Fury Family/Arden

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Personal Portrait

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Council of Lords of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Personal Crest of the House of Fury

My Lords,

As most of you do not know, I shall now tell you of how Sir Milmice and I came to Fissoa. It was in Caerwyn that Sir Milmice first contacted me in a most unusual way - asking me for my coat no less with nary an introduction. My first thought was that he was a batty old knight (apologies, Sir Milmice!) who spoke strangely and talked of daemons.

In time, I have found him to be the most noble knight I have ever known - one who clothes himself with honour and chivalry. An adventurous explorer who delights in all things Dwilight. There is no fear of him overthrowing anyone. On our journey here at the invitation of Duke Leon (the reason of which I shall leave for another time), Sir Milmice has confided much in me and it would be extremely unlikely that he has any ulterior motive other than the welfare of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa.

I do not say anything lightly of any man, and the fact that I have followed him here for hundreds of miles should speak volumes of my respect for this great man. He has suffered much and in return has much to offer. I trust him with my life.
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to all nobles of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

The Lion signifies a bond with the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

I am returning to Fissoa after the disaster at Nuas with all my men wiped out. I had my squire hold all messages while I took a long nap on a long trip to the capital and it seems I've missed all the excitement. As such, I will now speak my peace.

The Grand Duke has his reasons for doing what he is doing and he will make things known in good time. The realms are uniting and it will be the Duke's prerogative to explain... or not. The flurry of protests will not hasten the explanation. He is of sound mind, sounder than any with foresight and vision. The threat we shall be facing shall be explained by the Grand Duke and it is not my place to step before him. It is our duty stand behind him that he may be able to present a strong and united Fissoa before the realms of Dwilight.

As for Sir Milmice, Judge of Fissoa, I shall also speak my peace as one who knows him better than any here save one. Sir Milmice and I have travelled from Caerwyn. We are not natives of Fissoa but have made our home here. It may be that the local Fissoans have a different way of reacting to things but I know Sir Milmice as a knight who upholds honour and chivalry. Insults, intended or otherwise - directly or indirectly casts a slur upon his honour and his code of chivalry will always demand a duel and I have seen it happen. While he may be new to Fissoa, he is a knight with much honour and experience behind his armour and it would be in the better interest of us all to court that experience and honour rather than confront it. He has no notions of power or holding on to it but rather uses it as a tool to serve the realm. In fact he has a greater destiny and confronts his future with humility - and this too I have personally experienced.

So, forgive him should his words cause concern for they come from a heart that cares and suffers not slights to his honour or to the realm that he serves.
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all nobles of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

An annointment on the spiritual peaks of Mt. Mangai

On his return to Mangai, the region of Fissoa that sits upon a narrow gulf creating a safe and natural harbour from the treacherous storms of the southern seas and characterised by its generous expanse of grassland bordered by a desert of wild palm trees to its north and and a close-knit forest to its east, Eternal Fury found himself invited to a spiritual ceremony in the clouded peaks of Mt. Mangai.

Mangai, which takes its name from Mt. Mangai - a mysterious mountain that cuts a solitary figure opening into the gulf, is a popular destination for pilgrims of all faiths who come from afar to make a spiritual pilgrimage. As Eternal made his way to the top accompanied by his squire he was warmly welcomed by dozens of pilgrims who rose as he approached and bowed deeply.

"Arden! Arden! Lord of the land - Lord of Mangai! May you be blessed." And the pilgrims departed swiftly and silently as they descended the mountain with low murmurs of "Arden...Arden...".

It was then that Eternal realised his spiritual annointing and blessings. He was and will always be Eternal Fury but to the spiritual pilgrims he is, in the ancient and forgotten languages of Dwilight, Arden - desire, fervour, passion and intensity. Arden pondered upon the meaning of it all as he surveyed the view from the top of Mt. Mangai that extends beyond the seas of Dwilight into the unknown...
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to all four members of Inferi Hunters

Only the four Inferi Hunters have the seal of the Lion affixed to their top right crest

At last, our first sighting of Daimons... The heart skips a beat then must steel itself. From its size, it looks like an advance scouting party. Certainly not large enough for a takeover unit.

The undead and daimons converging in Thysan may prove to be to our advantage. Reports have shown that they do not... get along. There may be battle and the outcome will be a weakened party that should no longer threaten us.

