than I am." She took her hand back and turned to walk away.

"No! That is not true!" He called out. She continued walking.

"Selena, it hurts, but you will be Dragon Queen. You will stand where I stand and watch your child walk away from you! You will feel the tearing between family and responsibility. I am your Father! And, I rule territory and nobility. When you realize what that means you will come to understand why I have to leave now."

She did not turn back.

He continued his departure.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) "My name is Mathurin, and I would like to thank you for the timely intervention of this vessel. I also owe my life to this young lady here."

Mathurin looked around at the broken vessel they'd been rescued from as it splintered and split, and began its final descent, then up towards the port. "I hate to be an ungracious guest, but could you possibly see your way to taking me to land?"

Roleplay from Julius Galvez (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) "Your Highness, it is a privilege to come to your rescue. And It would be a honour to accompany you from the port towards the ceremony", Julius says. The ship was already on her way back to land. It didn't take too much time. Many people were on the shore, but we had no time for them. Julius orders his guard to escort Mathurin and himself quickly and safely through the crowed. "Captain Lamprecht, your horse!" , he says. Mathurin was aided unto the horse and they ride together to the ceremony, surrounded by his guard, through the streets of Port Raviel, followed by the faithful who cheer their prophets presence. From the captain's horse, Mathurin waves back to the common people.

Luckily Julius efforts were quick enough and they arrived at the ceremony just before the drums started.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients)

Carts hastily filled with luggage, the Lord Imperator made his way to the docks of Port Raviel. He was departing in great haste to return to his troubled Republic. Could he ever get a moment of peace and happiness? It seemed to him that his life was cursed and plagued by malice. The Dragons spurned him? The deities forsake him? Was this another plot of his demon, trying to twist and torture the poor man? Regardless of the cause, Bowie was steely eyed to rectify it and finally lead Swordfell true and proper. This was the final act of the tyrant Sevastian. Swordfell was lucky it was not worse. Reports came in that Sevastian suffered a lung infection, which explains why he remained in his castle the majority of the time, and upon his death his retinue returned his lands back to Luria Nova in some form of claims succession. The Lurians were mad for claims, Bowie learned, but he knew that should they take Sevastian seriously there would be bloodshed. So, it was only a matter of time before Swordfell's capital was restored and the Republic can finally begin its life without trouble.

These things were on his mind as he arrived at the docks, and began to seek out the ship he was to board to cross the channel. There was commotion on the docks that interfered with Bowie's departure.

"Find out what is going on. I can't waste any time, lest Swordfell crumble while I am abroad!" he said to one of his second hands.

He needed air. This was not the first calamity he experienced, but this was potentially one of the worst. It depended on how the pieces reacted in the wake of the disaster. He walked closer to the peer and saw a broken vessel and some noblemen. He recognized one of them, it was Lord Julius Galvez! My, it was years since he'd seen him. Not since he was forced to leave Barca by threats of the Zuma. He called out to Lord Julius and made his way closer. He saw a woman and another older man but did not get a good look at them.

"Lord Julius!"

He came near to grasp the Lord's hand, who was still occupied...

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) As Mathurin was helped up onto the horse, he leaned towards the young woman. "Would you like to come to a wedding?" he asked.

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) The crowd gathering and...praying?... along the docks erupted in cheers as Selenia (still ignorant of the Prophet's identity) swung Mauthurin across the water chasm that separated the rescuing Barcan Vessel from the now rapidly sinking ship. Strong arms grasped the rope and caught the couple as their feet hit the deck. Selenia took the brunt of the impact, her spry body fully prepared to take Mathurin's weight should he collapse, but the old man surprised with his resilience. He simply stood up, smiling widely with exhilaration and unwound himself from the securing line.

As soon as their feet touched the deck, the Barcan captain balled orders. A drum belowdeck beat a steady tattoo as oars dipped and scooped into the water, propelling the barcan ship to the slowly crowding dockside.

The Barcan King elbowed his way across the crowded deck to greet the priest. "Your Highness, it is a privilege to come to your rescue. And It would be a honour to accompany you from the port towards the ceremony," Julius said politely, ignoring Selenia, whose forehead again touched the deck as she bowed as low as she could. The Queue of her bleach-blond hair, braided in a curious style unique to natives from the Desert of Silhouettes and starkly at odds with her tanned, Aurvandillan complexion, cushioned her forehead against the wood of the deck. While down there, she experienced the beginnings of an epiphany. Her subconscious mind had collected enough data to fuel leaps in cognitive thought that revealed the true identity of the humble priest. After all, there was only one man she'd ever heard of who was an elderly priest whom even foreign rulers referred to as "Your Highness."

Machiavel Chernier. Duke of Paisly and the man who was to be crowned Dragon King. The ship must have been en route to Paisly, damaged and delayed by the storms. And now he was late for his own wedding!

She stayed silent while the two lords conversed. In no time, the ship had docked and those aboard had disembarked. Lord Julius's men made short work of the crowds, giving the nobles some breathing room. Curiously, Selenia found herself among their company. In the crowd, she saw the greedy boss that had worked her to the bone for a penny a day, mouth agape at the sight of her in such August company. Selenia stuck her tongue out at him and followed closely at Machiavel's heels. Uncertain of what part she had to play now, having saved his life and those of his men. Having rather recently immigrated from Aurvandil, she had very little real knowledge of the man, save for Chevalier propaganda. But he did not seem so bad to her. Maybe he is kind. Maybe he would even favor me? Then again, no point in dreams. Better to keep your head outta the stars, girl. He would is another noble,are any of them really any different? He will probably just-

-"Mathurin was helped up onto the horse, he leaned towards the young woman. "Would you like to come to a wedding?" he asked.

-Make a girl's dream come true!

Before she'd even realised what she was doing, the word yes had escaped her mouth and she was swept up behind him, arms wrapped around his waste as the entourage whipped into a cantor toward the Old Royal Palace. Now ships and ropes were one thing. But Horses? Quite a-damn-nother. Selenia had never been within arms reach of one, much less ridden it. She squeezed the old priest so tightly that surely one of his ribs would break! Terrified of falling and being crushed by the other horses and the crowd, she made herself as small as she could, burying her dirty face against his back. She doubted then anyone looking at them from ahead would even see her scrunched up behind him.

"Lord Julius!" A deep voice roared over the crowd, followed by a brass horn to clear the street. There on another horse sat yet ANOTHER High Lord. And here she was, scrunched atop some four-legged muderbeast squeezing her Dragon King to death to keep from falling in front of the BARCAN King. Selenia nearly had a fit right then and there, cheeks burning red. Dry land, it seemed, simply was not her element.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (1 day, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) From atop the ramparts over the Inner Ward, a solitary Ismail saw the Lord Imperator of Swordfell depart far below; he sighed, frustrated that the Stars seemed to prevent them from supping in D'Hara as they had hoped. His mood rebounded, however, when he spotted his faith's Prophet, whom he had never met, nor even ever seen. Ismail's mouth hung open in awe; Mathurin arrived in style with an unknown woman, followed by Suffete Julius, escorted by Barcan guards flanked by Ravielan city guards. Ismail had used his personal connections in the city to procure as much security as possible after Cenarious's assassination. The Corsairs who had taken to the harbor to assist Mathurin trailed behind the entourage dutifully and took up their posts at the Inner Ward's main gate.

He wavered up on the ramparts; away from the public and prying eyes, his self-consciousness about his family's "new noble" status tended to leech out. He bit his thumbnail again and wondered what his place among these high dignitaries would be, the right thing to say, the right place to stand. The city's raucous celebration, the majesty of the courtyard, the extravagant pageantry - Ismail's heart began pounding heavily, sweat broke out across his brow. Feeling nauseous, he sat down on the steps leading down and held his head.

Breathe in, breathe out. "You can do this, Lord Ismail," he said to himself, "Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse." Breathe in, breathe out. "Marshal of the..." he began hyperventilating again. He held his head in silence, breathing slower, composing himself. "Dragon Corps."

He snapped his fingers, as if breaking himself from a spell, and descended down the stairway, and directly approached the horse bearing the Prophet and the unknown woman, and bowed deeply. "Your Holiness, it is my eminent pleasure to welcome you to Port Raviel. I am Ismail Tandaros, Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the Dragon Corps, and Knight of the Temple of our holy faith!" Ismail extended his hand to Selenia and helped her down from the horse. The bearded corsair captain Fleugweiner took his cue from his lord's action and offered a hand to the Mathurin once Ismail had helped Selenia down. "And who may you be, madam?" Ismail asked Selenia.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (1 day, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients)

The horse retinue trotted through the crowd and toward the Inner Ward. None had heard or seen Lord Bowie's call and was able to respond in time. They must have been late to the ceremony...late to his daughter's wedding. At least they will attend, Bowie thought. Selena will stand next to Machiavel in glamour and radiance, she will smile and scan the faces of the highborns gathered in her and her husbands honour yet she will not see a single blood relative in attendance. Her own father will not be there to return a smile. He was angry, clenching his fist and his teeth.

"Master Bowie, one of the men in charge of this dock says it will be some time before they clear the wreckage. We will have to wait a few hours before we can board our ship." An attendant said.

Damn! Bowie cursed internally. Not only did he have to depart the wedding and coronation, but he could not even leave without trouble. Everything was packed up, he had already said his goodbye to Selena, no use going back to the party.

