Ni'Tessine Family/Corwyn/Captain Erkenbrand

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Revision as of 16:46, 20 October 2009 by Corwyn (talk | contribs) (added image of the captain)
Elven Captain.png
Captain Erkenbrand

Erkenbrand Rilacher is a childhood friend of Corwyn's, dating back to when Corwyn himself was still a commoner. They lost touch after the tumultuous events that precipitated the Ni'Tessine family becoming nobility.

Soon after gaining an estate in Elmbar, Corwyn decided to join the Army of Sirion. Looking over the troops his family had initially assigned to him, he found that he was unhappy with the short bows they were trained in. He dismissed the unit, and traveled to the city of Sirion to recruit a new unit with better equipment. He decided upon a unit of longbowmen from the Boom Bangers recruitment center, and as he was looking over his troops he spotted his old friend Erkenbrand, now captain of the very unit he had just recruited!

Erkenbrand had recently moved to Slimbar and had decided to make his life's fortunes in the military. He enlisted with the Boom Bangers, as he himself had been taught in the usage of a longbow by his father from an early age. His natural leadership abilities were soon noticed, and he was promoted to captain within less than a year.

While Corwyn was glad for his friend's success, relations between him and Captain Erkenbrand were a little awkward at first. Corwyn had severed all ties to his commoner heritage, as he is still somewhat self-conscious of his simple upbringing compared to the other nobles. Therefore almost the first thing that Corwyn did upon seeing Erkenbrand was to take him aside and explain to him sternly that things were different now, and that he could not be seen carousing with the likes of him.

Erkenbrand was understandably taken aback by this, especially coming from someone who he thought had been a close friend of his. He gritted his teeth and nodded, and has henceforth acted in a very formal professional attitude towards Corwyn.