Lisieux Family/What About a Wedding!

From BattleMaster Wiki

She sighed and pulled the little girl onto her lap. The one-year-old reached for Desi's hair and started tugging. "Justine! Behave, child..." Desi smiled and tugged the small hand free. There was no need to be going bald this early in life. Justine smiled at her with adorable blue eyes. Her hair was fair, the little crop that she had. "Mommy!" Justine giggled and continued to try to annoy her adopted mother.

Desiderata held her cousin's child on her lap with one tight arm, and wrote on a piece of parchment with the other. She wrote to Leon, asking him to join her in their room. He'd been out running errands, or so he'd told her. She had some rather important things to ask him. The messenger came in and took the rolled up parchment. "For Leon, John." She bounced Justine on her lap as the little girl giggled, "Daddy!"

Lady Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)

Leon was struggling into his new outfit. Since he had beocme Baron he had been expected to wear official uniform for all occasions, including tonight's ball. He had Left Desi to get herself ready and look after their little one while Leon finished the last of his paperwork. Pulling on his long leather overcoat he stepped out of the rented room and bumped into a messenger.

"Sire, a message for you, it seams Lady Desiderata requests your presence."

"Ofcourse, I am leaving now"

Handing the messenger 10 gold he patted him on the back

"Enjoy yourself tonight, go find yourself some fun"

"Aye sir, thank you"

Leon walked down towards where Desi was staying, hoping to catch her before she was ready.

Leon Tranquilli Baron of Arempos