New Westmoor

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 Malo Darkhouse miricle or madman? 4 January 1013

Loyal readers of New Westmoor I will now try to relate to you the somewhat curious and morbid story of Malo Darkhouse. Previously details of the incident involving this noble from Armonia were known only in vague detail hence we didn't try to report it at the time, but now that the noble in question has entered Westmoor only to be banned almost immiediately from the realm, we will try and relate as best as we can the curious story relating to this man.

During the previous month Sir Malo of Armonia entered Perdanese lands without permission and apparently looted Perdanese regions (exact details unknown) and preaching to all about gods of the now destroyed Church of Ibladesh. For anyone possessing the smallest modicum of information about the east continent will know that the Church of Ibladesh is banned everywhere after the destruction of Ibladesh at the hands of Perdan and Caligus. Needless to say any man (or woman) wishing to keep their head on their shoulders would do well to stay clear of anything to do with this dead faith (once worshipped far and wide across the south).

Malo Darkhouse was banned by Armonia's judge Intarex Tibro on the 26th of January and a day later was executed by Elisadeath Cancelot the judge of Perdan (for pretty obvious reasons). Thinking we had seen the last of sir Malo we were all rather shocked when a few days later sir Malo seemingly rose from the dead proclaiming to all that he had been saved by the gods of the church of Ibladesh.

Sir Malo then fled to Westmoor where he attempted to join the realm as a refugee. Writing to Cassandra Foxglove sir Malo wrote:

When I was killed I saw a bright light, and an ancient man saying that I had to go back to this continent to give it a last chance of embracing the True religion. In His wisdom, Ramsus decided that even a small number of faithful people will be enough to allow the continent to survive. These don't seem the words of a witch ...

Head of the church and the crown of Westmoor his highness king Jor Tanos wrote:

Undead monstrosity,

Neither you nor the false faith of Ibladesh are welcome in the Kingdom or anywhere in Eastralis. I know not what magicks raised you from the dead, your head barely clinging to your torso by a strand of flesh, but it is truly the dark arts.

I pray your soul has found peace with the Divine, for your body is the tool of Darkness.

Miracle or no sir Malo might have made a mistake thinking that his preaching of the church of Ibladesh would be welcomed in Westmoor the heart of the religeon of the church of humanity. He was quickly banned by Westmoor's judge Antonius Turner and will once again be going on the run looking for a new home.




Regional News
4 February 1013

Noble banned!
message to all nobles of Westmoor
Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Ambassador of Westmoor, Earl of Bruck, Priest of Church of Humanity has declared Malo Darkhouse, Knight of Troyes an enemy of the realm and will issue a ban on him shortly. He has given the following reason:
Ibladeshi followers and those that involve themselves in dark magicks are not welcome within the Kingdom of Westmoor. Your crimes against Perdan are also well known to us. You will not find refuge within the lands of Westmoor.

Battle in Westmoor (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 2020 men The Westmoorian Bulwark (Westmoor), sponsored by Sir Ravier Nebehn, Duke of the Western Moors, Margrave of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Ravier Nebehn.

Defender Victory!