Fortune Telling/Event Horizon Theory

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Event Horizon Theory

by Averyl Addridae-West

1. Event horizon Time moves toward the event horizon. An event horizon is defined as a key chronological event which all humans move to which will create fundamental change. Once an event horizon is reached, an infinite number of future event horizons emerge, varying in likelihood. The timeline will tend toward the most likely of these new event horizons, determined by past events, and man and his actions will tend toward achieving that event horizon.

It should be noted that event horizons are not intrinsically good or bad.

Three examples of event horizons include:

1. The founding of Sanguis Astroism, which changed the face of Dwilight forever 2. Morek's defeat of the Libero-Ravian Empire forces and the annexation of Aegir and Muspelheim, which sealed Morekian dominance of the Dwilight north east 3. The fall of Caerwyn, which allowed the establishment of Kabrinskia and which now poses a great threat to the previously shielded south-west regions

2. Free Will Time does not necessarily move linearly. Depending on the actions of men, time may instead form curves from one horizon to another as it may take more or less time to reach the next event horizon. These same actions of men also have the potential to change what future event horizon the timeline is moving toward. It is exponentially easier to change to other likely event horizons than to change to an extremely unlikely event horizon. This phenomenon would be colloquially referred to as free will.

3. The Bloodstars and the Oracle One highly visible method through which the event horizon effects the occurrence of the next key chronological event is through the Bloodstars. The Bloodstar's power, whether natural or supernatural, is not a human thing. It thus will naturally tend to effect the next event horizon by influencing the moods of men and women through the three Bloodstars, by proxy, through the agents of the Bloodstars.

Multiple event horizons which have fundamentally changed the nature and politics of Dwilight have already been effected by the church of Sanguis Astroism.

The Oracle, on the other hand, is not a vehicle for effecting the event horizon but a means of making humans more aware of what direction the timeline is gravitating to relative to them. It does not and will not foretell a specific event nor does it guarantee favorable luck.

For example, the Oracle blessed me with the Word. This does not necessarily mean that I will have favorable luck in convincing people nor does it foretell that I will be negotiating or persuading some future party. It simply means that in the movement toward the next event horizon, diplomacy will be an important attribute for me.

One is not bound by the Oracle; rebellion, i.e attempting to alter the event horizon, is possible and with regard to the use of the oracle, perhaps even encouraged.