Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP3Ch2

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Davendrall kidnaps Anneliese and meets Judge Athena - Chapter 2

Roleplay from Davendrall
Barnabas, Yuma the scribe and Nibal the scout had reached Barad Lacrinth and come up to the entrance of a brothel Davendrall had recently bought in the slum just outside the walls. Barnabas looked around to check no one was watching, and entered the brothel, still holding the swag bag with the 'Anne' rabbit in. Upon entering the brothel, Barnabas opened the sack, so just Anne's head could fit out the top, and gagged her. He then took a knife cut two holes in the bottom of the sack so she could put her legs through to walk and a hole in the back for her tail to fit out.

The trio led the 'Anne' person up the stairs, past the rooms of whores with their customers, to a common looking office at the end. The room was small, with a single desk and bookcase in the corner. On the side of the bookcase a label could be seen saying 'property of Xaphan'. Barnabas went over the bookcase, and lowered one of the books. The bookcase immediately creaked open like a door and they went through.

"Welcome to the offices of the Cute Cookie Corporation." Barnabas announced proudly

Inside there was a large room. There were rows upon rows of cages, and in each cage there was an office desk. The desks ranged from being four inches tall to an entire ft. Sitting at every desk there was a rabbit. And in each rabbits little furry paw, was a pencil.

"We're training them to write. It's taking time but there getting there. But for you however, we have a very special task" Barnabas explained, leading the gagged 'Anne' person through the desks to the end of the room.

Barnabas pressed a hidden button on the wall, and a wall panel moved aside to reveal a door. Through a very small gap between the wall and the door frame, a servant could be seen standing in a narrow slot, holding a wall panel. Barnabas knocked politely one the door

"Come in Banana Bus" Davendrall shouted.

Barnabas un-gagged the 'Anne' person. He opened the door and led Anne, who was still covered in a sack, into a large, luxurious office. There was a desk immediately in front of them, with a high backed chair facing away. The chair swivelled around to reveal Davendrall, sitting with her legs crossed in the chair. In one hand she held a large glass of Leprechaun Wine, and in the other she stroked a white, fluffy cat.

"We meet again, Miss Rabbit! MWHAHAHAHA!"

Roleplay from Anneliese
I feel ridiculous. She guessed that they had made her wear the bag because they didn't want her to be able to use hands, but frankly, she'd rather they just tie her hands behind her back.

She wasn't entirely sure where she was, but some of the noises she heard through the walls gave her ideas. She tried not to shudder, lest they think that some sign of weakness. As they led her through the building, she made note of all the secret doors and passage ways. She'd have to remember that, in case she wanted to escape later.

Once they reached the last room, she was surprised at how clean and well-decorated it was. She would've have thought Davendrall would have chosen something more... tavern-like.

Disgusting. The noble woman spat at the floor after the gag was removed. "You could have at least used a clean rag."

Anneliese snorted as 'Dave' made yet another comment implying that she was a rabbit. She stared at her with obvious displeasure, hoping that she could somehow make Dave's head fall off if she stared hard enough.

After a few minutes of this, she finally said, "What exactly do you hope to accomplish by kidnapping me and dragging me all the way out here?"

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall glared hard at the "Anne" rabbit, a deep frown set on her face. She flung her cat of her lap. It went "MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" as it went flying across the room and scurried out a nearby catflap

"I still don't see the point of having a catflap on the second floor" Said Yuma the scribe

"Well YumYum, cats always land on their feet"

Davendrall strode over to the "Anne" rabbit, until she stood right in front of her. They both glared at each other for a minute, neither blinking. Then Davendrall smiled wildly

"AIN'T YOU JUST THE CUTEST IKKLE RABBIT EVER!" Davendrall squealed, and began to pet the "Anne" person obsessively

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne immediately bristled at being touched.

She felt the urge to run, but also realized it was a largely pointless endeavor, because there wasn't an exit that wasn't blocked, with the possible exceptions of the cat flap and she was fairly sure she couldn't fit through that.