What is of utmost importance now is that the surrounding areas of Rettleville, particularly Thysan is scouted. If Sir Vertigo can do this then we need not have our vanguard arrive first. Otherwise we will be going in blind. The areas that have not been scouted - Nark, Kydonia - may hold an undetermined number of forces. As Sir Vertigo is not yet a part of us and his reliability in scouting has not yet been ascertained, I would prefer our vanguard to arrive first and scout the lay of the lands. With more and more threats appearing over the horizon, moving as a single unit may not be advantageous anymore.

If we:

   * don't know ourselves and the enemy - we'll lose 100% of the time
   * know ourselves but don't know the enemy - we'll win 50% of the time
   * know ourselves and know the enemy - we'll win 100% of the time
I am now en route to Rettlewood. Estimated time of arrival is 26 hours from now. Rettleville is 10 hours away after that. Let us take one step at a time and adjust our strategy accordingly.
Arden Fury (Earl of Mangai)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all four members of Inferi Hunters

The founding of a new realm after a long voyage

The four nobles stood at the edge of the wood before the clearing leading to the walls of Rettleville. They had travelled far from a distant land - Fissoa. They had sailed the seas of Dwilight and marched through danger. But by Zisa and Tyr, the daimons and the undead were confounded! And the spiritual pilgrims, warrior monastic knights with steely determination and endurance had made it unharmed to their soon-to-be capital. And to think that:

It(the quest) started out as a feeling

Which then grew into a hope

Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder

Till it was a battle cry

And the men, over 200 of them all cried out as one:

I believe in Zisa, gentle mother, shaper of heaven and earth. She is the bringer of life, the first blossom that marks the end of winter. I believe in Tyr, wise father, guardian of the balance, who fought for our salvation on a thousand worlds, and led man through fire. I believe in the teachings of our mother, given to man in the first age: That we should put the good of our brothers and sisters before our own, so the whole might be made stronger and our world be made whole. I believe in the teachings of our father, given to man in the second age: That we should guard ourselves against the shadow, against greed, and hatred, and envy, so that the daemon shall find no shelter in our hearts. I believe that the world is poised on the brink of oblivion, for the heretic and the daemon are ever among us. Through unwavering faith we steel our souls, that no false gods shall again threaten us. We are the children of the gods,

and we are forever.
Arden Fury (Noble of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all four members of Inferi Hunters

Thee House of Fury is a proud member of the Inferi Hunters

Arden walked through the city enjoying the sights and sounds. He was in great spirits, the burden of ensuring safety for the party in reaching the final destination having being lifted. It has been a long way from Caerwyn to Fissoa and then back the same way again. He even recalled speaking briefly to Lady Catalina - now desposed - in Port Raviel.

However, his thoughts were now focused on Grand Master Milmice. There were reports of his sudden poor health and Arden had even seen with his own eyes that he had looked pale as of late. Could it be the sudden stress of the takeover? The arrival at the end of the final destination? Demon fever? No - perish the thought. But yet there seems to be something to all this.

"What are you up to, Milmice?" Arden muttered to himself. "Surely you're not ... ", Arden stopped with a startle. He had been about to say, " ... going to have me take over the running of the realm?" But he suddenly realised that he knew.

Grand Master Milmice was having an awakening.
Arden Fury (Noble of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

The sign of the four founding fathers and its bond with Fissoa

Welcome Sir Francis, Sir Osmund to Ordenstaat - a colony of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. We trust you will respect the hierarchy established by the ruling and founding council. The monks of Wi-Ki have already begun keeping records on our realm of Ordenstaat.

In short, Ordenstaat has been organized as the first line of defense against the daimon invasion of Dwilight. While other realms may bicker and tend to their own backyards, we - Grand Master Milmice, Brother Justicar Eddard, Brother Furiens Reynevan and myself, Brother Bellator Arden are spiritual knights of the Order of St. Iestyn - warrior monastic in nature.

In the matter of our quest in eradicating the daimon threat, I wish to say that if we have nothing which we are willing to fight for, nothing which we care more about than we do our own personal safety, then we are miserable creatures who have no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than ourselves.

Should your hearts beat with anticipation at this, and your souls are at peace with yourselves then join us. Brother Justicar Eddard will have more detailed information for you. Soon, the hierarchy will be established.
Arden Fury (Noble of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

The original unit was named Eternal Wrath

General Arden was stunned. In an astonishing turnabout, Grand Master Milmice who was heading back to Rettleville to take care of matters of the realm had turned back and appeared alongside the rest of the Inferi Hunters in battle. His sudden change of plans had no doubt left him and his men with no time to dig in.

