Lapallanch Family/Urtagoth

From BattleMaster Wiki


  • Relocation of Morek Empire's Capital

Capital Moved! (just in)

message to all nobles of Morek Empire

Urtagoth Lapallanch, Grand Duke of Morek Empire, Royal of Morek Empire, Duke of Urtagonia, Margrave of Muspel has ordered the capital to be moved to Muspelheim. There is considerable unrest among the population, especially in the old capital, Nifelhold. The troops are also irritated.

Loyalty in Aegir's Deep drops -38 points to 79.
Loyalty in Bohai drops -41 points to 77.
Loyalty in Muspel drops -43 points to 86.
Loyalty in Muspelheim drops -42 points to 85. Production falls % to 64 % as manpower is shifted to construction work.
Loyalty in Nidhogg's Mark drops -44 points to 76.
Loyalty in Taishan drops -38 points to 74.
Loyalty in Zhongyuan drops -41 points to 75.
Congratulations! You have successfully moved your capital.

  • Most Wanted Man on Dwilight

5000 gold bounty on his head

  • Banned
  • Banned from Morek Empire by Katrina Dragul on 2015-11-30.

Urtagoth's insanity is destroying what is left of the realm of Morek.

  • Banned from D'Hara by Nethluin Blackblossom on 2015-12-14.

Urtagoth Lapallanch, you are hereby banished from the Kingdom fo the Dragon Isles for your disrespectful, dishonorable, and rude behaviour towards your fellow nobles.

  • Banned from Arnor by Oswaldo Ossan on 2015-12-16.
  • Arnor is not an asylum for the mentally unwell.

Banned from Astrum by Isaiah Leuin on 2015-12-23. You have killed our Vasilif and a good man. You are here by banished until the end of your days.

+Was banned in Swordfell as well but the ban was revoked quickly.