Coat of the Maiden

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Type Armour
Discovered By Valter Marioneaux
Discovery Date 11 January 2007
Discovery Location Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +3
Current Owner (unknown)

Coat of the Maiden

The Coat of the Maiden was found by the slightly insane and disformed Valter Marioneaux at about 1:45 in the morning, January 11, 2007. During one of his frequent outbreaks of insanity, he went rampaging, shattering undead to dust, and maybe hitting a stray peasant or two as well. He came upon a particularly large group, which he began to shatter to dust. He fought hard, but before he realized it, he had been corralled. For once in his life, fear took hold of him. Where there were once 15 undead, there were only 5, but he was boxed in. He let out a roar and leaped upon the champion, where he claims he bit the arm off and beat the undead to dust with it. The rest of the undead, without a leader, lost their semblance of unlife and returned to being dead. Among the rubble, the injured Valter found a Coat of the Maiden, which was once the purest white and looked glorious, now with frayed edges and faded glory, it was but a shadow of it's former glory. The beautiful coat was said to once have been worn by an angel which fell from heaven. It has since been reduced beyond a shadow, into dust, and unusable.

In the wildnerness of Ajitmon, Freeman Gardar Galle liberated the Coat of the Maiden from the clutches of an undead champion. Undoubtedly the coat, even more beautiful than legend has it, was gotten through some unspeakable act of evil from a beautiful maiden during the unrest of the Fifth Invasion.