Charging into battle, Grand Master Milmice headed straight towards the monsters. General Arden's archers fired volley after volley in support but the beasts would not be swayed. It was unbelievable. The General's brows started to furrow with sweat. They had sensed royal blood and their bloodcurdling roars would have left any men shaking yet the Grand Master would not be swayed.

Judge Eddard's men were rearing to move into action but were held back by him. He spoke just two words, "Not yet."

Again and again, men and beasts clashed - tusks against shields, metal against hide and metal rain fell from the sky. Then the beasts broke through the front lines!

"Back! Back towards the melee!", the Grand Master, who was miraculously unhurt in the initial charge, shouted.

Then, in a flash, one of the men screamed, "The Grand Master!" Many turned only to see him falling to the ground and a bloody tusk gleaming red in the sunlight.

- and Judge Eddard could hold it no more. "Now!" he screamed and he and his men echoing their battle cries of For Ordenstaat! - charged into the melee.

With this new assault and the continued pinpoint bleeding of the metal rain, the beasts could take it no more. With a final roar of defeat, the remaining surviving creatures turned tail and fled in a panicked retreat.

- and Grand Master Milmice could not be found. Yet... he saved the day. The surviving monsters had all disappeared.

Keep faith Grand Master, Brother Furiens. Already men are combing the woods for your location.
Arden Fury (General of Ordenstaat)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

A horrific day for the House of Fury

The archers stood in silent discipline in a row against the insurgents. It was only this morning that they had, along with the Madinan forces decimated a horde of those beasts. Now, somehow, somewhere, the creatures had called for reinforcements from the deep forests of Rettlewood. It was unthinkable that they had the intelligence to do so. It was almost as if they cheated.

"Sir, our men are in position but the Madinan forces.." the aide-de-camp rushed up. "...they are not in their position."

General Arden turned to look and it was true. They looked confused, disorganized, and disarrayed as if they didn't know what to do. Where was Lord Admiral Vallyn? Why had he not given the order?

Bellows of rage came from the front lines. The insurgent beast creatures were charging! It was too late. The archers lined up in perfection as they had this morning. Only, this time the sunset cast terrifying shadows of fur and tusks and galloping hooves.

"Fire! Fire!" he cried but in his heart he knew. He knew. It was too late to retreat. The onrushing horde crashed into the line. Savege jaws tore into flesh as bows and arrows snapped. The screams of terror rended his heart.

"FUCCANT!" Arden bellowed.

When it was all over, Arden surveyed the scene. Out of 73 men only three remained. The Madinan forces stood uneasily by, as well as they should. They had watched the scene - and they had not helped. Their word was not as good as their bond. A paperless alliance was something to be spat on. Arden would remember this. He would remember this day for life.

The survivors dragged themselves back to the capital. Even Arden's horse was not spared. "Excuse me, Sir?" his aide-de-camp cleared his throat uneasily but was stopped with a cold glare. "Uh, the three men, Sir? They're asking for their wages... including those of the dead men."

Without breaking a stride Arden turned back towards the startled men and in a flourish drew his sword and swung it in one quick motion. Three feathered helmets fell to the ground with a thud and rolled into the dirt. The aide-de-camp stood motionless in shock with terror in his eyes and said nothing as the General strode on by. Then, "Pick them up you fools!" he whispered from the side of his mouth as the three stragglers hurried to retrieve them.

In the distance, "I'll cry when I'm done killing", Arden said through gritted teeth.
Arden Fury (General of Ordenstaat)

Report from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Sparkling(?) repartee report on a battle gone wrong

Lord Admiral Vallyn,

I'm happy to say that Ordenstaat is not going to go down so easily to monster trickery or confused soldiers. We have now established a recruitment center and will need a few more men to get a takeover unit running.

Although I must say that a little bird in the forest told me that your account to your men of how the unfortunate battle occured varies considerably with my firsthand view in the frontlines of the battle? Perhaps things were a little hazy from the back?

Regardless, I hope you and your men will have time one day to visit our capital when you return from your mission to the north.

Best wishes,

Arden Fury, Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville


I am happy to see you admit it was your soldiers own confusion that caused the incident. It is quite unfortunate that your unit was so far from the Madinan battle line. I am sure this is an minor error attributed to the darkness of an evening battle. No doubt in the deep woods you simply mistook your location at night and assumed you were actually closer to the Madinan formation than you believed.