It wasn't something she had thought she would ever think before, but she longed for the comforting barrier of a cage.

"Get away from me!" She backed away, "I'm not cute, and I'm not a rabbit! I am a human noble that commands a troop! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU FILTHY DRUNKARD OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!"

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Aww the giant rabbit thinks she's people! How cute! Aww da poor ikkle rabbit getting angry. Want a carrot?" Davendrall took a carrot from her pocket, offering it to the "Anne" person
Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne made incoherent, frustrated noises. She wanted so, so very much to punch her, or maybe bite her. Doing that, however, would likely have consequences.

She took a deep breath, and managed to quell her rage. "No, thank you, I am not hungry."

Another moment passed. "Now, you said you wanted me for some reason? What is it? Surely you would not go to all the trouble of dragging me just to call me a rabbit and give me a carrot?"

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Ah yes! Down to business. As you well know I am owner of the Cute Cookie Corporation. We deal with making and selling of leprechaun wine and cookies, we own a large chain of brothels, and several...other things...that I can't mention"

Davendrall shifted her eyes nervously

"Anyway, I would like to expand my business. So what I did, is I stole...I mean bought some rabbits...and...and I gave them all a pencil...and...and...Ima teach them how to write...and...and...there gonna write a newspaper for me! I know, genius isn't it

But as your the giantist rabbit around, you get to be head reporter.

You will work 9 till 5 Monday till Fridays. You will have a carrot break at 12, and you will be paid 3 cookies a day.

Or alternatively, I can put you in that cage up there"

Davendrall grinned evilly as they both looked up, seeing a large cage suspended from the celling. With a giant fox in it

Roleplay from Madog
The "Fox" in the cage was actually, Madog, this wasn't the first time someone had assumed he was a canine and it would surely not be the last he thought as he casually lapped up the water bowl, gnawing on the side till water poured from it.
Roleplay from Anneliese
That... actually didn't sound so bad, if a bit boring.

"Just because you think I am a giant rabbit, doesn't mean I would be any good at this sort of thing. Besides, what exactly does a head reporter do? And why a newspaper, of all things?"

The mention of a 'break' and being required to work all week made it sound suspiciously like she was going to be stuck here while she worked. "Do you intend to keep me here all the time? My troops is stationed back in Lyton, and it would be awfully suspicious if I wasn't there..."

She looked up for a moment, but chose to ignore the fox in the cage.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Well someone needs to report on the activities of the Norlanders, so I am creating the Muninn Newsrag! And as a head reporter you will be required to go out and about, finding stories and interviewing people, etc...or you can stay in the cage with Madog...i mean...the fox...

So," Davendrall took a very thick contract of her desk

"If you'll just sign here, here and here" Davendrall said pointing at three points on the back page

Roleplay from Anneliese

She really didn't have a choice about it. "I guess..."

"But I hope you do realize that I have no idea what I am doing. You'd be better off with a scribe."

She stared down at the stack of papers. "Wait, what exactly does this sa- Oh, nevermind." She simply signed the papers.

"Can I go now?" She looked expectant.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"AHAHAHA! Got you! You didn't read the fine print!" Davendrall grinned at her, showing a clause in the contract and reading it out

"I, Anneliese Van Dell, here by state myself to be full property of Davendrall Felhand and legally admit to being a rabbit


Roleplay from Anneliese
"I knew you'd do something like that. Which is why I must say that I am still, despite the clause you made me sign, not a rabbit."

"Contracts made under duress are not legally binding." She noisily stuck her tongue out.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Ah I think you'll find it is. My lawyer says it is. And my lawyer is here to witness it! HEHEHEHE!"

Davendrall noisily stuck her tongue out back

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Yeah, well, I, uh- uh- I'm ignoring you now!"

She crossed her arms and turned her back on Davendrall.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Well now your just being immature Anne!" Davendrall put her thumb on her nose and made a rude noise at Anne.

Then they both turned towards the door, hearing some noises coming from the outside...

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 3