Metsamees Family/Voidsmith

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"Voidsmith" Alnus Metsamees


Eldest and only son of Ingus Metsamees.


Like his father Alnus is socially on the observer role, by his nature he dosnt part take conversations on his own initiative unless the topic is of great importance or interest to him.
Alnus is also exceptionally calm minded, he is hard to anger and is generally thick skinned so insulting him effectively is a difficult task.
However when he has been crossed in a unforgivable manner, he will not forget abaut it and tends to hold grudges for long time.
Also he is rather the ladys man, and is often and easely distracted by opposite sex.
And also like his father Alnus is not very big build but is rather agile and has alot of stamina.
Alnus is talented in several war arts, which left him some more free time in his youth when he was thought those arts, thus the free time he spent near the furnace and anvil, often makeing weapons or other trinkets for his own delight.
And became quite talented as a blacksmith.
As it is custom children in Metsamees clan at educated in herbalism, fighting and survival techniques and all sorts of knowledge of nature, Alnus was no exception.
Although he also was thought the ancient beliefs of the clan, he remains rather indifferent towards them.

At the age of 18 Alnus left home to South-East and became a knight in the realm of Taselak although Taselak was nearing its doom as Alnus arrived.
Later when the revolt set the four nations of South-East back to theyr original state Alnus joined the Ikalak's side, and for a long time served as a cavalry commander, and his record although not spotless was rather impressive he was considered one of the greatest warriors at the time in Ikalak, by the enemy body count under his name which wasnt the greatest but was near the top.
During the war Alnus got close to a woman named Elise Strong, they married and Alnus returned from the South-East with her to Atamara.
Where Alnus joined Eston to serve as a knight, some a while he tried his hand as a merchant, which became rather devastating as it turned out Alnus had no commercial sense.
Alnus and Elise had a son and named him Ulmus.
Then Alnus discovered his true calling as a assassin, at first he wasnt too successful at it, as he up until that point been a cavalry commander.
But after extensive training and practice he became quite deadly.
After hearing from his cousin Arctos abaut the Assassin realm, he became rather intrigued with it and decided to take his wife and son with him, as he intended to stay there for a longer time.
However before he managed to depart he got captured by Minas Ithil an got deported to Bellatuera, where he spent a short time in Sint before he managed to take a ship to the Colonies.
As he served under Assassin realm he became quite fond of it as his cousin had predicted.
But he unfortunately got captured and again deported but this time to Far East.
There he worked for a transport fee back to his home in the colonies.
Only to be captured again, months later and deported to East Continent, where he works for Ilbadesh.
It seems luck was with him, or has abandoned him compleetly.
as he was captured by Itorunt and deported back to colonies and his home.
And for a while he was back in his home again. After a while he once again got captured and was sent to Bellatuera where he joined Melhed.
While there he honed his skills further, but eventually got deported to East Continent, where he joined the realm of Ibladesh once again, and also met Ragnar, his cousin Raimonds son.
However by that time Alnus was no longer the man he had useto had been, the death of his son, led his wife to abandon him, though none including Alnus does or can blame her.
Alnus now wastes the waning years of his life with liquor, women and wandering from place to place, though his main entertainment still is his tool of trade, assassination and sabotage.
However Alnus had changed.
The change in him was clear, as was its starting point.
What gave Alnus the growing fondness... no hunger and impulse for homicidal and sadistical behavior was the event of him being tortured by daimons, for he had attacked on of theyr kind.
In his shadowy trade, when he useto perform cleanly and exercised mercy by quick death.
He now exercises brutality and sadism to unnecessary extents, no longer is this trade simply a thrill and means to an end, but also a source of victims to his sadism.
In time he was again captured and deported to colonies, where he joined the Assassins realm, (though he expected to be executed for his colorful actions against the nobility of Itorunt), a realm closest to home for him. Over time in the colonies Alnus attacked many, nobles and commoners alike, as usual in growing brutality, quantity and frequency.
Soon Alnus reasoned himself to refrain from indulging those impulses, which drove him quite mad over time.
His madness grew, until a breaking point came.
He at first diverted and focused his attention on a single target Wetham judge Constantine for his act of executing another infiltrator (though likely anyone would had been fine), as his madness drew back.
No longer did Alnus restrain his impulses, and indulged them to the fullest, but inturn he lost himself.
Now he cared little for anything but suffering, be it whom evers, even if it was himself.
He had become the most monstrous, sinister and evil monster among monsters,
a human monster, peerless in its cruelty and brutality, though weaker in body a extremely cunning monster.
Simple killing and mutilation was no longer enough to satisfy Alnuses "hunger".
Yes his need for murder and malice could be compared to hunger, for him it is as desperate and suffocating feeling, even if one rations with it he cant all that easely overcome it, let alone Alnus who has already succumbed to it and no longer even reasons himself to stop.
Dark alnus.jpg


Alnus had caught a lucky break. Bribing the guard had been much easier then he had thought it would. The fellow was even so helpful as to point out the secret passage leading to the the Inquisitor's office. Alnus had almost hesitated before gutting the guard with his own dagger, but he could not see letting the fat lout keep his coin, it was his lucky silver after all.