Indeed, things were quite hazy from the distance we were at, not even our archers could pick out their targets. They held in fear of hitting your own men -- perhaps next time I should insist they fire?

I would then suggest you have Sir Milmice talk with the Doge some more -- Baroness Cagalli has offered to send her army, the Madinan Border Patrol to assist in patrolling between Paisly and Rettleville. I am sure some joint operations may ease the sting of such an unfortunate incident.

Vallyn Rothach

Lord Admiral of Madina, Marshal of the Madinan Ducal Guards
Arden Fury (General of Ordenstaat)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Fury in action

It has been brought to my attention that there are some of us giving orders on stolen red parchment. Bear in mind that if someone who does not have the authority to give orders but does so is incriminating himself or herself by signing "orders" on that stolen red parchment. I leave it to your collective noble wisdom on recognizing the proper hierarchy for giving orders.

Secondly, while it might be somewhat amusing to see some of our fellow nobles disregard orders by wandering around the wilderness wonderland with their armed men in tow or digging in in inappropriate places, it would be cruel of me to let you learn your lesson the hard way by being ambushed from some of the local fauna. Western Dwilight is a savage place.

Therefore, let me rephrase the previous orders:

All units (this means those with men) return and stay in the capital (Rettleville). When Grand Master Milmice has recruited enough men (in a week or two) to take over another region, you shall accompany him as his military escort.

If you have no unit to command, then you are free to explore and patrol the regions surrounding Rettlewood (and not further than that - we may need you back on short notice) and reporting your findings. You may also wish to pursue life in the court as a courtier.

Should morale or loyalty in any region be lower than 100%, perform police work. Should production levels be less than 100%, perform civil work. Right now, population levels are too low for civil work so check daily. If you have nothing to do, enjoy the city sights.

This letter is not sent out as an order on purpose as I do not like repeating orders. The proliferation of stolen red parchment has also made orders on such parchment a silver a dozen. Thus, I trust that you will do the right thing.

We keep close tabs on all nobles in Ordenstaat (location, activity, co-operation, etc.) Stand out for the right reasons and you may very well be recognised and promoted. Stand out for the wrong reasons and... well, just don't. We need all of you as a disciplined military force. The threat from the west is real and will be coming all too soon.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all members of the Inferi Hunters

Opportunistic strikes with ferocity, keen blades, and puncturing arrows!

Brave knights of the Inferi Hunters

Your ferocity, your keen blades, and your puncturing arrows are the hallmark of our glorious army. May I add another hallmark to be recognised as a trait of the Inferi Hunters - opportunistic strikes!

We will strike the moment opportunity presents itself. Just as in our last battle in Rettlewood where we outnumbered the rogues and had moved in from Celtiberia. Only their reinforcements prevented us from clearing the region. Now we must wait. And be patient. Like the vipers that drape themselves from the branches of the woods in these lands. we must wait when the enemy is bored and is not expecting us and grows lax in their defence while we keep our spirits high and our men trained.

We strike as one! - or not at all.

Soon, be patient and meditate on the ways of knighthood. Join the Order of St. Iestyn and show your willingness to be a part of the Brotherhood - the military wing of the Order of St. Iestyn, warrior monastic in nature!
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to the realm's council

The General is more political than military...

Sponsoring the army takes a lot of gold as well as paying for the upkeep of the temple in Rettleville. My command staff have told me that if I wish to continue being the sponsor I need to make sure the war chest has gold at all times. I assume that the army will look for a new sponsor if I stopped adding funds to the chest. I am willing to let someone else sponsor the army, now or later if it is required.

Looking through our roster of knights, Sir Francis would have made an excellent Marshal. In fact, he aspires to be a General and still came even though I told him the post of General was already taken. The next choice besides any one of the council members is Sir Antan who has a lot of experience. However, reports show that neither he nor his family have any military experience in command positions.

Can I give up the General position instead to someone else, perhaps to one in the Brotherhood? The General is more political than military dealing with foreign military and decisions affecting Ordenstaat are often made off the battlefield. The primary objective of the House of Fury is to command the largest, meanest, scariest press-gang ever to tromp through the countryside and a Marshal is better suited to that role rather than a General. Also, I feel upset whenever battle tactics or formations set by someone else result in defeat or a loss of men. The military strategies that I use may not be followed by someone else and taking a back seat in the army doesn't suit me.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to Eddard Oakheart, Milmice Vecchio Ratto, Reynevan Silesian, Zanaras Tian

The Brotherhood - warrior monastic in nature

On behalf of the realm council, I request a copy of the report you sent to the Order.

