Dazzling Book of Forbidden Knowledge

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Revision as of 17:37, 13 May 2010 by Berlas (talk | contribs)
Type Book
Discovered By Lexandro Atreidus
Discovery Date 31 December 2009
Discovery Location Demyansk, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Brackern of Burgundy

The Dazzling Book of Forbidden Knowledge is a heavy tome, woven in patterns of silver and gold, circling towards a diamond stud in the centre, which gives rise to the artifact's name, as the diamond will shine in even the darkest of places. The author is simply listed as "RC", which is rumored to be the infamous Rufus Castillo, a Wizard whose quest for power led him to the darkest of arts and the most mysterious of places. Inside, the book contains much of the lost history of Dwilight, including the truth behind some of the legendary beasts still rumored to walk the isle, and some of the darker secrets of noble families, which they would kill to protect. There are also a number of maps showing hidden tunnels and passages through the great cities on the continent.

The Book was found by the adventurer Lexandro Atreidus, while hunting monsters in the region of Demyansk. After slaying the greatest of the terrible creatures, Lexandro found a locked chest deep within their cave. With the use of some lock picking skills he had acquired from his wild youthful city days, the chest was finally opened, and under a collection of silver coins and scraps, there lay the Book. It is believed that the cave it was found it was a long-forgotten hideout of Rufus Castillo, who has apparently been dead for centuries.