Dishman Family/Eoric

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Eoric "the Dim": An idiot savant with a sword.


After his father's murder, Eoric immediately went in pursuit of the murderer. He was led into the Northern regions of Armonia, where he was unable to continue his pursuit due to the hostility the locals had for those from Perdan and the inability for his hounds to pick up the fading scent. He made demands of the Armonian Judge to interrogate adventurers within Armonia until his perpetrator was caught, but was rejected and told to leave. In a fit of rage, Eoric ambushed the General and another noble who were nearby. He and his men were able to rout the small unit the Armonian General had with him, but were forced to retreat after taking heavy archer fire. Although receiving no punishment, Eoric was admonished for his actions in Armonia. Eoric has since waited for an opportunity to continue his pursuit and has grieved for his loss.

After serving in the northern war, Eoric was shocked that the south and east would break peaceable ties and attempt war on Perdan. He declared that he would become a hero, or die in the defense of Perdan. Many great battles were had with the Salt and Iron Infantry.

In a battle with Caligus, Eoric sustained a head injury which incapacitated him for more than a week. After recovering, his mind has been....less. He now travels as Lord of Dimwood, roaming battlefield to battlefield telling mismatched stories of the past.