He turned to gaze the view of Port Raviel from his position. He was a tiny centre amidst a massive swarm of people and buildings and activity. How long was it since he lived here? He looked about recognizing parts of the Maritime District that had changed since his time. Places resembled his memory in terms of structure, but the use was totally different. That used to be a fishmongers store and now was an anchor repair shop. Beneath that building was a brothel he secretly visited (well, no secret to his peers), which was...still a brothel. Hmm. He wondered if the shrine to the Dragon Fafnir was still there. Notifying his servants, he took a stroll up the street to the dead end of what used to be a main intersection. The little shrine that once reminded the D'Harans of Fafnir's might and majesty was indeed gone. Just a stain on the stone, a shadow of what once was, remained. Bowie sighed. So much changes in life...

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (1 day, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) As Mathurin was helped down from the horse, he greeted Ismail in return. "Lord Ismail, my thanks for your welcome. I do apologise for the unconventional method of my arrival."

Then when Ismail asked his question of Selenia, Mathurin turned to her too. "Indeed, we've not been properly introduced, have we? My name is Mathurin. I am a priest of the Faith of Sanguis Astroism. And you, other than being my saviour, are...?"

Roleplay from Julius Galvez (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) Shall it be? Is it true? Is it him? Yes it is. That is what must have gone through Julius mind at the sight of Bowie. "Lord Julius!", Bowie yells. Julius laughs, "the demon of Dwilight, my old friend, now Lord Imperator". He was excited to see the man who helped found his Republic. It must have been 9 years since the two had seen each other. They grasp hands, "how are you doing?" Julius asks. Julius has not received the news of the betrayal which has taken place in Swordfell and continues, "where are you going? The wedding of your daughter is that way", he points.

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) The priest she thought of as Machiavel and his entourage approached the Inner wall. The Barcan King split off to go greet the OTHER High Lord while yet another approached from the Palace. This one was younger than the others. Selenia was frozen, her limbs refusing to answer her call. Anxiety and stunned excitement mixed in equal measure. Escaping from Falk prisons and slaying monsters was one thing. It was simple, she knew the ropes. But this?

The Lord from the Palace stopped before Machiavel and bowed deeply. "Your Holiness, <wait, what?> it is my eminent pleasure to welcome you to Port Raviel. I am Ismail Tandaros <who?>, Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse <What?!>, Marshal of the Dragon Corps, and Knight of the Temple of our holy faith!" <Pleasedon'tnoticemeI'mnothereI'monewiththisdamnedhorse> Ismail extended his hand to Selenia and helped her down from the horse. The bearded corsair captain Fleugweiner took his cue from his lord's action and offered a hand to the Mathurin once Ismail had helped Selenia down. "And who may you be, madam?" Ismail asked Selenia.

I'm going to die, Selenia thought with utter certainty. She was nervous. More so then she had been when the Falk judge that had murdered her husband captured and through her into the same prison. She knew that her Aurvandilian was thickest when she was nervous. She knew just how much these Mootlanders and northmen hated Aurvandil. He she was, sitting on a horse with some of the most powerful men in the waiting for her to speak. I could pretend to faint. Don't noblewomen do that all the time? But she was a poor actress and new she'd never be able to pull it off convincingly. To hell with it, she resolved, if I'm going to die, it may as well be proudly.

Selenia accepted Ismail's hand and attempted to dismount as Mathurin had done, with grace and dignity. But she was indeed a poor actress and proved utterly unable to mimic the Prophet's movements. Her foot sought the stirrup and failed, and she began to fall...

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) Once Selenia had 2 feet on the ground, she knew that she would have to tell them her name. She debated with herself, feeling trapped. Iron chains she could deal with, but invisible, societal ones? It would have been easy back on the ship while Mauthurin was still a simple priest ignorant of seawork. She'd given her name and offered her hand to shake. But oh no, Lord after Lord had interjected. Now she HAD to tell them.

No you don't. You can run.


I don't know, left?

Great idea, and when I hit the wall?

Fine, have fun on the block.

She bowed deeply to hide her face. her feet were suddenly the most interesting things in the world. "I was born and raised in Aurvandil where my husband found me. He took me from their and we settled in the Rouge Lands that used to be Falkirk. Then he did not come home one day. I found his body swinging on the walls of Madina. They caught me, but I escaped and fled here."

She took a deep breath, squaring herself and raising her head as proudly as she could manage. She was of common stock among the highest nobles of the land and she knew it, her face was dirty and the bone white pants she wore were sewn from old sailcloth, but if she was going to die, it would not be because they thought her a spy. "M-my name is Selenia. Widow of Lion'el, and through him-" Her accent grew thickest at the mention her late husband. Her eyes watered and her cheeks burned red, contrasting sharply with the platinum of her hair, tightly braided in the Desert style. Suddenly a far cry from the confident seawoman who had saved a crew from disaster mere hours ago, Selenia played her last card, praying to the gods she had no cause to believe in, "-I am of the clan JeVondair." she said in a small voice.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) "Well, Selenia, widow of Lion'el, by marriage of the clan JeVondair, again, you have my thanks."

Mathurin turned to Ismail. "Can you tell me if the wedding has started? If it has not yet begun, is there time for me to retire to the temple and exchange these sweaty, damp, and somewhat salty travelling clothes for something more appropriate for such an occasion?"

He paused for a moment, then turned back to Selenia. "And perhaps, if there is time, you should come too. I'm sure the temple can provide something more appropriate for you to wear to the wedding."

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) "Y-yes My Lord, of course! I should like that very much! But won't the other lords fret about one so low as me being brought among them? And the Temple? Know one has ever taught me your faith! I-" Concerns streamed from her mouth, but Mathurin did not even pay attention to them. Strangely enough, neither did any around them. Already they were concerned with with the wedding more than the lowborn woman following at the hem of Mathurin's robes.

In her mind, Selenia rode a tremendous surge of elation the likes of which only those delivered from certain death could know. She was alive! Better than that, she was going to the Wedding! And A dress! A proper dress! She had never worn one before. Oh gods, what if she tripped? Her heart was apt to burst from her chest, such was the rate of its fluttering, beating excitement. She was trapped in a Whirlwind, a wonderful tornado that had lifted her from the docks to the very steps of the Royal Wedding! The cityfolk had been planning it for weeks, and it had been the talk of the town for longer. What Dwili woman would not cut her hair off for the chance she'd fallen into by fate. She was going, and not as a servant, but as a guest!

Selenia kept waiting for the other shoe to fall, for someone to reach out and snatch the wispy dream away from her. But these men merely smiled, accepting. What sort of Nobles were these? So different from the entitled Tyrants of Aurvandil and Falkirk?

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (1 day, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (16 recipients) Ismail bowed his head to Mathurin reverently, "Of course Your Holiness, there is time..." he scanned the Inner Ward and saw the Dragon King, Princess Selena, all the notables save for Bowie; craning his head upwards, he spotted Seneshal Sorcha idling grimly by the Palace doors and made a signal followed by holding up four fingers. "However I would advise against going to the Temple, as it is a good distance away, and the wedding should start shortly. Surely the margrave's mansion can accommodate you and Selenia while my staff and I usher the nobles into the Royal Palace." "Lord Ghaundan is a dear friend of mine, no doubt he would be overjoyed at allowing such august company the opportunity to refresh themselves." Ismail extended a hospitable hand in the direction of Margrave Ghaundan's palace, adjacent to the Royal Palace in the Inner Ward. He walked Mathurin and Selenia to the lower palace, explaining to the two the latest developments in Port Raviel's recovery from the Long Winter, and after traversing the courtyard together he presented them to the guards.

"With all due respect, please make haste; my seneshal's heart is about to burst with impatience. Without that old badger I'd have a lot more work to do than I'd like." Ismail smiled mischievously and bowed to the two, who were then escorted into the palace by Ghaundan's chief attendant Edward.

Horns blared a major, regal tune of excitement. The seneshal's lion-like voice boomed across the Inner Ward, "D'Hara stands in awe of this moment., and Dwilight watches. We shall crown a new Dragon King and see him wed to the wondrous Queen Selena. May all be welcome in the Royal Palace!" Jesters streamed out of the margrave's palace wearing fanciful costumes and playing flutes, circling the crowds of nobles and escorting them into the Royal Palace like sheepdogs. Ismail laughed ecstatically at the display; his former liege certainly had a knack for spectacle. Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (1 day, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients) Meanwhile in the Maritime District...

"Bowie Ironsides, are you not?" A hobbling old man appeared out of a nook in the labyrinthine streets. "I've seen your likeness before in these parts, Lord Imperator. The so-called Demon of Dwilight, the last one recalling the ways of the old Dragons," he rattled on, leaning on his walking stick heavily; he wore deep purple robes clasped over the shoulder with a bronze kraken brooch, the emblem of House Tandaros.

The old man looked at the alcove which had transfixed Bowie's attention. "Ahh yes, you seek inspiration in the old ways which these Isles have by now forgotten. The Dragon Islanders forget their namesake. They flirt with the Elements, and now the Stars hold their attention. What next, Clouds? Waves? Space?" The old philosopher wheezed a labored, clearly-inauthentic laugh.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients)

"It is a joy to see you again, my old friend." He shook Lord Julius' hand. "You should make your way with the others to the Inner Ward and join the ceremonies. I don't want you to be late. I am required to return to Swordfell in an emergency. The tyrant Sevastian Guile stole our capital and gave it to the Lurians before he died. This is an extremely delicate situation. The longer I am away the worse it could possibly get." Bowie flashed a smile, "At least the Zuma aren't threatening to invade if I am not exiled, just like Barca's foundation!"

