Saxon Stormlands

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(Got a lot of work, plus RP's to do here. General premise is these lands where all under the rule of varying Saxon Kingdoms under one great Heáhcásere, until they fell apart into war and civil strife and eventually collapsed into rogue regions, then after an undetermined period of time the Colonial era of Dwilight came. With the new Thulsoma being an Anglo Saxon realm, the only Saxon realm left under the rule of a Saxon Queen.)


Saxon Heptarchy

The Saxon Stormlands, is a term coined for peninsula where the Anglo Saxon Heáhcásere's once resided, though it has been expanded to include other lands once under the of Anglo Saxon's and the Heáhcásere; ForÞwíf Heofonþrym Haruka having claimed heritage and ancestry directly linked to the Heáhcásere's and in her desire to recreate the lands of the Anglo Saxon's has brought this term back into use. It is believed she plans a Great Anglo Saxon revivalism of culture and land. Heptarchy, a collective name applied to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of south, east, west and Stormland's of northern Dwilight during late antiquity and the Pre-colonial age, conventionally identified as seven: Sud Saexe, East Saexna, West Saexe, Sæfæsten and The United Kingdom Of The Saxon Stormland's. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms eventually unified into the The United Kingdom Of The Saxon Stormland's during an age of decline.


Thulsomaicon.png The United Kingdom Of The Saxon Stormland's Thulsomaicon.png

Traditionally this Kingdom ruled over the Stormland's and also the Saexney/Sæfæsten Isle, and during various wars it spread far east during the decline of the East Saexna and Sud Saexe. The rule of this land extended further over into the other Kingdoms of the Saxons, under the unifying rule of the Heáhcásere's and the central Witenagamot.


Eastsaexnaicon.pngKingdom Of The East Saexna (Ēast Seaxna rīce)Eastsaexnaicon.png

The lands encompassing Mount Black Nastrond, and the vast plains and farmland's that surround the foot of the mountains, the Kingdom had its capital in Exancaester.


Sudsaexeicon.JPEGKingdom Of The Sud Saexe (Sussex)(Sūþseaxna rīce)Sudsaexeicon.JPEG

Based in the Wyndham Peninsula (Modern day Muspelheim) it stretches from the barrow fields of the coast, to the plains just East of the city Wyndham. It is recorded in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle that a great bridge once connected Barrow Fields to the Stormlands', with statues carved on either side of the cliffs. The ultimate fate of the bridge was believed to be that it was destroyed after the fall of the Sud Saexe Kingdom, so as to protect the sacred Stormland's against the waves of invaders.


Westsaexnaicon.pngKingdom Of The West Saexe (Wessex) (Westseaxna rīce)Westsaexnaicon.png

The westernmost reaches of the old Saxon Kingdoms, mainly a series of plains wedged between the mountains of the west, the ocean of the north and the coastlines of the South. It's capital was based in the fortified city of Wintancaester in central Wessex, the modern day land equivalent of north-western Astrum.


The Anglo Saxon Chronicle

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle is a series of Annal's describing the history of the Anglo Saxon's, from the beginning of their reign to their ultimate downfall, recorded as an impartial and objective historical annal of all the events surrounding the Saxon Kingdoms, its tomes do not extend past the fall of the Stormland's and the Dark Age that followed, few copies survived, even less in their entirety, the original Chronicle, kept in Storms Keep, was later recovered and safeguarded as a relic of infinite importance during the Saxon revivalism of Thulsoma.