Rettleville Library/A commentary on Zuma Regions

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Regions of the Zuma Coalition

Duchy of Ruins of Walfurgisnacht

Ruins of Walfurgisnacht: Ruled by the Daimon Haktoo, now the leader of the Zuma Coalition. Like many other Zuma lands, it is rumored to be full of secrets and the depths of madness. The ruins themselves are apparently maintained by some form of Daimon magic, but they remain in shambles and the Daimons themselves do not live inside. It is unknown why the buildings survive in this half-dead, half-alive state, neither restored as surely the Daimons could do, nor allowed to fully collapse.

Volcano Nightscree: Ruled by the Daimon Laval, the volcano is considered by some Zuma to be a magical place. It is also rumored that various creatures are created here, and certainly the hellish nature of the place leads one to think that perhaps this land is somehow connected to the Netherworld whence Daimons supposedly come.

Grympen Mire: Ruled by the Daimon Bebuzzal, the Mire contains perhaps the only fertile farmland in the Zuma Coalition in its northern regions and a mythically terrifying swamp to the south.

Duchy of Nightmarch

Nightmarch: A small city ruled by the Daimon Screamer, Nightmarch is one of the more familiar seeming Zuma lands, despite its frequent strange magical occurrences. A great number of explorers have traveled here. It is unknown why Nightmarch is the only region in the eponymous duchy.

Duchy of Dragon Song

Dragon Song: A vast temple, surrounded by a fortress, dominates this region, which is ruled by the Daimon Flame. Reportedly constructed to honor a "Dragon" of Dragon's Roost, it is also rumored that at some point fortifications were added to protect against the same dragon, angering it and causing it to destroy a western city. This leads to two theories. First the more obvious idea that the Dragon was some sort of Daimon, and second that perhaps this Daimon was the one who destroyed Walfurgisnacht.

Evenfell: One of the wastelands of the Zuma, Evenfell serves as a crossroads between the many duchies. Ruled by the Daimon Silence, a Zuma priestess is said to have some importance here, one of the few known instances of a powerful human in the lands of the Zuma.

Dragon's Roost: Perhaps better called Dragons' Roost, for it is rumored that more than one dragon(again, most likely some form of Daimon) lives here. Perhaps this is the Daimon Swift Claw, who rules the region. Either way, little is know for certain as the mountain is guarded by Zuma warriors and notoriously difficult to travel, so its secrets are well hidden.

Overroot: Another Zuma wasteland, ruled by Oskaa, a Daimon who may have been regarded as the herald of the Zuma leader at some point. The most notable feature of the place is a rumored oasis. Uncharacteristically for the Zuma, this magical location is regarded quite positively in legend, a wonderful place inhabited by wonderful creatures. Perhaps these beings are some form of Daimon, or even another race entirely.

Underroot: The Daimon Starth rules this land, which appears to be simply another barren place, known only as a gate to the interior of the Zuma Coalition.

Duchy of Koshtlom

Koshtlom: A city recently under the control of Asylon, theoretically recognized by the Zuma in the Green Line Accord. The city and its environs revolted to the Zuma, and it does not appear that they intend to return it, granting it a lord, the Daimon Fang Fang, who was involved in the Barca-Zuma Crisis not long before.

Kosht: Ruled by the Daimon Point, who like Fang Fang I have not found references to in older materials. Perhaps they replaced the Daimons now believed to be gone, such as Vates? Perhaps Daimons are summoned from the Netherworld as is required by the leadership here? More concerningly, perhaps some Daimons are sent from the Netherworld and the Daimons here are expected to accommodate them with a region.