He bowed to Lord Julius in a courteous but distracted motion. The letters from Swordfell were frantic and worrisome, Selena was furious. Regardless of what Bowie did, everybody was upset.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (14 recipients)

Bowie heard the old man comment on the site of the Dragon shrine. He nodded in agreement, "Such is the way of man to fix their attention on whatever is in front of them at the moment. The Dragons have rescinded and so we forget about them. The next shiniest thing are the stars. The other pleasant odour is the elements. But if the Dragons return, there will be hellfire to pay!"

He smiled to the old man, hoping to provoke some fear into him, but it didn't work. This old man was not a commoner, he was intelligent and not easily swayed by sentiment. So he decided to try a new tactic to provoke the old man.

"I witnessed a priestess perform a ritual that summoned the Great Dragon Fafnir. I saw it with my own eyes. I heard the dragon communicate with the priestess. It was what converted me to the faith in the first place. Later still, I personally met and spoke with the Great Dragon Sallow. So let me ask you, wise elder, is it right to abandon worship of these creatures simply because we do not see them anymore? Is it appropriate for the Dragon Isles to forsake their indigenous faith on account of popularity? What will the elements or the stars do when the dragons return to eat and burn the apostates? I never gave up my faith, regardless of the wind of the times. Can D'Hara say the same?"

He glared at the old man to see his reaction.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (1 day, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) In the Maritime District...

The old man scowled fiercely at Bowie's statement, perhaps from strongly disagreeing, or his arthritic knees giving way to his earthly weight. The robed interlocutor hobbled over to an empty crate and rested gingerly on its edge.

"Ah, Dragons, yes yes, they are the old heritage. I know not if they truly existed or not, but I believe in their power. They have a connection to the lands that is mostly forgotten. Raviel is a much different place after the Long Winter. The elderly and children were the first to perish; the scholars were killed after that, the thugs ran wild in the streets and feasted on Bloodmoon and human flesh alike. Society changes radically in times like those. I was lucky I made it through the Long Winter. The Tandaros Hearth sheltered many in the District, locked the door soundly, and did their best for us. Down to the last bushel of grain, Master Rashid would make sure our wards were cared for," nodded the elder distantly, going harumph and realizing he had lost his original point.

"Did you know, Lord Bowie," he continued, as if he were now regarding a long-lost friend, forgetting his place, "the Dragon faith were one of several island faiths that prospered in the ancient dwili days of the isles. There were followers of the Sun, the Kraken, mystics of all sorts, many of whom clung to the Bloodmoon fruit, some spoke against it, some ran off to live in silence without wives, while others took twenty," the man smacked his lips lecherously.

Realizing where he was going with all this, the philosophers concluded cryptically, "Yes, my point Lord Bowie - the Isles of D'Hara see the tides of change shift across all the lands, the center of the world, the hub of all trade routes. Our isles are as a compass for the world, a worn yet distinguished weathervane, a mirror to reflect upon, a portal through which one sees what shall one day come."

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (21 hours, 29 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients)

"I see." Bowie acknowledged the point the old man made. "The sands of the Tomb Islands, as I know them by, shift with each tide in and out. In comes one culture, faith, power out goes another. My time came and gone. Now it is time for something new."

He considered making a proposal but hesitated. He did not know exactly where the allegiances of this old man lay. Certain things exposed could ruin a person's standing if exposed to the wrong light and at the wrong time. So he simply asked, "How often do you see Lord Ismail? Could he trust you to deliver something from me that you are forbidden to look at? He may give you permission to view it too, but only after he has examined it and made his own impression."

One of Bowie's servants came forth up the street waving to his master, "Lord Bowie! Lord Bowie! The ships are ready to leave Port Raviel. Are you ready?"

Bowie looked at the old man, "My time to leave, what say you? Are you worthy to act as a messenger for me to your Lord? It might make a difference to him."

He waited to hear the man's answer.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) The old man looked surprised for a moment then chuckled liberally. "Ah yes my lord, I see Lord Ismail regularly. My feeble old mind forgot to introduce myself, so excited I was to see such a storied countenance on my proverbial doorstep. I am Ibrahim Tandaros, steward of the Tandaros Hearth of Port Raviel. I see him whenever he visits his kin at the family compound atop the hill yonder," he said, pointing a crooked finger upon a bluff overlooking the Maritime District. "And aye, he visits often, being the holder of all Master Rashid's titles. I will relay everything as you wish, as I am sworn to the bo... er... Lord Ismail by life and blood." The elder held his mangled hand to his heart, over the kraken brooch. He leaned forward on his staff and gently lifted himself from the crate. Once on his feet, he tapped the staff twice and wheezed into the alleyway, "Rico!"

From a corner emerged a black-clad swordsman, having the look of a syndicate blade. "Boy, honor the Lord Imperator. He has a gift for our Lord Tandaros."

The shady-looking blade knelt before Lord Bowie and rasped, "Your Highness." He rose to his feet and waited to see what package the Lord Imperator may present, as Ibrahim hobbled forward to get a good enough glimpse...

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides (19 hours, 42 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients)

"Good." Bowie pulled out a thin booklette and handed it to the young swordsman, "Do not peruse this book, it is for Lord Ismail's eyes only. Please have him write to me when he finishes it, if he is interested in learning more."

He bowed in courtesy to the Steward, "It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, Sir Ibrahim. I hope to be in your company again in the future. For now, I must rush east."

Bowie started on his way to retracing his steps back to the docks, but before he left the old man and the young sword's presence he gave a sharp glare to the boy, and with a commanding finger he pointed and said "If it is reported to me that there has been some tampering or impermissible reading of that book I will have you found and maimed."

And with that, the Demon of Dwilight departed the vicinity of Port Raviel....

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (9 hours, 57 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) "Wherever you think best, my lord. Though I would have to ponder the situation if the mansion had robes appropriate to my station if the laws of etiquette are to be strictly followed. Still, no matter, I shall gladly wear almost anything that chafes less than my current attire."

Mathurin allowed himself to be lead to Margrave Ghaundan's palace and handed into the care of Edward.

At that moment, as the jesters streamed out of the palace, Mathurin raised an eyebrow at their colourful motley. "Well, almost anything."

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (7 hours, 15 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) The nobles in the Inner Ward funneled into the Royal Palace, while Mathurin and Selenia went about getting prepared in the Margrave's Palace. The jesters provoked mixed reactions of consternation and bemusement among the attendees. Ismail orbited on the outside, and approached the grim-looking seneshal to confer - but got his arm hooked by a snaggle-toothed jester who spun the lord into the pinwheel dance the performers were now performing. Shock turned to joy. Ismail bounded about and danced freely in the gyre of multi-colored jesters, kicking his feet high and bouncing off his heels, lithe and nimble, the young man he was. He got so into it he hardly realized the Inner Ward was now devoid of nobles - the jesters had succeeded in shepherding them into the Palace.

Ismail took the center of the silly circle and broke down into his best Ravielan jig, a skill he picked up dockside as a young boy. The jesters looked on with glee, seeing their native son in fine regalia bouncing about like a common deckhand, with the style and swagger of a corsair. When the tune finished, the odd crowd burst into applause, and the jesters presented a bottle of Ravielan rum to share with the dance-lord...

Some time later...

The jesters drunkenly reclined on the steps of the palace, alongside Ismail, telling stories of their most embarrassing romantic exploits. The palace guards looked on blankly; the corsair guards by the ward's wall looked bored. Ibrahim passed through their ranks, clearly a known figure, and hobbled across the majestic courtyard to Ismail and the gang of jokers.

"My lord Ismail," bowed Ibrahim, "A package from the Lord Imperator of Swordfell." The philosopher produced a wrapped package from his robes and offered it to the drunken Ismail. He grinned liberally and got to his feet, staggering a bit, and approached Ibrahim to take the book, and - WHOOSH

One of the jesters snatched it from the feeble old man's hands, and danced around the circle giggling maniacally, whipping the group into a frenzy of laughter. He circled, dancing, waving the booklet over his head, until he was stopped dead in his tracks but a solid knock to the back of the head from a vengeful Lord Ismail's fist. The circle went silent - Ismail stooped over, picked up the package , and put it securely in his glorious white coat. "Scram, ye gits, our time here is done," slurred Ismail. The jesters scrambled off and away, scraping the foolish thief off the courtyard pavement. Ismail watched their ignoble retreat, half-entertained at the turn of events, and walked up the steps into the Royal Palace to see what was going on with the nobles inside.

Roleplay from Selenia (6 hours, 11 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) Everything is out everywhere! These Selenia's first thoughts as she an Mathurin were whisked through the Royal compound. Everyone was rushing as thr hour of the Wedding/Coronation approached. Before she knew it, Selenia could not find Mathurin! They had been separated, taken to different wings to prepare for the ceremony. Handmaiden's that seemed to communicate entirely through giggles descended upon Selenia.

