Metsamees Family/Ikki

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Ikki son of Arnold and Catherine. Arctos'es half brother.

Physically not as sturdy as his brother, or his cousins, he didnt especially hold much interest in martial arts either. Though he became quite skilled later on, in his youth he struggled quite alot. Fortunately he had superior stamina and could hold out most of his training. Ikki was also blessed with rather quick wits and intelligence.

One peculiar thing about Ikki is that his right eye is blue, left green colored.

When he became a adult instead becoming a warrior or a bounty hunter as most of his kin, Ikki began more in depth studies of alchemy and magic, despite his lineages bad compatibility with the latter. Ikkis studies revolved around improving organisms and metabolisms (including studys of eternal youth, though main idea was to improve a human body).

At one point when he was again visiting his half brother Arctos, along with Ulmus his cousins son and a close friend and helper of his studys. His half brother had used magic upon himself and mutated in to a massive mindless cannibal-monster. Who had killed all his family save Urus. Ulmus, Ikki and Urus (Arctoses son) fought him resulting in the monsters demise but also cost the life Ulmus.

Ikki performed an autopsy on the mutants corpse and saved a feau samples, which later helped his research greatly. In several years he had perfected his serums to the level that he began human experiments, most of the subjects died since they were too weak. But those who did survive achieved some form of mutation, some did loose theyr minds but majority of the survivors had gained some form of useful result, though they no longer looked like human. There has been feau who have not lost theyr mind nor theyr human shape, yet undergone a mutation. Though the mutation is minuscule, improved vision (also in dark), or other improved sense, improved immune system, or ability to regenerate lost limbs or teeth.