Roleplays of Cael

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Revision as of 20:19, 19 December 2010 by Berlas (talk | contribs)

Just various experiences of the half-insane Cael. These all occur in the realm of Arcaea, in the Far East. The first is an introduction, the rest are posted from oldest to newest.

(Personal message to Aldras McGlynn) 2 Dec, 2010

Cael wandered around a small town in Irneas until a person wearing gold and blue came into sight. This was the colour worn by the official messengers. As a matter of fact, this man was a simple merchant with gaudy clothes, but in the end it did not matter.

Cael saunter-sidled up to the man, accosting him with the words "Bahr-jool!" and flapping his hand at the man. What this actually meant, was anyone's guess, for in Cael's world sanity was strictly optional.*

Nevertheless, the man was very firmly accosted. Cael continued with the words "Snah! Snah!" while tapping a grubby letter** that he held in his hand, then waving it around vaguely in one direction. On it the name of an adventurer, Cerberus, could dimly be seen .

The expression on the merchant's face showed that he was a man who had suddenly remembered that he needed to be somewhere else very urgently, right now! In fact, he was most probably running a few hours late. He took a step back, at which Cael started viciously beating the wall next to which they were standing with a stick. He glared at the wall, daring it to respond, but it remained soundly beaten. After a short staring match with the wall, Cael seemed mollified, and sauntered past the man, gently putting the letter into the merchant's hand and patting him on the head.

He wandered off into the night, starting to mutter to himself again...

  • In this crazy world, a person that is too sane stands a very real risk of going mad. And so Cael had once tried going crazy - to avoid this very real risk - and found that he liked it so much that it would make regular appearances on his calendar (if he kept one). Thus his sanity was both optional and variable.
    • Monsters Location (group 3 in Irneas)

Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Nocaneb (7 recipients) 19 Nov, 2010

Cael was sprawled out on one of the rooftops of Nocaneb, slightly drunk even this early in the morning - drunk enough to slurr his words but surprisingly not enough to fall off. The roof was a good place not to be bothered by the guards. Looking out over the roof edge, he saw quite a few nobles, and even the king of Arcaea strutting it (or so Cael would have said) along the street. All theesth fancie muckie-mucks lordin' it aroun', fancie jay-peaco...peacons...peacocks he 'thlurred' to himself.

He found his way down the back, making his way to the run-down room that he had been sleeping in. Underneath the door he found wedged a grubby letter, and managed to pull it out. Once inside, he sat down on his squalid bed and tried to get the letter to stop doing a jig in front of him. After a short struggle he triumphed, and was able to read it, squinting all the while.

Saex eh? he muttered to himself after putting it down. That's where that lousy captain had dropped him off instead of Balesaor...he had unpleasant memories of running around the bush there...

He dug around in the wretched cloth bag that he carried, and came up with (and yes, any observer would have been very surprised at this) a quill and inkpot!

After a few tries, he dabbed the end of the quill into the pot, and began to scratch out a reply on the back of the letter.

"Thar be undeAd aNd monStaRs in NoCanep. I keeled lots yesserdey. Stil ere todai. Not goood gathhering here tho - dam Gards. Leeving toady fir contry."

Gotsh to shtick togetha, he muttered to himself, otherwyshe we no bettar dan dem peacoks. He read the letter with some pride, before being bitten quite painfully by a flea.

Message sent to all nobles in the region Irneas (1 recipients) 1 Dec, 2010

As Cael made his way through the brush and scrub of Irneas, a constant mutter could be heard. Not that much sense would be made of it should anyone be around to hear it.

He came to a dirt road, and in the distance he saw what looked like a priest coming. To translate his thoughts, they were along the lines "Bnah, luck, 'tis the thing," after which he took out an ancient rhunic silver coin, tossed it and crossed the road, on to find him some monsters...

Message sent to everyone in the region Larmebsi (2 recipients) 19 Dec, 2010

As Cael arrived in Larmebsi from Arempos, he appeared to be a lot happier. He was hardly muttering, and had a gleam in his eye. Digging in his ratty cloth bag (that was once upon a time a describable colour), he pulled out a piece what might have been food and took a big bite. Grinning broadly, he wended his way erratically onward through the lush grasslands laid out in front of him.