It was like being trapped in a dream, not simply because of the amazingly unprecedented situation in which she found herself, but also because she felt as though she could not move on her own. Up and down through winding staircases and immaculate halls lined with portraits and tapestries, she was utterly lost within moments. Still, her practiced hagglers' eye noted that the further they progressed, the better the furnishings became. Another turn and they were in a Hallway dominated by floor to ceiling portraits of stern looking lords. When she asked why these were so big, the handmaidens tittered again, proclaiming that these were the portraits of all those who had ruled the city. Selenia saw one, second to last, whose dark hair and features resembled her lost husbands' so very closely, only if younger. His hair was braided just like hers-

A swift snapshot was all she had as she was seemingly teleported to yet another wing of the Palace, this portion older though no less grand. Through a great pair of double doors, she found a bath like nothing she had ever dreamed of-with hot water! The room was plush and painted in shades of pink and gold and silver. Feminine amenities and a spread of dresses fit for a princess were prepared and ready. No sooner had she stepped in did the flock of handmaidens disburse around the room, each to a specific zone and ready to process her like an assembly line. Selenia was rooted to the spot, wonder replacing fear. Her moment was interrupted by the sound of a young, beautiful voice.

"So this is the young heroine that rescued the Holy Prophet of the Bloodstars and his crew from a watery grave? It is fortunate that she is not taller than I expected, I think she will fit my one of my old dresses perfectly." A pair of fingers snapped. "Prepare Her"

Selenia hadn't even had a chance to track the voice before the assembly line began. Her simple, dirty homespun was stripped with surgical precision. Selenia was oddly certain that they were destined to burn. Naked, she was direct to the bath where a gaggle descended on her and started to scrub her raw, evicting dirt that had been caked on for gods know how long. Expert fingers slid against her scalp and began undoing the braids her dead husband had woven himself. Alarmed, Selenia reached up with a suddenly vice-like grip, nearly breaking the woman's wrist. "Back off!" She growled.

"Have no worry, girl" The older attendant responded, I used to do this for the Prime Minister, and gained a lot of experience with this hairstyle as a result." Selenia relaxed slightly. "Have no worry" she continued, "I'll put it back just the way we found it. That is once we've cleaned all the-Oh Stars! What even IS this?!..."

The bath continued for sometime before the head attendant felt she was ready for the next phase. Her skin glowed as she was past along to quickly to be embarrassed at her nudity. She was toweled dry and rubbed down with lotions and oils.

"The Green dress, I think. It goes better with her blond hair." The disembodied woman's voice came again. "Besides, I like how it matches the emerald eyes in the Dragon Crown my father-" The tone of her voice changed somewhat, but on briefly "-presented to my future husband. Be quick about it! We have to get down to the great hall for the ceremony, and the Prophet wants her their."

In a flash, Selenia was fitted into the green dress. She was quite certain, as handmaidens played tug-of-war with the corset straps at her back in an honest attempt to squeeze the life out of her, that this is what it felt like to be killed with kindness.

Before blacking out from lack of air, she heard Dragon Princess Selena's voice just below the hubub of the hens that surrounded her. "My she's a rare one. God's help us all if Ghuandan gets a hold of her..." And then Selenia's world was limited to learning how to breath again...

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) Ghaundan sipped his glass slowly, deep marks of irritation altering his usually jovial expression. Why was he feeling like that in a day that should only bring up good memories? Dragon King Machiavel Chénier, the man who had inspired him into becoming a diplomat and that had played such an important role in D'Hara for the last decades was going to be crowned and married, after all. Personalities from all over the world had gathered in his region, and they were all celebrating the splendid occassion. If that wasn't a reason to be happy...

Well, the problem was exactly there. Personalities from all over the world were indeed in the Royal Palace, but none of them seemed to share his love and appreciation for formality and decorum in important ceremonies. Not only many of them had appeared late (something understandable given the summer storms that the sea usually had in store), but the way they had shown up had been rather... inappropiate. Lord Imperator Bowie Ironsides had even left the ceremony! A few gifts (magnificent, to tell the truth) and the man had vanished even before Ghaundan could end his conversation with a local noblewoman and say him farewell. Such lack of respect! Such breach in etiquette!

His face blushed in discomfort when thinking about the arrival of Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Suffete Julius Galvez and the unknown woman that was with them. Selenia, was that her name? Not that it mattered much, since she was not a nobleborn. After so many years treating with noblemen and merchants alike, he could smell nobility and tell them apart in just a few seconds, and the woman was most certainly not a noblewoman. Not that it took so much effort to guess, as she was by far the dirtiest human being that Ghaundan had encountered so far.

Still, confusing Mathurin with a fisherman was beyond forgiveness, and he knew that. He had sent Edward to guide both Selenia and Mathurin to his own adjacent palace, where they would receive robes appropiate for the occassion. The only good point, though, was that his obsession with luxury, expensive clothes and fine accessories meant that he had almost every kind of dressing in store. No matter the preferences of Mathurin, there would be something that would suit him perfectly. The main problem would be...

He touched his notable belly, uncomfortable. Yes, that would be the problem. Most of his clothes had been made expressely for him, and the combination of nearly six feet of height and a plump body was not that much common in the rest of the continent. Of course he had an ample store prepared only for possible guests, covering a whole range of sizes and body shapes, but the choice was not nearly as impressive there as in his own clothes.

He was served more draconic wine to fill his empty glass, his mind now wandering about the woman. How dared she appear in such a ceremony, not having been invited? And with the Prophet himself no less! He made a disgusted gesture, which partially disappeared when he realized that Mathurin was likely to have invited her. He was such a kind man... Knowing that he himself was not going to make a movement against the will of his Prophet and foremost religious authority, he sighed, talking to himself quietly.

- At least she will not stink and will wear an appropiate attire... By the light of the Stars, what have I done to been the host of such a twisted event?

Thinking about her more in depth, he realized that he had seen her hairstyle before, as well as her tanned skin. Her hair was indeed magnificent, even when covered in dirt as she had it, and he caught himself looking forward to see her fully prepared, dressed and clean. He negated with his head, an unusual blush taking over his cheeks.

- I must have drunk too much wine if I am thinking about a commoner in this way. I should not even be paying her attention at all, I am not like my father or my brother! Even if I am the Margrave of Port Raviel, abusing my authority to satisfy a temporary impulse with a lowerborn is just... wrong. I must distract myself, I cannot believe I am like this for some nobody as her.

Looking around to see any suitable guest to speak with in the absence of the Princess and future Queen (where was she and when had she left the Royal Palace?), he spotted both Julius and Ismail, the latter having just arrived from somewhere. Sighing in relief, he approached them in determination, a little voice in his head blaming Rynn for being absent and Selenia for disrupting his perfect world of luxury and nobility.

- Suffete Julius Galvez? It is nice finally meeting you personally! Do you already know Margrave Ismail Tandaros? He was once the most promising knight of D'Hara, and now is the most promising lord of the Dragon Isles. I understand you are enjoying the ceremony? This waiting is certainly unusual, I wonder where the Princess is right now. Dragon King Machiavel Chénier must be impatient indeed...

Roleplay from Julius Galvez (4 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (12 recipients) " Suffete Julius Galvez? It is nice finally meeting you personally! " Julius turns towards the host of the ceremony, "Greetings Margrave Ghaundan." The Margrave, being of lower rang and of proper etiquette, respectfully bows his head towards the Suffete of the Republic of Barca. Julius shakes the hand of Ghaundan, continuing "It is a delight to be here at the coronation and wedding of Duke Machiavel. And thank you for the escort to the Royal Palace." Ghaundan responds that he had send Ismail to escort Mathurin and Julius." Do you already know Margrave Ismail Tandaros? He was once the most promising knight of D'Hara, and now is the most promising lord of the Dragon Isles " Julius takes a sip of his wine and answers: "We haven't had much time to speak yet. The Lord Imperator, an old friend, crossed my path on the way here. But I have heard only good things about Margrave Ismail and will certainly take the time for some tattle later. It is always a pleasure to get to know our D'Haran friends a little better." They continued with some small talk.

" I understand you are enjoying the ceremony? This waiting is certainly unusual, I wonder where the Princess is right now. Dragon King Machiavel Chénier must be impatient indeed... ", Ghaundan says to Julius. Julius responds by saying: "I am a patient man. And certainly something as important as this ceremony can not be rushed. However my absence from Barca is noticed, and I have to ask for a small favour." He comes closer to Ghaundan and whispers: "my city has run out of food. I need 20 bushels to send backto Barca. That will give my senators the time they need to respond effectively to the current food situation in my Republic."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (4 days, 14 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (12 recipients) Machiavel watched with sorrow as Selena ran off to catch up with her father. He had heard of what had went on, and was not surprised by the betrayal that had occured in Swordfell, much less by its timing. And from what he was told, it appeared that the Church was rather soft and mournful of particularly despicable people. It would not have been classy to cheer of anyone's death, at least not of people with such apparent support with a certain number of people, but he rejoiced from the news anyways. Yesterday it was Allison, now it was Sevastian. Perhaps tomorrow, it will be...

He was interrupted in his thoughts by the people around him. He could barely see his fiancé from afar, begging her father not to leave. It broke his heart to see such sadness. Yet another Lurian slight, to one day be avenged... They had presented themselves to interrupt Rynn's wedding, and this time they found a way to do it from afar. They always found a way to antagonize... to cause pain and suffering. The lurian astroists are hailed as promoters of the faith, but in reality, were it not for the likes of them, maybe the godless warlocks of the South would have been crushed by now. Had the Lurians not betrayed D'Hara in that most critical moment, maybe there would be an astroist temple in every region of the Madinian isle and Candielian peninsula by now... And now Sevastian, again in his final act, forcing people back North, distracting them from the fight South.