Sir Zanaras, the Brotherhood is warrior monastic in nature. To join, you must and must be able to fight with a physical weapon. To accept words as your choice of weapons would, in my opinion, be stretching the laws of the Brotherhood.

Should you really wish to join, you must consider an alternative sub class. You are now a priest. What do you feel you are capable of becoming? A priest/infiltrator, a priest/cavalier or a priest/hero? Only you will know your abilities (options). I see this not as a way out but a way in for you - into the Brotherhood. To be a Brother, you must bear arms and suffer the same hurt that we suffer before we can be brothers. Once you have proven yourself, you may return to the life of just a priest should you choose to, having thus gained our respect as a fellow combatant.

The reason why priests of St. Iestyn are not a part of the Brotherhood are as you have realised because of a question of loyalty and allegiance. The Grand Master (of the Brotherhood not the realm) is not a lifelong position. It will be rotated and thus it is a symbol of the Brotherhood and not of a person. To be a Brother, you must pledge your allegiance to the Grand Master, the symbol of the Brotherhood first and foremost. We are warrior monastic in nature. Warriors first, monastic (priests) second. Our priestly spiritual lives complement and enhance our warrior stature but we are first and foremost warriors.

This is what it means to be a Brother in the Brotherhood.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Fury aroused.

Brother Zanaras, why have you accepted Sir Renquest's pledge of fealty? You knew that there was opposition towards him particularly from me yet you have said nothing and silently gave him an estate.

It is your right to have whatever knights to serve your region - kindly keep him out of the army.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Zanaras Tian
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Bishop's Gambit.

Duke Arden,

I am aware of his past. In fact he is probably the one who attacked me a few days ago. If he tries anything stupid, well, I'll just have to deal with it.


Zanaras Tian,

Bishop of the Order of Saint Iestyn,
Zanaras Tian (Baron of Thysan)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Mark my words.

Brother Zanaras,

What is the reason for accepting him? Why was the attack on your person not reported before? You suspected him yet accepted him? Can you explain your thinking? He told me he understood loyalty and honour yet when I asked him what it was he was offering Ordenstaat he chose to remain silent and move on to other regions in the realm. Now, he has possibly attacked a member of the realm?!

We are giving him a tax share that he may build up his unit - from his actions past and present, there is only one logical choice that he will make once he is ready - rebellion. It is not Thysan that will have to deal with him but Ordenstaat. He did not succeed in other realms because they were more established with a larger base of loyal knights. That cannot be said of Ordenstaat - already there are elements of rebels within our midst and to have a known serial rebel in our realm is unacceptable.

Were you to accept the consequences of his actions it would prove to be of little worth once he has taken control of the realm and we are out on our feet - well, maybe not Thysan as it never chose to be on the loyalists side. For the record, the reason of not wanting to upset the balance of the region has no meaning as none of the regions that chose to be loyal became unbalanced.

Did no one read the letter I sent from Madina? Am I the only one who believes that accepting Sir Renquest is foolish and reckless? This is not a game of seeing who will be proven right. It is a matter of security and we are now compromised.

Mark my words.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Zanaras Tian
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

A chance to rebel?!.

Duke Arden,

I believe people should have a chance. Just like I thought Ordenstaat should have a chance when I followed you and your fellows here initially.

Though I must admit, the tax is uncalled for. Though it is nice to know you do not trust those appointed below you. I will assign him to the Inferi Hunters when I feel he merits such trust, should he do something against the realm I will see to his punishment.

I did not say I suspected he was the one, I said it was probable, unless you know of some other possible infiltrator lurking about. There is a difference, Duke Arden. And, I did not report the attack on me because the realm has more important things to worry about. I have a past on this island Duke, not to mention a bounty out for my head. I've been expecting someone to come after me nearly a year and a half now.

Though I must admit it concerns me how easily you distrust your own realm members. Perhaps someone should let them know that their Duke and General does not trust them to follow orders? Not to mention I can assure you that no one of his caliber can assume control of a realm, the burocrats wouldn't take to someone of so little renown running a realm, let alone a city.

If you want to bring my loyalty into question, we can go over it once more. My loyalty is to my Faith, to Order, and to the gods Tyr and Zisa. Would you like to question my faith? The same faith that I have spent months preaching to the commoner of Ordenstaat? The same faith that helped reinforce the realm in it's early days, when there were only a handful of us here.

