Felhand Family/Davendrall

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Davendrall Felhand
Physical Age: 21
Continent: Atamara
Realm: Eston
Region Knighthood: Melias
Main Class: Warrior
Sub Class: -
Active Relatives


Davendrall is a young Viking woman born in Norland. Orphaned young and separated from her brother she hid away, growing up among and influenced by criminals. She never learned the values or morals of a noble.

With Norland destroyed when she came of age, she traveled to Tara, finding her Uncle Valendrell and regaining her noble status as well as inheriting the Cute Cookie Corporation. Here she also discovered a peculiar type of poison berries. Mixing it with Bananas and fermenting she invented Leprechaun Wine.

In Tara she met with other Norland 'Nobles', but also grew fond of a Taran named Anneliese van Dell...not that she knew that...being severely drunk and hallucinating. Davendrall promptly kidnapped this noble woman, who she thought to be a rabbit, and ran away to the land of Eston chasing the giant squirrel Xaphan, whom she had claimed was her pet Mr Snuggles.

Now, after many fights and attempts of murder (mainly from Anneliese), Davendrall considers Anneliese to be one of her few friends, and they go round merrily together, tricking and kidnapping other people, starting pie fights and generally causing havoc.

Physical Description

Davendrall is small in height, with relatively pale skin contrasting greatly with her dark, straight black hair in which she usually has a single plait. Her eyes are generally deep blue, but change tone with her mood. If she is excited, or drunk, or both, they turn a very strong, rich blue. If she is angry they turn a cold, almost grey blue. Davendrall generally wears black leather armor and a black cloak hiding a large variety of knives and daggers.

The Cute Cookie Corporation

CCC logo

Davendrall is the head of a large run of businesses known as the 'CCC' (Cute Cookie Corporation) which include the production, distribution and selling of Leprechaun wine, manufacturing and selling of cookies, a chain of brothals and Taverns throughout Tara and Eston, a pest control service, and several other...underground businesses which...can't be mentioned. The business also owns the newspaper which Davendrall edits: The Muninn Newsrag

Started by Davendrall's grandfather, Felendrell, it was passed onto Zalendrell and then Valendrell until Davendrall came of age.

Davendrall's Minions

Hammie the Warhamster
  • Andre - Captain of her special forces unit; the elite knife throwers under the name of the 'Cute Cookie Corp Agents'
  • Bubbles - Her scribe
  • Banana-bus - Manager of her Business, Master of poisons
  • Yumyum - Bodyguard, Master of unarmed combat
  • Nibbles - Scout, Master of infiltration
  • Teddy - Her Esquire
  • Hammie the Warhamster - Ravager of Peasants


It all begins with some wine, some kidnapping and a squirrel

Welcoming Katelijn and an escape to Eston

Davendrall kidnaps Anneliese and meets Judge Athena

Davendrall and Anneliese show the newcomer Sir Charion the ropes

Pie fight at the tournament in York