As Selena returned, he held her tightly against him to comfort her...

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (4 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) After a surprisingly short time one of the valets returned to Mathurin's changing room with a set of formal regalia for a priest of the faith of Sanguis Astroism. They were unadorned with signifiers of rank or authority, and accordingly entirely in keeping with Mathurin's preference.

As the valet presented the garments, Mathurin raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"My cousin serves in the temple, your Holiness. We are both of the Faith," the man explained.

Mathurin smiled. "The timely blessings upon both you and your cousin! Now, how quickly can you make me presentable? It would be a poor show if after the momentous trip I've had, not to mention blocking the harbour, I missed absolutely everything. I understand there may be cake."

The valet got work, and mere minutes later Mathurin emerged for the ceremony, if not resplendent, then at least clean and well manicured.

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (3 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Inside the Royal Palace, there was an idle feeling in the air. The various nobles and dignitaries had taken to drinking modestly and whispering in their own private circles. Ismail circulated and exchanged formalities with the port merchants, old family friends. He looked on and saw the priests conferring quietly over who-knows-what. For being an Astroist, he sure didn't understand a damned thing about how the Church works, or what the agenda was. Suffete Julius stood impressively to the side, receiving tributes from adoring friends of Barca, old dogs of the Moot.

Captain Fleugweiner made his way into the majestic chamber, offering a pile of reports stamped with the seal of the Dragon Corps. Ismail heaved a strained sigh, feeling the weight of D'Hara's military obligations bear down upon his mind. The seneshal had blown a gasket and retreated to the Margrave's Palace to relax with his old friends in the servants' quarters there with Lord Ismail's permission. Ismail broke the seal and flipped through the reports. The siege of Madina wore on, seemingly endlessly. His idle fingers spun nervously. Into his coat's folds the reports went, and steeling himself, he approached the King and Queen to be.

"Your Majesty," bowed Ismail deeply, supplicating himself before the royal couple, "Unfortunately I must depart from Port Raviel and tend to the Dragon Corps, who carry on in campaign. As marshal my duty lies with them. Seneshal Sorcha shall take over as master of ceremonies, use him as you see fit. He will return from a bit of rest in a few hours I believe." Ismail kissed Queen Selena's hand reverently and bowed again, "Thus I beg your leave, Majesties. My ships await."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (3 days ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Machiavel politely bowed before Ismail. "You are dismissed. Sail for the glory of your realm and of your king."

As he left, Machiavel looked back to Selena, to see her face, to see if she would be able to continue. She already had her head up, pretending nothing were. "Well, let's proceed", she simply stated.

Roleplay from Selenia (2 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) When she was deemed "fit", Selenia was half carried, half dragged to the Royal Banquet. Despite being more wonderfully dressed then she ever had been in her entire life, she felt naked. , her movement was hampered by the corset and other trappings, she had been relieved of her weapons, her shoulders were bare and breast were powdered and squeezed together. She felt like some trust up swan being delivered as the main course. Could be worse, at least I don't look like a duck anymore. And Indeed she did not. She had always considered herself to be a plain looking woman. As a child, she had been teased for being tall and lanky. She had never had enough food to run to fat in her life, but she had always prefered her small, round breasts anyway as it was easier for her to move and fight.

When the maids had finished preparing her, she had was placed in front of a floor to ceiling mirror. She saw a woman she did not recognize. A round face with a graceful neck. Toned, strong arms and very long legs. It was the very first time she had seen her own reflection before, outside of rippling water, that is. Her skin had been pale as milk before she'd left Aurvandil with her husband. but travel, work, and the elements had tanned her down. Her desert-braided, light blond hair had been bleached nearly platinum by the sun, creating a surprising contrast with the bronzed tone of her skin. Her face had not changed much: light freckles dotted her cheeks. a slightly crooked nose sat snugly beneath her round, hazel blue eyes. All of this contrasted even more with the deep emerald silk of the exquisite, if slightly used, dress she wore. She was surprised by the amount of cleavage on display, not that she was ashamed, she simply hadn't realized how much she had changed there since she was a girl, she had always been to busy working, fighting, or running from her life to pay much attention to herself. The dress seemed to seek out ever curve she owned and was so tight that she could not even turn her shoulders without turning her entire body. Still, Selenia had felt like a new woman. And she liked it.

When they were stopped by guards or questioned by nobles, the servingwomen, her captors, simply responded "This is the Prophet's own guest! Will you be the one to delay her?" No one took up the challenge after that, and it was no time before they had reached the servants entrance to the great hall. "You're on your own from here, lass. Don't fall!" The elder maid cackled, and then they were gone, leaving Selenia alone before the door and ignorant of what could be on the other side.

Having already resigned herself to enduring whatever humiliation, or wonders, might follow, Selenia took as deep a breath as her corset would allow, gripped the doorknob, and opened the door...

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Mabye I should have went with Sir Ironside Riannon thought to herself, trying to enjoy the celebrations at the palace. She stood alone, her usual confidence failing her amongst so many people and without the one who invited her in the first place.Then she saw someone that interested her, a tanned blonde woman in a green dress. There was something different about this one. What ever it was she seemed out of place here.Feeling like this one might need a friendly greeting, Riannon walked to her and said "Good evening Dame," (she did not know of her status as a commoner) "is every thing well with you?"

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Selenia had seen fireworks twice before. The first time was when High Sovereign Mendicant had risen to power in Aurvandil. She had been just a girl then, and the displays were magical to her. More than 10 years later, she saw them again over the Bay of Port Raviel to commemorate the beginning of the present festivities. But when she tentatively set foot into the Great Hall, she immediately felt as though she was within I fireworks display herself. Vibrant colors worn by nobles of varying status from half a dozen battled with the brilliant decorations and lights and the noise of hundreds of conversations, all threatening to overwhelm her senses. Indeed, she was momentarily disoriented. Where was the door she I just came from? shouldn't be behind me? No? Wait. How did I cross to the other side of the room? Selenia began to hyperventilate, her body urging her to embrace her flight response, but the dress constricted her breathing, which only compounded her rising panic. I need to get back! I'll just close the door and stay in the dark until I'm ready to try again. Or maybe I'll just run, that's it! Afterall, only THE PROPHET will miss me right? No worries. I can-

"Good evening Dame, is everything well with you?"

Selenia placed her hand upon column of marble to steady herself. Blush rising to her cheeks as she tried to blink away the double lights and control her breathing. She had heard the inquiry but her vision was still blurry and she could not tell if the speaker, whomever it was, had been addressing her. I'm not a dame, must mean someone else, she thought has she leaned her head against the marble to cool it. It would not do to sweat in this fine dress. It would take a lifetime for her to save up enough to replace it.

The official wedding and coronation should be starting soon, she just had to make it through...

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (1 day, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Riannon grasped the woman's (Selenia) free hand.

"Do you need any help, I can get a healer...", she didn't seem to be sick or injured, just incredibly anxious. Riannon Yates Dame of Qubel Lighthouse

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (10 recipients) Well, so much for passing unnoticed, Selenia thought as the trueborn noblewoman took her hand.

For a fleeting moment, Selenia froze. She could either pretend that she too was nobly born, just as the roguish heroes of childhood story tales did, or she could admit who and what she was. Then her mind went through, in meticulous detail, all of the awful punishments for imitating the nobility. Besides, I may appear different, but I ahvn't got the first clue of how to properly act all nobled and cultured.

Then, as if the heavens themselves had smiled upon her, she remembered that this unknown Dame had not asked her for her name.

"Thank you, mil- I mean, MY lady. I am just a bit overwhelmed. All the lights and sounds and these heels and this dress and all the people and- oooo is that a buffet table?!"

Selenia's stomach growled noisily, angrily reminding her that she had sacrifice her daily meal to save the Prophet from drowning. Scarce as food was these days, missing a meal could be dangerous for a commoner. And when would she have the chance to eat like THIS again?

"I beg your pardon, my Lady. I am Selenia and I am new around here. As you might have guessed, I could do with a bite to eat. Care to join me?" Selenia didn't, couldn't wait the polite amount of time for an answer as she beelined, tunnel-visioned, straight for the food.

So focused was she on the amazing cornucopia she did not notice that the spread table was placed beneath the High table of Honor, where the VIP's ate and drank together in style that allowed the hosts to see and interact with all the guests that came to stock their plates...

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (9 recipients) Not all of the guests had appared to make it on time, but it was decided to begin anyways. Many delays had already taken place, and there would still be some time to arrive during the ceremonies. The music changed as Machiavel and Selena withdrew to a shrine of the great dragon Raviel, the guests being invited to follow behind. As they entered, the royal couple were nowhere to be seen, having taken a different path, while the crowd gathered, standing, to get a peek at what was about to happen. A mighty yew stood out from the back of the shrine, with steps leading towards it and... a wooden door, grand and of apparent great strength, but also subtle and hard to notice.

All of a sudden, there was a drum roll and then, silence... The door on the Yew opened from within, surprising many of the guests who had not noticed it, and out of it came a score of dragon priestesses before an ornately dressed elderly man and the royal couple came out. As the crowd watched on, the old man took a rope and gently tied the the hands of the royal couple to the others', and then stepped forth, cleared his throat and spoke out: "Friends, family … nobles of D’Hara, We gather here today under this tree which is the symbol of pure love between Raviel and his departed wife. May their love and strength shine down brightly on this couple and guide them down a path of love and honor. May their union bare fruits of many children and their love be as long and everlasting as Raviel’s love for his wife. May the strength of their love be a symbol of new beginnings here in D’Hara and guide us to be as pure and faithful as their love is for each other", he began. He then lit two candles and placed them before the couple on the altar. Machiavel looked into the eyes of his soon wife-to-be, his right hand tied to her left. She was so beautiful, young, caring. He could not think of a better wife or of a better mother for his heir. The old man kept talking, but he didn't pay attention. He had heard it countless times before, it was basically the same speech that master Ugyel had given at the last royal wedding. The whole ceremony was based off of it, upon Machiavel's request. The title's main importance, after all, came from tradition, and as such he had deemed it appropriate to proceed with the ceremonies as traditionally as could be.

After a while, the man stopped talking, and Machiavel understood that the time had come for the vows. He turned towards Selena, and took her right hand, his other hand already holding hers. The Dragon Princess, Selena Ironsides, spoke out first. "These days have been full of emotions, my life has been flipped upside down, and up again. My family has shrunk and expanded, again and again, with my engagement to you, the death of my father, and the arrival and departure of Bowie... I do not think I have lived as many emotions in all of my life as I have in these last few months, but I think that this goes without saying..." she paused, as her eyes filled with water. She still resented Bowie for leaving so soon, but she refused to let him ruin this event for her. "I admit I did not know what to think at first, you were always there when I grew up, you taught me most of what I know and cherish today. And father did not approve... Not right away. But in his correspondence, I found an unfinished letter... in which he stated he intended to give you his blessings... It was the last letter he wrote before... the assassin got to him..." She fell in tears, and Machiavel pressed her tightly against him. He had not known this... she had not told him. He knew Cenarious would react badly at first, and suspected he would likely come around, but the last time he met him, he did not look like he was about to change his mind any time soon... She pulled back slightly and apologized. "I promise you, from this day forth, to cherish and obey you not only as my Dragon King, but as your wife. To bear you children, to love you, to care for you, to serve you in health and in sickness. I love you, Machiavel Chénier, and I give myself to you."

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (9 recipients) As the formalities began, Mathurin appeared at Selenia's side at the buffet table. He quickly loaded a platter with bite-size morsels, and grinned at her. "I missed a meal or two. How are you doing, can you breath in that?"

He noticed Riannon, and nodded to her. "My lady, I hope you have been looking after my friend here?"

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (1 day ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (9 recipients) Riannon slowly followed her, concerned. She was open to a little light hearted chaos, but this "Selenia" was behaving quite oddly. As she filled her plate, she noticed a man who was conversing with Selenia; "I missed a meal or two. How are you doing, can you breath in that?" he said. He nodded to Riannon with a "My lady, I hope you have been looking after my friend here?" She responded, "I thought I should welcome her", and I was bored.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (7 hours, 12 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) "And so you should indeed," Mathurin replied to Riannon. "She's far from home and her own family, and so she is not used to local customs and etiquette. I trust you will tell her what she needs to know, should some difficult decision over cutlery, or whether she should curtsey or spit on someone's foot?"

Roleplay from Selenia (7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) <Gulp>

Selenia had a problem: She never knew where her next meal was coming from. That and she KNEW she would never get to eat like this again. That and she was starting to have difficult balancing the sheer weight of her plate in one hand. That and Riannon had not joined in. Not very lady-like to stuff one's face I 'spose. All of this was compounded by the sudden appearance of Mathurin the Prohphet whom, she had decided, was beginning to delight in placing her in new and ever more awkward situations just to see how she will navigate her way through them. She'd thought she would be safe, what with the King andQueen making their long, intricate vows and what not.

<Feverish Chewing><Gulp>

One could argue that it was HIS fault this corset she wore was doing it's level best to kill her. Of course, it was also hiding the food-pudge of her stomach as she ignominiously stuffed her meticulously beautified face. She would have to say something. Indeed, she really wanted to have a word with him. But damn did he have BAD timing! Gods, I need something to wash this down with so I can actually talk!

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (6 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) (Previous to the entrance in the shrine)

Ghaundan's face changes to a saddened smile, and he leans towards Julius so that their conversation is kept in private.

- I wish I could answer affirmatively, as that would mean that I have some food to spare, no matter how much. However, I am the one who practically has to beg to receive those twenty bushels, so you can imagine how much I have in my granaries right now. So much empty space... I will barely cover two days, not to speak about the whole week. I am saddened to know that not even the productive Barca can make enough food to sustain itself. If such is the case, then I understand why we are always at the brink of starvation.

He then saw Selenia (wait, was that even her? The dirty commoner that he had been thinking about, even if he shouldn't have? Imppressi-!

No. No, no, no, no and no. What the hell was going on? He was surrounded by noblewomen of all kind and the only girl that was making him feel awkward was that lowly daughter of nobody. What did she have to make him feel that way? Well, apart from her outstanding hair. And beautiful eyes. And long, perfectly toned legs. And superb figure. And-

Well, that was enough. Sighing heavily, he bowed to Julius, trying to portrait as if everything was fine. Fortunately he was quite used to pretending to be in a different mood that he really was, he had to do that all the time as an ambassador.

- I hope you forgive me, Suffete Julius Galvez, but as you very well know a host must speak with everyone and give the impression that all the guests are unique in their own way. That means, of course, that there is little room for actually speaking with those one really wants to speak with. The eternal fight of duties and desires, I am afraid. If you want so, I can speak with our Fiduciary and let him know of Barca's needs. Not that I really think that he will be able to contribute much, but just in case. It has been a pleasure, Suffete.

Bowing once again and listening to Julius' answer, he walked towards the place where Selenia was stuffing her mouth with titanic volumes of food. Negating in disbelief, he noticed that Mathurin and Riannon were also there, not knowing if to feel relieved for having an excuse to go there or dissapointed for not having free way. Free way? But for what?

He arrived where the three were "interacting", so to speak, and bowed to Mathurin before speaking.

- Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Dame Riannon Yates, it is a pleasure to see you both.

Turning towards the commoner, he scanned her with his eyes in a way that he would have never allowed himself with a noblewoman. Realizing (too late) that obviously the other two were watching him, he focused his mind and sought the eyes of the tanned woman, trying to get a grip on himself.

- Selenia... Perhaps you will want to breath every now and then, even if only for not attracting the attention of the whole hall?

Roleplay from Selenia (24 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) The universe had conspired to suffocate her to death by corset. When that had failed, apparently the backup plan was a slow death by starvation or embarrassment, whichever came first.

Mauthurin was an incredibly sensitive fellow, having surreptitiously slipped her a goblet of wine to wash down ALL THE EVERYTHING she had been feasting on prior to his arrival. She had only just made the final, lonely swallow when yet another joined them at the buffet table.

"Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Dame Riannon Yates, it is a pleasure to see you both." This was Lord Ghaundan, how can any commoner not know the Lord of the city they called home? Especially one so famously extravagant. Selenia's eyes widened despite herself, however, when the Lord of Port Raviel and known personal friend of the Prime Minister addressed her by name. "Selenia... Perhaps you will want to breath every now and then, even if only for not attracting the attention of the whole hall?"

Yup. Embarrassment. There was no way she'd live long enough to starve if this kept up. She wanted to tell him that she could barely breath anyway, so why not use her mouth for what it was intended? damn good food and damn fine drink. She'd never been much of a talker anyway. Why did she keep having to talk to people? Every time she spoke, her Aurvandilan accent came out so strongly! She was embarrassed, and not a little bit frightened. What if THIS Lord, HER Lord, took offense and-

-and that probably would not be a problem. Lord Ghaundan had not addressed her, he had addressed her bodice-amplified breasts. Smiling, Selenia first addressed Machiavel by bowing. It was a slow, Aurvandilan thing. Utterly dispossessed of the grace she'd found here in D'Hara. She placed a fist to her heart and bowed from the hip, even while bending her knees as if to kneel, though never reaching the ground. All the while never taking her eyes off his. This was how one bowed to their betters. It showed subordination, but the eye contact showed respect. A knowledge passed between the participants the the person who was being bowed to was superior, and the person doing the bowing new it. It was more than just the knee jerk reaction of little meaning found elsewhere. One might call it part of the Chevalier mentality. Peasants everywhere aped their nobility.

"Thank you, my Lord. I am in a dream and fear to wake. I could never have imagined such an opportunity as this and feel I owe you greatly. Anything you would have of me, I am your most humble servant."

Selenia turned back to Ghaundan and repeated the movement though she did not dip so deeply to he as to the profit, nor did she dare to turn her back to Mauthurin after her vow. "And to you as well, my Lord. You should know that your people love you and bless your name in the streets. I was able to find food and work here because of all you have done for this city and it's people. They say you are quite close to the Prime Minister. It is not my place to ask either of you, and yourself as well Dame Riannon," Selenia bowed a third time, this one shallower still, to the concerned Dame who had first approached her. "Thank you for your concern, My Lady, but I am not worthy of it."

Her hands drifted to her dress and she lifted the folds at the side as if to spin or dance, but only dropped them back sadly. Selenia sighed heavily and looked down, her accent growing thick as, true to her nature, she told the truth, though not without fear of reprisal." My Lord the Prophet knows this, but I am simply a commoner of low status and lower blood. I am hear at the Prophet's invitation. None of this," she indicated her dress, "is mine."

She kept her eyes down and tried not to hyperventilate, forgetting how it must make her chest heave in and out. she kept her hands behind her back, a supplicant waiting to receive the judgement of her betters.