If we are compromised by his being a knight of Thysan, we were compromised by him just joining the realm. His owing allegiance to me increases the chances he'll mess up by solely giving him more chances to do so. Better than him just sitting in Rettleville all day long, the region that every noble of this realm has to go through at one point or another. If he's a saboteur, that's the LAST place we want him, correct? Or has my strategic mind left me in these past months, Duke?
Zanaras Tian (Baron of Thysan)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

As guilty as hell.

Brother Zanaras,

You compare us to saboteurs, infiltrators and rebels? You cannot take two different situations and try to make a connection. I did give Sir Renquest a chance. I told him that his reputation preceded him and asked him what exactly it was he has to offer Ordenstaat. He chose to remain silent. Anyone who chooses to remain silent when given an opportunity to defend himself or correct a misperception is guilty as hell.

People should be given a chance - just not a chance to rebel. Would you not agree that is our duty is to cleanse the world of treacherous men given in to chaos as Sir Renquest is? Would you not agree that we must always watch over our people, and ensure that Chaos will never rise again? Answer me this.

As for the attack on you, you did not say that it was probable. You said he was probably the one who attacked you. Probable indicates possibility. Probably denotes likelihood. Check your notes - and yes, there is a difference. Keeping such information as an attack on our nobles and a member of the Brotherhood with the reason that the realm has more important things to worry about is another unconvincing reason like the one about not wanting to upset the balance in you region. An attack is an important thing to worry about. Should you not be able to discern this, kindly leave it to the rest of us to decide.

It is your poor judgement in this matter that is being called into question - not your loyalty. You have made your loyalty to the Order of St. Iestyn clear enough yet you requested to be in the Brotherhood against Brotherhood regulations. What then if there were a conflict of interest as in the last rebellion? Choose to be loyal and support the Brotherhood or remain neutral and support whoever comes to power as long as they profess the same faith? Shall you let us know now or ... when the time comes?

Who says he must be of a certain calibre to rule a realm? Anyone can rule a realm - what kind of realm is ruled depends on the ruler in question. Do you not know the powers of instigation? Did you not yourself come into power in Thysan in this very manner? Can you not see all possibilities as you say you do and picture him rousing the realm or a handful of disgruntled nobles to rise up?

Trust is earned not gained. Who I trust or not is a matter of realm security. What is more important is how easily some nobles earn that distrust by keeping silent. You mention orders? I specifically said not to include Sir Renquest in the army and you are telling me that you will send him to serve in the army as and when you see fit. Would a formal order change your mind? You would use bureaucracy and red tape to deny me the right as sponsor to decide the composition of the Inferi Hunters?

The tax is to send a message that I find your judgement in this matter to be in error - a grave mistake, one that could cost us the realm. Let me know if the low tax is sending the wrong message.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Zanaras Tian
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

The facts of life.

Everyone has the chance to rebel, Duke Arden. This is a fact of life. There is not a noble in the realm that does not know who to contact to do so. They have meeting places in almost every region of the realm, just sometimes they are more careful.

Perhaps he missed your message? He's been fairly talkative with me.

As for the rebellion, it was true that I did not want to upset the balance of my region. How would I know that it may not have anyways, regardless of whether I joined the loyalists or not? I do not possess the power to predict the future Duke, and neither do you. On a side note, he claimed to have visions, I was interested enough to not simply say he was wrong immediately. I am a man of faith, Duke. He never did reply, but that is another thing I did not have the power to know at the time.

And I never compared anyone to rebels. I would really like to know how you got that out of my messages. If I implied that, it was unintentional.

If you want to talk about possibility though, there's a possibility it could have just as easily been a daemon, or perhaps one of those rebels from a while back. Who knows? Not me.

I see many possibilities, many of them are very remote. He is new, the only ones he'd be able to sway are also new. Anyone who has been here for sometime should be able to realize that. Not to mention, I'm sure he'll be able to take the capital on his own receiving a paltry 15 gold a week.

I haven't added him to the army yet have I? Perhaps you may have thought that the time I would see fit to add him would be when this discussion of his loyalty was over? I guess not though.
Zanaras Tian (Baron of Thysan)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in message group "The Brotherhood"

Once bitten, twice shy.

Brother Arden is heard to fume in his private chambers:

Visions? Visions?! That was what Xiahou said! And now, Renquest?

Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)

Letter from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Pruned of dead leaves, the tree of Ordenstaat may flourish as a beacon in western Dwilight and stand tall as a bastion against the daimon horde in the west.

Nobles of Ordenstaat

It is a fact of life when nobles come and nobles go - and we have seen a great many come and go. It is the way of Ordenstaat to sift the wheat from the chaff. It is a test of their patience, resolve and determination for qualities such as these are needed to survive and prosper in our realm. Even some of those who have made it to lordship have fallen by the way and disappeared into obscurity.

Nobles new to the realm are usually welcomed - but on my part only after they have introduced themselves. Questions asked are always welcomed. Even better are questions asked to seek understanding. To assume something without asking needs no response but ours is a courteous realm and different nobles have different ways of asking - some nobler, some less so.

Study the history of Ordenstaat. The foundations of this realm is built on solid rock. There is no shaking it. Grand Master Milmice is still the Grand Master of Ordenstaat in all but name. He has relieved himself of rulership for personal reasons and wished that Lord Eddard assume his responsibilites temporarily as steward, much like the steward who replaced Grand Duke Leon in the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Lord Eddard may rename his title to Steward or he may not - it is his prerogative but Grand Master Milmice will be back. As for the reasons for the changes and appointments the realm council has its reasons. Not everything can be shared with the realm. We are a monarchy and the ruler is supreme.

Loyalty is cherished. Rebels are not. As Duke, I have been granted power to appoint the ruler in the event of a vacancy. With that power, I could have appointed myself as ruler. But I did not. For we co-operate in this realm as an unshaking core whilst the disbelieving and unfaithful fall by the wayside. Pruned of dead leaves, the tree of Ordenstaat may flourish as a beacon in western Dwilight and stand tall as a bastion against the daimon horde in the west.

Lord Eddard has requested that he have access to more detailed information on the army and I have granted him access but protocol must still be observed and as SiC of the Inferi Hunters, the information will be available to him. As sponsor of the Inferi Hunters it is my right to appoint - as I have appointed Lord Zeromus as Marshal before and will reappoint him as soon as his duties in the capital are finished.

Study the laws of Ordenstaat. Study the laws of the Ordenstaat/Brotherhood. The Order of St. Iestyn is not the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood is not the Order of St. Iestyn.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters)

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

Victory in defeat? How he would love to learn that secret..

Somewhere in Rettleville...

Duke Arden read the reports and sighed. Twainwood has been brutally taken over by the rogues after Bishop Zanaras gave up his lordship and proclaimed himself Duke of Twainville.

Now Twainville has been cut off from the rest of Ordenstaat by a horde of angry monsters. With food running out and no safe passage to send food, things were looking bleak indeed.

Arden wondered what the Bishop was thinking as he surveyed the ravenous beasts outside the city, hungry no doubt for his blood. Was the city worth it to be stuck now with no military support in sight?

The Bishop had asked support to retake Twainwood and re-establish a supply route but there was the matter of a few hundred monsters and undead in the way in at least two interconnecting regions.

He had complained to the Brotherhood that the army was just sitting in the capital. Which army was that? Surely he could not be referring to his own, ah... private army?

Arden could still hear the Bishop's words leaping from the pages of his letter to the Brotherhood:

"I heard stories of smaller armies defeating larger armies, I saw a realm fight not just one war on one side, but two wars on opposite sides, and still hold their own. Ordenstaat has not yet learned such skill in war, but in due time you will realize it is possible for you to attack Rettlewood and win. Some believe there is only victory in victory, I grew up knowing there was also victory in defeat as well."

Arden sighed yet again. The good Bishop was once again considerably vague in the details. Victory in defeat? How he would love to learn that secret. No, Bishop Zanaras was here to stay. At least until he knew he was capable of taking on a bigger challenge - a challenge that Arden had thrown to him: To venture forth into Volcano Nightscree and become only the second person in the history of the known world to get himself... ah, but that would be stealing his thunder and glory. Arden could be generous and wait for that day to announce itself.

"Captain Stephan!" Arden called out.

"General Arden?", Stephan came hurrying up. He was from the old military school of thought and didn't allow fancy terms to confuse him.

"How is the progress of the army of Inferi Hunters under command of Marshal Zeromus?"

"It is coming along nicely, my Lord. Another week and we shall be back to our full strength", replied the captain.

Soon, Arden thought. But for now, we must hone our skills.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville)