Leon's Roar/Issue v2i3

From BattleMaster Wiki
Cost: 7 silver Volume II Issue III Editor: Lazlo Lemont II
News Articles
News Briefs

February 1st - In a stunning episode of betrayal, Stephan Rousseau stole away Crahandan from Minas Leon and carried the region to Tara.
February 4th - The traitor Rousseau was found skulking about the tents of Earl Loki McEntire's tents. He was promptly captured and brought before Justiciar Richard to face the King's justice.
February 6th - The realm of Eston and the Cagilan Empire formed an alliance on this day.
February 7th - Following the news of their former Lord's treasonous and dishonorable actions, the people of Crahandan revolted against the Tarans and pledged their allegiance to Minas Leon.
- In Celebration of the Peasant's Revolt in Crahandan, the traitor Rousseau was executed for his crimes. Let this be a lesson to all who besmirch their feudal duties in Minas Leon!
- No doubt fleeing the fate of other traitors, Sir Lukas Stenna betrayed his realm to join the convulsing horde of filthy non-nobles, Silnaria. A fitting cesspit for his like.
February 8th - The joint forces of Carelia and Caergoth attacked Suville in Matakonis, but found their offensive repulsed.
- Eston asserted their control over the peasants of Melias.
February 10th - Charles Elegant, former Baron of Upper Tell, was appointed Earl of Crahandan by his majesty King Raoul.
- After their defeat in Matakonis, Carelia and Caergoth rallied their forces and successfully took the field against Suville in Bolgar. Reginal Enstance, a hero of Carelia, lost his life in the successful sally.
February 11th - Carelia and Suville drew battle lines in Upperfell, with Suville's defenses holding out against the attack.
- Darka gained control over the people of Loratil.
February 12th - Suville once again emerged victorious against the joined forces of Carelia and Caergoth, this time in Lurgrod.
- Though joined by Tara, the Carelian and Caergoth forces were once again defeated by the armies of Suville in Lurgrod.
February 15th - Carelian and Taran forces attacked the Suville fortifications in Lurgrod. Though valiant, the joined forces were once again defeated in Suville, with the Taran Grand Marshal Flowin III Blue Star falling in the melee.
February 18th - While our armies were fighting to protect humanity from the monstrous and undead hordes, a Silnarian marauder assaulted militia in Lyton and began looting the region.
February 19th - Darka asserted control over Slantrax.
February 21st - Though outnumbered, the armies of the Cagilan Empire arose victoriously over Darkan forces in Loratil.
February 22nd - The army of Suville defeated the combined forces of Tara and Carelia in Lurgrod.
- Suville's defenses held strong in Wynford despite an attack by Caergoth.
February 26th - Caergoth assaulted the defensive positions of Suville in Wynford, but were repelled before the end of the day.
- A second assault by Caergoth against the forces of Suville in Wynford was once again defeated.

By Lazlo Lemont II Editor's Roar

By Lazlo Lemont II State of the Realm
By Lazlo Lemont II Foreign News Update

By Lazlo Lemont II The Silnarian Heresy Religious News

It was with surprise that members of the Way of the Warrior Saints greeted news that the one Sir Alejandro Hurlant, a Silnarian who aspired to join the priesthood, declared Silnaria "holy unto the Saints of Old," and that "the lands of this land [Silnaria] are blessed." After this heretical pronouncement, Sir Hurlant proceeded to recreate an Order devoted to spreading its blasphemy and raised the "Owl King" Drizztle Sharpspeare to be the first of its members. Reasonably irked by the insinuation that their rightful liberation of Silnarian lands was an attack upon a holy nation, the nobles of Minas Leon protested these pronouncements with much success, leading Sir Alejandro to recant his more extreme apostasies. While Sir Alejandro was rewarded for encouraging the growth of the Warrior Saints in Silnaria by being granted priesthood, rumor has it that Minas Leon has begun scholarship to recover their own unique and intimate connections with the Faith.

Ruler Updates

Barony of Makar - Carystus Scarysbrig
Cagilan Empire - Susan Maxwell
Darka - Nadina Vasata
Lyonesse - Raziel IV Himoura
Rieleston - Christofer II Kane (incumbent)
Talerium - Aldarion Tezokian (incumbent)

Original Format Modified from Roxas Sypher's Excellent Work on the York Journal. The Leon's Roar is Printed by Lemont Printers & Co., Located in York Just Off the Market Road Past The Cage Pub.