As he crept down the last few feet he could see that the office was not empty. Instantly he recognized the profile sitting at the desk, pen busily scratching this way and that. Victor was apparently working late, and luckily with his back to the fireplace where the passage emerged. Alnus orientated the blade so that he could stab down into the spine, sever it, then he could take his time. He stepped out of the shadow, and took a second step, one more and he was there. Then Victor spoke.

“I believe it is called a blackjack”. There was a far away thud at the base of Alnus' skull, then blackness. The next thing he knew was white hot searing pain in his right hand. He tried to pull away but could not. His scream deadened the world, and when finally he could open his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar fellow with a huge mop of yellow hair grinning over him.

“I sure hope you've practiced with your left hand friend, I do not think you'll be using a dagger with that one for a bit”. Then the fellow handed the spike and hammers to a dirty blond haired man standing on Alnus' left, a man who might have been a twin of Tristan, with an equally jovial smile.

By the time they had finished nailing the second spike into his left hand, Alnus was as quiet as a monk, his eyes black and fixed. One more into his feet then they propped the cross upright. There was a large crowd of peasants who had thrown rotten fruit until they tired. Then they had tried to build a fire at the base of the cross. Alnus had drifted in and out, the pain was purifying and yet befuddling. How long had it been? He had thought it almost over when he could not breathe, then they had nailed a block underneath his feet so he could stand up somewhat. As he came to a bit he noticed the rabble was gone, there as only the Nobility of Giblot remaining, they were milling around him much as the the crowd of buzzards overhead.

He had known many of these. Fafhrd, who had shouted down from the highest point of Giblot his invitation, to which Alnus had nobly answered. Gorham, who Alnus had tortured more times then he remembered. Hlao, the only blade to have bested his own in some time. Garren, who's inky eyes were nearly as black as his hair, and of course Victor.

“Alnus Metsamees, even your own Judge agrees that you have brought dishonor to the very notion of nobility. You are hereby sentenced to be tortured to death as common criminal”

At this Alnus launched into a string of profanities with a vigor that surprised all, for most had believed him already half dead. He was just getting worked up into a proper mouth foaming frenzy, when the first vulture landed on his head. As he glanced up in terror, the bird turned it's head, then struck down and pulled the left eyeball free of it's socket, swallowing it whole.

“Those ruddy birds are not gonna leave us much to play headball with.” Garren noted as the rest of the flock of buzzards descended on their trapped prey.

“Let justice be served” remarked Victor with the slightest hint of a grin.

Urus had observed the execution, not that he cared much for the death of some random man. But as usual a execution was a lively and festive event, for all except the receiving end. However upon hearing the name Alnus Metsamees, Uruses blood runned a beat backwards. He had already forgotten about Metsamees, about his father and the tragedy that had befelled him. Though pennyless he was not alone and was happy, yet one word and hes old scars began to ache once again.

Alnus was a friend to his father, Urus himself had known him personally, he once was a gentle and joyful man though he liked practical jokes too much, he had at times even playd with Urus and his sister. But there was no trace of that man left in the body that got nailed to the wood. His eyes resembled all to much the abomination his father had once turned in to. And the list of crimes attributed to his name, would it not be for that face, though sunken in, Urus would be dead certain that he was the wrong man.

After a while Urus visited the cross he was hanging from, and spoke to the man nailed there. Alnus did not recognize him, instead he blabed about being friends and how marvelous the world of pain is.

Urus turned and never walked back, digging his fingernails in to his palm as to crush the memories that haunted him.

Days later Alnus died, with the biggest grin on his face as if mocking all living. His head was severed and from it seeped out blood, black as tar and thin as alcohol, cursing all near by with its horrid nose numbing stench.

What Alnus left behind is alot of sorrow, disgusting cadaver, his rusted sword that would perhaps be called a cursed one by now, a feau new poison formulas, and a legion of bastard children blotted all over several continents.

Alnus execution.jpg