Da Hadez Family/Erisha

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< Da Hadez Family
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The House Da Hadez originates in the realm of Darka on the continent of Atamara.

Erisha Da Hadez


Erisha Da Hadez is the second child of the Darkan war hero Luthor Da Hadez and his first wife, Luessa.

Though she is known for her thoughtfulness, fairness and honour she displays strength and ruthlessness when required.

Her father, Luthor Da Hadez was delighted to be presented with a daughter and upon seeing her for the first time his son Balian knelt next to her crib and solemnly swore that he would defend her with his life.

Despite her half-brother Balian's derisive asides and their father's disapproval her younger brother, Severn passed on to her all he could learn about the art of warfare and the code of the nobleman. They would patrol the family estates together, hunting vermin, wolves and poachers. She spent her childhood nights reading tales of far-off lands and later in the more reputable taverns talking to the wanderers and merchants.

On her 20th birthday Erisha met a merchant from the colonies who was seeking a bodyguard to escort him on his journey home. There was a border war raging at that time and Lord Da Hadez could spare no men. Upon hearing this news Erisha offered her services. After some heated debate Lord Da Hadez agreed to this proposition although it took the merchant some convincing (and a crossbow bolt through the hat from 40 feet) to accept that a young woman could indeed be adequate protection for his gold and jewels. Although it was always Erisha's intention to return to Darka after a few weeks exploring the colonies she has shown no intent to leave and has settled in the quiet town of Iglavik in the realm of Oritolon.

Having served some time as Judge and (briefly) as Prime Minister of Oritlon Erisha was appointed Minister of Defence during an attack on Oritolon by the combined armies of neighbouring theocracies Alowca and Alebad.

However, Erisha soon found that the cautious nature of the Oritolon military hierarchy was incompatible with the more direct and ruthless style of warfare she had learned in Darka and she soon stepped down from the position and returned to the role of regular soldier.

When the idea was raised that Oritolon should find some way of countering the theocratic preachings of their enemies it was Erisha who proposed that the official state religion should not be a religion as such but more a philosophy that encouraged honourable behaviour and allowed all people the freedom to believe in whatever gods they wished - on the condition that they did not try and force that belief on others. Thus was The Path of Chivalry born.


  • Physical Age:51 years
  • Character Class:Warrior/Hero
  • Member of Realm:Oritolon
  • Lord of: Iglavik
  • Rank:Baroness
  • Titles:
  • Liege:Cleatus Maggot
  • Honour:164
  • Prestige:43
  • Attributes


Hero's Lament


Commissioned by Baroness Erisha Da Hadez of Iglavik on the eve of the battle of Grentzen.

Come sit by me and dry your tears,
It is not right my love,
To weep, to sob, to grieve tonight,
For those who's time hath come.

The enemy may promise death,
But they shall always fear,
A simple farmer taking arms,
To save what he holds dear.

I can but hope the scribes will write,
Of deeds that we have done,
Pray cast those words as lullabys,
And sing them to our son.

The fields of Grentzen call to me,
And I cannot ignore,
The legacy of peace hard won,
By those who went before.

Now day is near and I must go,
Must leave your warm embrace,
It is not my fate that saddens me,
But the tears upon your face.

The dawn may separate us love,
As a stream around a stone,
But the streams will meet again, my love,
And never be alone.