New Westmoor

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 News from Fallangard 2 November 1013

After some conversation with fellow ECDA member Brutus Bhranthan over letters we've got some news from the war down south. Brutus is the high marshal of Fallangard and responsible for Fallangard's armies on the battlefield. He generously allowed this paper to be privy to some interesting facts relating to the current situation. This letter came in just before the most recent battle in Ejarr Puutl.

Letter from Brutus Bhranthan Lord Mathros,

Some news that i might share is that our King has been horribly wounded on the way to Enubec 5 days ago. We have no conclusion on his health, he had been in a critical state for 4 days and now seems to be stable. Our King is strong yet there is no sign of recovery yet. This also explains Fallangards lack of reaction towards Armonia's proposal and other diplomatic activity.

This means Fallangard will pick its new King. Although this will most likely not change much for the realm general direction, our King is the founding father of this realm and his family tied deeply into the rule over our lands. His and his family's claim is the strongest. Unfortunately his only Relative, Sir Eleran, has also been wounded ever since, protecting his uncle.

We will know more in three days.

Concerning the war, Fallangard has successfully looted several Armonian regions, including Itor Boss, Enubec and Betholm. Armonia has thus far attacked Ejaar Puutl once with a great minority of troop strength and is doing it again right now.

Signed and Dictated,

Brutus Bhranthan High Marshal of Fallangard

What would be interesting to find out is how many of those troops in Ejarr are militia and how many are actual soldiers or peasants. If those were all troops then Eponllyn is making a very good showing for this war. Secondly if those were all troops and Armonia new they were there why did they order the attack? 500 men is quite a substantial difference in a battle.

Next I'll try and write to OI to see what they're up to. I haven't heard any news out of them lately. They had some small success last week if people remember that battle which according to the peasants involved Perdan. Upon further investigation though that Perdan unit consisted of 3 archers and was not a deciding factor in that battle. Nivemus followed that up with another battle which went in their favor so really there is no reason to believe that the north western war is changing tides. Nivemus is still making fast pace in conquering the peninsular. It remains to be seen how much militia is in Kazakh the old Sultanate capitol and whether or not they will be able to breach that any time soon.




Regional News
2 November 1013

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ejarr Puutl: Armonía vs. Eponllyn Estimated strengths: 910 men vs. 1220 men The Royal Charge of Eponllyn (Eponllyn), sponsored by Siana Deytheur, Royal of Eponllyn, Dame of Semall, were led into battle by Marshal Arthur Windblack. The Armonian Combat Elite (Armonía), sponsored by Samuel II Bathgate, Margrave of Itorunt, were led into battle by Marshal Artimus Bathgate. Sophie Kelly, Countess of Aeng was captured by Myrnia Bowker's unit.

Defender Victory!

1 November 1013

Another sheep fell off a cliff today in Evora. Locals celebrate with mutton soup.