And then her stomach growled...

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (37 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Riannon stifled a giggle at the thought of all the fun she could make with this situation. In front of her was a commoner dressed like a noblewoman; not only that, but the lord of the city was clearly attracted to her, despite his efforts to hide it.

She moved herself a little further down the table and said to Selenia, "So that was it. I knew you didn't quite fit here.". She helped herself to some cutlets of Dwilight fish. "You wouldn't happen to be one of those adventurers would you? You look like you've seen a few fights." Suddenly her mirth faded as she thought about Dai. She missed him more than she realized....

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana (just sent) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Ghaundan stared at her as she bowed, first to Machiavel, then to himself, finally to Riannon. Her movements were rough, but it wasn't hard to notice that she was trying her best. And she did it damn well, he had to admit. If someone had told him that peasants could act with such grace (for a peasant), he would have had troubles holding his laughter. Perhaps she had been trained in a court or something?

He waited until she was finished bowing and Riannon had made her intervention before making a half smile.

- You must think that I am little more than a puppet lord if you think that I had not realized it before. Yes, I call Prime Minister Rynn JeVondair a friend, but I have earned every bit of success by my efforts and tireless service to D'Hara. A host must be attentive to his guests, and that includes noticing who comes in and out of the palace. I had seen towels after a bath cleaner than you were the first time you entered the palace. It was in my own palace where you were washed, prepared and dressed for this event. Of course that dress is not yours, you would not be able to buy it in a lifetime. And do not even think that I do not recognize your accent as well.

He enjoyed watching her suffering a few more seconds before laughing loudly, only repressing himself immediately after because of the presence of Mathurin.

- Please forgive my outburst, Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer. I should have known better. I do not want to make Your Holiness feel uncomfortable by my indiscretions.

Flashing a smile to Selenia, he continued speaking.

- In other circumstances, you would have much to explain, and prison would not have been an impossibility. However, today you are here by the grace of His Holiness Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Prophet of Sanguis Astroism and without any doubt the most influential nobleman of Dwilight. You have saved him, or so it is said in the court, and good deeds deserve a reward, no matter the blood or - his eyes shone in amusement - origin of the hero. Or in this case, heroine. Eat, drink, dance or do whatever you commoners do to have fun, provided it does not clash with the environment. Enjoy the feast, and do not worry about being punished. You are here because you did the right thing, so please take the most out of this. It is likely that you will never again have the chance to be in a similar situation.

An uncomfortable silence for a few seconds and a gulp after, Ghaundan let out in a terribly performed attempt of indiference what pretended to pass as a casual comment.

- That dress... suits you well.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (3 hours, 30 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) When Ghaundan apologised for his laughter, Mathurin responded. "I do apologise, my lord," he said, "that any should think laughter is something to be avoided. I would teach that it is one of the more beneficial influences of the Maddening Star."

There was a sparkle in his eyes as he noted Ghaundan's reaction to Selenia. Mathurin was enjoying himself immensely.

"Also, do not necessarily dismiss Selenia here as nothing more than a commoner. Does the name Lion'el JeVondair mean anything to you, my lord?"

Roleplay from Selenia (18 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Riannon attempted to swoop to Selenia's rescue. "So that was it. I knew you didn't quite fit here.". She helped herself to some cutlets of Dwilight fish. "You wouldn't happen to be one of those adventurers would you? You look like you've seen a few fights." She moved closer to the buffet table. Selenia was about to answer, gratefully, befor Ghaundan interrupted the rescue with his own dissertation about commoners, grand parties, and how the two should never be in the same sentence, much less in the same room.

Lord Ghaundan appraisal of her was harsh, but it was something she had spent the entire night preparing for. And he was right, any number of these high-powered nobles could have her head on a spike if she sneezed wrong. All in all, Selenia felt she was still ahead.

Still, she did not know how to handle this man, this lord. She had frozen when he began speaking, bowing her head and clasping her hands in front of her, waiting for it to be over.

-"And that dress...suits you well." He finished awkwardly. Well. And here she thought her ignoble blood was a deal breaker for his noble libido.

"My lord is most kind to tolerate one such as myself in his halls. I am happy that you find me pleasing." She said in the most subdued tone she could manage. Hopefully that would placate his ego and she'd be allowed to go back and eat his food. Noblemen-

""I do apologise, my lord," he said, "that any should think laughter is something to be avoided. I would teach that it is one of the more beneficial influences of the Maddening Star.Also, do not necessarily dismiss Selenia here as nothing more than a commoner. Does the name Lion'el JeVondair mean anything to you, my lord?"

At the sound of her dead husband's name, Selenia froze. Every muscle in her body tensing sharply. Her hands clenched together, the muscles in her arms standing out. For any that could see her eyes, the mirth and light had temporarily fled from them, replaced by pain so deep that even her blasted corset was forgotten next to it. She waited, immobile, to hear what the Prophet would say next. She noticed that their impromptu gathering after the exchange of vows was begining to draw attention. Didn't Mauthurin, as the Prophet, have to crown the King and Queen or something? How was she so special? More importantly, How did he know of Lion'el?

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (13 recipients) Ghaundan's crispation increased when Selenia answered him, her submission somehow stimulating his now not so clear mind. What was going on with this woman? Perhaps she was a witch? That would seem plausible, since he had not got this reaction at any point before when speaking to a commoner. She's a lowerborn, for the light of the Stars! Where do these thoughts come from?!

However, he relaxed a bit when the Prophet confirmed himself as a simple nobleman, not that much worried about protocol and formality. He had gotten that impression from him the previous times he had encountered him, first in Qubel now several years ago, then at the wedding of his best friend, Rynn. He was about to thank him for his forgiveness, but he immediately squinted his eyes at Mathurin's mention of the word JeVondair, quickly evaluating Selenia once again before placing his eyes back at Mathurin, his fingers tapping against the glass he was holding in his right hand. Which once again was empty, for the record.

- The name JeVondair does definitely mean something to me, both in the figure of my Prime Minister and dear friend. Lion'el, on the other hand... It does sound familiar, but I am not able to remember exactly where and when did I hear it. Perhaps Your Holiness would be so kind to delight me with the rest of the information and how is it related to... Selenia?

His eyes went from Mathurin to Selenia and back again to Mathurin, and his interest for Selenia's reaction (even a wood club would have noticed the pain in the woman's eyes) skyrocketed.

(OOC: I had taken that this was all happening before the start of Machiavel's exchange of vows? I don't think that Ghaundan would be talking so amicably when his Dragon King is about to do anything.)

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (1 day ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (12 recipients) Machiavel looked straight into her eyes, his heart full of emotions. He had seen and lived through a great many things, but never had he felt so many feelings at once. "And I, my love, swear to honor and cherish you for all of my life, to protect you, to cater to your every needs, to make you my queen." He brought her against him and held her tight as he embraced her.

The old man then spoke out: "In the name of Fafnir, I hereby declare you husband and wife, in this life and the next. May the dragons bless your union with health and happiness and grant you numerous children." A new music started out again, and purple iris petals, symbol of the Chénier family, were thrown in the air in generous proportions. While the original iris flower of the Chénier family was the white variety of Atamara, the local purple variety was chosen to become heraldry for the Dragon King's office.

After this ceremony, Machiavel and Selena joined the others to dine. He bowed back in respect to those that greeted him. He was exceptionally delighted to finally meet the holy prophet in person. "Your holiness, I am greatly honored by your visit. I hope you find the isles to your liking".

He was greatly annoyed by the presence of this other person, though... The blatant Aurvandilian traits were irritating him. He was exceptionally cold-tempered for a Chénier, none other had manage to match his self-control and humility. But he was a Chénier nonetheless, and if he had an ounce of the magic the warlocks had, he would collapse every single orvando-saxon he met onto themselves. But for the time being, he would ignore these feelings, these thoughts, and proceed as if he couldn't be happier, as if everything was going on perfectly.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (17 hours, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (15 recipients) "My lord Machiavel, you have my congratulations, I hope you have forged a new unity under the Stars." Mathurin welcomed Machiavel to the group. "I am indeed finding these islands very much to my liking."

Then he stepped back, just half a pace, to let the others talk. He wanted to see what would be said next.

Roleplay from Selenia (2 days, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (12 recipients) The sudden appearance of the King and Queen hushed all conversation. Part of Selenia was relieved that Lord Ghaundan would be forced to target attention upon the Royal couple. Part of her was terrified to be in the presence of her adopted realm's King and Queen.

She was a perceptive woman, Selenia. The common women in Dwilight had to be, considering how some noblemen comport themselves. Machiavel's voice was cordial, but she could detect the arrogance, the sheer menace, rolling off him in waves that threatened to drown him? Selenia was a commoner and and Aurvandilian to boot, and on top of all that, she was wearing his wife's old green dress. And on top of THAT, she looked good in it, too.

She decided that the Dragon King had more than enough reason to throw her in jail right this instant.

Instinctively, Selenia ducked her braided head in supplication and backed toward Mathurin, delicious cake forgotten. Her movement slightly jerky thanks the sudden spike of adrenaline caused by her well-honed flight response. She wanted nothing more in that moment then to take his hand and run. The prophet had waited, pleasantly and impassively, content to watch as the party spun about him, but she had questions that only he could answer. Besides, maybe if she hid behind him, the Dragon King would forget her presence.


Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (12 recipients) Noticing the depth of Selenia's discomfort, Mathurin stepped forward as she stepped back, letting her retire safely behind him.

He smiled serenely.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (12 recipients) After Machiavel studied the guests around him, as Selenia left to hide behind Mathurin, and spoke out to Ghaundan. "I wish to thank you, lord Ghaundan, for your hospitality to our guests." He smiled to his wife for a moment. "We appreciate it greatly. Though tell me... have you gotten any word of lord Baal of late? I would have greatly appreciated his presence, it's been too long since I last saw him, but I'm unsure how he took my decision to leave the church..."

Roleplay from Selenia (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) Brass horns sounded, summoning all assembled to the Great Hall of the Royal Palace. Apparently, the preparations for the official coronation were at last reaching completion.

Relieved, Selenia faded from the soon-to-be Dragon King's sight entirely, intent upon seeking the Prophet and his knowledge of her late husband.

The only one who noticed her leaving (that she saw) was Dame Riannon. Selenia curtsied silently, remebering the older woman's kindness in checking after her well being. Selenia hoped to see her again sometime...

Selenia edged her way towards the servant's entrance, as unobstusive in her escape attempt as possible. Her emerald green dress and blond hair clashing wildly with stone wall...

Roleplay from Ismail Tandaros (21 hours, 38 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients) On a hill in Chesland, overlooking the sea...

Like fog slowly parting, Ismail came to his senses - resting in a quiet room in a Chesland tavern. There was no one in the room. The sun shone brightly outside and the breeze whipped gently through the room, filling the space with a rich aroma only found in the Maroccidens. Ismail stared blankly in complete confusion. How long has it been? He roared out for his captain, but was only met by a kindly old peasant hostess - the corsairs had grown bored and set sail for new shores. All Fleugweiner's idea. The lord momentarily seethed with loathing at the betrayal, until the stress reminded him of the wounds. Ahh, yes, the Battle of Chesland. Scribe Note

Four days prior...

The Farronites loosed their volleys - the D'Harans roared and charged towards the walls, carrying ladders and Dragon banners high. Thick shadows of arrows from the defiant walls of Chesland ripped through the Corsairs - Ismail's heart pounded, racing across the fields with his men; they were getting hit all around him. The men scrambled to carry the ladders, supporters swooping in to pick one up if a man went down. Full of pride, Ismail raised his sword high in the air, cheering on his men, and - THUCK - an winging arrow caught him right in the shoulder. The lord swerved, his sergeant stabilizing him before himself going down with an arrow to the throat. He gripped his sword tight and charged on with his men, ignoring the new... accessory.

The Corsairs struggled to lift up the ladders under intense enemy fire, resisting the rain of death as best as possible; the Republicans and Lord Daemon hit the walls further down the line. They kept their heads down as the next volleys flew from the Farronite lines - Ismail looked out and saw Lord Turin hectoring his men to fire faster. Ismail grinned madly and roared at his men to get up the ladders.

A dozen or so got up, a dozen or so didn't. Ismail wheezed under the wall, the shock wearing off slightly and the full presence of the arrow in his shoulder sapping his strength - he roared at the men like a raging bull, bodies hitting the grass around him. His hands gripped his sword with white-knuckle tension, and he made his way up the ladder - Captain Fleugweiner, further down the line, holding the middle with a few Republicans, berated Ismail's charge, calling him a vain madman - he bared his teeth like a Ravielan wrestler. This group got up the ladder successfully and put the defenders at the top of the wall to the sword.

When the melee turned though, a fresh company of Saffalorish archers formed up inside the walls and shot down the entirety of D'Harans on the wall - THUCK - a particularly sharp arrow struck Ismail in the chest, and it all went dark...


The peasant hostess sat, watching the listless Ismail holding his bowl of stew tenderly. She sighed compassionately and looked at the bedside table; a large stack of reports with official seals. Ismail noticed the stack and groaned. "There's more downstairs," explained the woman.

"Forget it," he grunted. "Can you write?" The woman shook her head shamefully, eyes downcast. "Then get me to the shore dammit, I need a ship. And parchment," he swore, struggling to his feet, despite her best efforts to dissuade him.

Roleplay from Rynn JeVondair (15 hours, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients) After nearly an entire season abroad, Rynn at last settled into the artificial comfort of his official office in Qubel Lighthouse.

The sun had begun it's decline when, with a flourish he signed and sealed the official document that would be the instrument of Machiavel's transformation from Duke to Dragon King. Of course, that was not the only thing Rynn had changed. In all of his consecutive years as Prime Minister, the only thing he had really changed were the realms borders. Well, that and taxes that one time. But now he was in the very meat and gristle of the government and had found the need to make an alteration or two.

He stared at the words for a moment, emotions surging through him too varied and too swiftly to identify. "Once this document is sent out, D'Hara will have well and truly entered into a new era." He murmured to himself. "The Lords will have a field day when they are asked to elect a successor..."

Smiling, Rynn sealed the document and had it sent off. Rynn was never one to stay at the lighthouse long. To him, it was simply thenew place, not the actual capital. The captial, in his heart, was still his adopted home: Port Raviel, to which he longed to return.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier (15 hours, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (7 recipients) As the sun set, the royal couple went back before the guests. Many were rather tired or drunk by now, though an increased military presence could be felt and disturbing elements were "invited" to leave. As the sky grew dark, they walked together, hand in hand, lighting up great braziers by the altar. The music drastically changed, to the cheerful tunes it was before to more dire and militaristic art. The crowning ceremony had begun. Iron rods were placed into the braziers, and the royal couple kneed before the altar, reciting prayers for Fafnir's blessings upon this new dynasty. The prayers were long, and for perhaps an hour Machiavel was repeating the sermons given by Selena, stories about the origins of Dwilight, of D'Hara, stories of the dragons, of bravery, of valor. Then, they walked up to the first brazier on the right, and Selena picked up the rod. At the end of it was a printing head, this one depicting a dragon whereas the next would depict the seas and the last would depict the three stars. "I'm sorry", she whispered to him. He simply smiled back to let her know it was okay, and then held his mouth shut tight to brace for the pain. And she marked his left cheek with the burning rod, printing the dragon upon his face. He closed his eyes every time, unable to look at the burning rod come towards his face, and it took all of his strength not to scream out in pain. After each imprint, they would recite a prayer together and treat the wound with bloodmoon fruit paste, a process almost as painful as the burning itself. Then, after all three were done, an attendant came to Selena and granted her the crown on a pillow.

"Do you swear to serve these lands, to protect them, to help them prosper, and to give your life for them should they require it?", she asked. "I do." "Do you swear to serve these people, to protect them, to help them prosper, and to give your life for them should they require it?" "I do." "Do you swear to serve the will of the dragons, to protect the Church, to help it prosper, and to give your life for it should it require it?" Machiavel paused for a moment, then replied "I do."

"Then, in the name of the dragon Fafnir, I crown you Dragon King of D'Hara, sole legitimate heir to Dragon King Cenarious Stormrage," she declared as she lifted the crown up and then put it on his head.

He then turned to give a short address to his people. "My friends, my family. Today is a great day, today D'Hara finally has a monarch once more! I have spent my life dedicated to the service of these lands, and I am now honored to be entrusted with this responsibilities. The days of the peaceful merchant republic seem to be long gone, now, and the constant aggressions have hardened us all. From those who wished to take what we had, we shall now have to take what we need. And though I am a man of peace by nature, I will serve, as always, according to our realm's needs and not according to my desires. Whatever path we take, I shall put all of my strength and effort into making it a successful path. Today, we make a bold statement to the world. D'Hara stands tall, proud and strong. Those who have sought to destroy us in our weakest moment now see us larger than ever. And we will continue to grow. For we are here to stay, and we do not forget. Nor will we let ourselves be rolled over anymore. FOR D'HARA!"

Roleplay from Ghaundan D'Espana Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (6 recipients) Ghaundan let Selenia go as soon as the real ceremony started. He stood in his privileged position for the whole act, his cheeks blushing in enthusiasm with the marriage of Machiavel and Selena. When it all ended and Machiavel approached him, he bowed to him.

- The pleasure is mine, Dragon King Machiavel Chénier. And... - he bowed again to his now woman - ... Dragon Queen Selena. I am afraid I have heard nothing of Lord Baal since I saw him at the wedding of Prime Minister Rynn JeVondair. I am sorry for not being of more use.

He exchanged some more formalities with him until the new ceremony started, this time to coronation. Ghaundan took position immediately in his reserved place, and immersed himself in the long act, smiling when he had to, placing the hand in his heart when he had to, trying to avoid making faces when the rod did its work in Machiavel's face. However, once everything was over and Machiavel's words were still fresh in the air, he took a deep breath and spoke in a deep, grave voice.

- This is, indeed, the most important day that D'Hara has seen in a lifetime. We have once again a Dragon King, a figure that breaths and lives for the very sake of this lands that we call ours, because ours are by our own merits. To those that thought we were dead, to those that hold us bad intentions, to those that were already feasting our defeat - beware. For D'Hara is stronger than ever, and by the will of our Dragon King, even more united.

Bowing so deeply that one could have easily taken it as a kneeling, Ghaundan let out a final claim that made the hall to vibrate with the emotion it carried.


Out-of-Character from Ghaundan D'Espana
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (6 recipients)
I just love how people flee from an RP when the main action is done. Sheeeeesh...
Ghaundan D'Espana